
What conditions are needed to raise shrimp?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the continuous development and growth of China's aquaculture industry, more and more people begin to develop in the aquaculture industry. Lobster farming is not only a good development at present, but also an aquaculture industry with large market demand, so many people pay attention to the lobster industry.

With the continuous development and growth of China's aquaculture industry, more and more people begin to develop in the aquaculture industry. Lobster farming is not only a good development at present, but also an aquaculture industry with relatively large market demand. therefore, many people pay attention to the lobster industry.

What conditions are needed to raise shrimp?

If you raise freshwater shrimp, it is very important to choose the location first. Shrimp culture needs the surrounding water is good, it is best that there are not many other shrimp farmers near their own shrimp ponds, so that you can ensure that you have a better water source to exchange water during the peak growth period.

Benefits of Lobster Culture in Paddy Field

1. Increase production and income. In general, rice fields with lobsters can increase production by 10-30% per 667 square meters, and lobster production can reach 250 kg-500 kg per 667 square meters.

2. Weeding saves time. Lobsters in rice fields can eat wild weeds and aquatic organisms that consume fertilizer in the fields, but never eat rice seedlings, which not only saves the labor of weeding, but also eliminates mosquitoes and other larvae that harm human beings and animals.

3. Keep fat and gain weight. Lobster moving back and forth in rice, foraging can not only help paddy fields loosen soil, live water, ventilation, but also increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in field water, at the same time, through metabolism to discharge a large amount of feces, played a fattening effect.

Feeding and Management of Lobster in Paddy Field

1. Feed. Lobster eating miscellaneous, meat, concentrate, green feed, commonly used feed meat are snail, clam, wild miscellaneous fish and shrimp, animal blood, livestock and poultry scraps, green feed includes water, land grass, melon peel, vegetable scraps, etc., concentrate feed has wheat, corn, grain. Intensive feeding should be matched reasonably, usually twice a day, mainly in the afternoon and evening. The feeding amount is 3-5% of the body weight of shrimp, and shrimp raised in rice fields should also be fed regularly, positioned, qualitatively and quantitatively. Lobster feeding should be checked at ordinary times. The bait fed on the same day is finished within 2-3 hours, indicating that the feeding amount is insufficient and should be appropriately increased. If there is leftover bait the next day, the amount of bait should be appropriately reduced.

2. Get rid of the enemy. Raising lobsters in rice fields has many harmful effects, such as water axe insects, water centipedes, snakes, frogs, water rats, eels and so on. Because the water is shallow, and lobster shelling is the most likely to become palatable bait for enemies, domestic ducks should be prohibited from going into the fields to avoid lobster losses.

3. Fishing. Fishing lobster land cage for repeated fishing, lobster harvest season generally has a higher temperature, can be used in the morning and evening to avoid damage to the lobster.

Matters needing attention in lobster culture

1. Strictly clean the pond and disinfect it. The shrimp pond should be exposed to the sun for 15-20 days until the surface of the pond is dry and cracked. Two weeks before planting, a small amount of water was injected, the bottom of the pond was evenly scattered after melting with 100kg quicklime per mu, and the bottom was raked once in the silt by artificial method, and the whole bottom was covered with water every few days, sprinkled in the whole pool with 2kg chlorine dioxide and soaked 50kg rapeseed cake per mu, 2-3 days later, the disinfection water was released, the pool was sunburned for 3-5 days, and then filtered and injected with new water.

2. Improve the pond conditions of lobster culture. The environment, area, water depth, water quality index and other basic conditions of the culture pond should meet the GB/T18407.4 standard. The water source does not have any pollution, the water quantity is sufficient, the water quality conforms to the NY5051 standard, the intake and drainage is convenient. The shrimp pond is rectangular, broad and sunny, with a flat bottom, sandy soil or loam. During the shrimp growth period, the PH value, ammonia nitrogen content, nitrite content and dissolved oxygen of shrimp pond water quality can not exceed the standard.

3. Choose and buy high-quality shrimp seedlings. Before selecting and purchasing shrimp seedlings, it is necessary to investigate the production license, credibility and parent shrimp sources of the seedling farm, the cultivation of shrimp seedlings sold over the years, the use of drugs during the breeding period, and so on. Shrimp seedlings should be tested by the inspection and quarantine department before leaving the scene, and do not enter the seedlings from the epidemic area to prevent pathogens from entering.

4. Strengthen the management of water quality. Appropriate water supplement and fertilization during lobster culture, maintain a certain degree of fertility of water quality, adjust the composition of algae in the water, make green algae or diatoms become the dominant population, and open to a certain number. The indexes such as dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and PH value are measured every 7-10 days. If a certain index is uncomfortable, relevant measures should be taken in time. After one month of stocking, the shrimp seedlings should use the microbial preparation once every 10-15 days to remove the harmful substances in the pond; after two months of culture, attention should be paid to improving the substrate, such as using the substrate modifier, turning on the aerator to increase oxygen, and so on.

5. Choose and feed. Select large-scale, stable quality, palatable nutritious feed varieties to meet the nutritional needs of each growth stage. Enhance the immune function of shrimp, resist the invasion of pathogens and environmental mutation. Feeding should insist on eating more and less, and assist to feed live bait 1-2 times a week (small miscellaneous fish, snails, clams, clams, etc.). And often periodically add immune polysaccharides, shrimp multi-dimensional, etc., to enhance disease resistance and anti-allergy ability.

6. Scientific prevention and treatment of diseases. The disease prevention and control of lobster culture should be transformed into many aspects of prevention, management and health care. During the culture period, we should adhere to the morning and evening pond inspection, observe the occurrence of shrimp disease, but also understand the occurrence of shrimp disease near and around the culture area, and take relevant measures in time to find problems. During the growth period, every 15-20 days, use bromochlorohydantoin spray disinfection in the whole pool, can also be disinfected with quicklime, but the dosage and frequency should not be too much. The drug use in shrimp ponds strictly complies with NY5001 and NY5007 standards.

It can be seen that lobster culture is an investment project with low threshold, short cycle and high return, but although the threshold for lobster culture is low, it does not mean that it is very simple and requires careful efforts and efforts of farmers.