
Technology of shrimp culture in seawater

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the continuous development of China's aquaculture industry, lobster culture is a good project at present. There are many techniques for shrimp culture on the market, but which technology is better? This requires the breeders to grope for themselves and find the most suitable one for themselves.

With the continuous development of China's aquaculture industry, lobster culture is a good project at present. There are many techniques for shrimp culture on the market, but which technology is better? This requires farmers to explore their own, to find the most suitable for their own way of breeding.

Technology of shrimp culture in seawater

The specific gravity of sea water is 1.018-1.023, the pH value is 8.0, the water temperature is 18 ℃ ~ 32 ℃, the transparency of sea water is more than 8 meters, there is no pollution source in the surrounding coastal zone, the average water depth in the culture pond is more than 2 meters, and the pond bottom is gravel bottom with natural reef crevice and artificial stone throwing cave. Set up another cage outside the pool as a preparation for temporary maintenance.

How can cultured freshwater lobster meet the water quality requirements

The disease resistance of water lobster is strong, basically there will not be any major diseases, but it has higher requirements for water quality. The quality of water quality will directly affect the normal growth and development of freshwater lobster, and the effect of water quality on lobster yield can not be ignored. Therefore, farmers should pay attention to the water quality and the bottom environment in the process of culturing freshwater lobster to ensure the freshness of the water quality.

The main results are as follows: 1. The transparency is controlled at 25cm to 40cm, and the requirements are different in different stages or seasons. The water quality of young shrimp should be fatter before development and lighter during the high temperature period or before fishing.

2. During the period of breeding freshwater lobster, it is necessary to sprinkle quicklime solution regularly to adjust the water quality so as to facilitate the molting of freshwater lobster. It is best to control the pH value at 7, 5 to 8, 5.

3. Pay attention to the change of water temperature. When the weather is too cold or overheated, the pool water can be properly deepened to keep the water temperature low and normal in order to prevent the occurrence of extreme temperature. In the hot season from June to August, you need to change the water every 5 to 7 days, each time the amount of water is guaranteed to be 20-30% of the pool water, if it is not convenient to change water frequently, you can also add new water regularly.

4. The water dissolved oxygen content of the pool water is not lower than 2mg/L. If the water dissolved oxygen content is very low in thunderstorm, muggy days, continuous cloudy days and other bad weather, bait should be reduced or stopped. The same is true when the water quality deteriorates.

How to do disease prevention in freshwater lobster culture

1. The foundation of the pond should be done well, the pond should be cleaned and disinfected, and the week of the pond should be carefully cleaned so that there are no weeds and wastes.

2. When selecting shrimp seedlings, you should be strong, and if you are thin and weak, you need to find a way to mark them thick as soon as possible, otherwise there is no hope.

3. When managing water quality, freshwater lobster culture has high requirements for water quality, so the water quality should be "fat, live, tender and cool".

4. The sudden change of the weather will affect the change of the water temperature of the pool water, resulting in the inadaptation of the lobster, which can easily lead to death and epidemic disease.

5. When putting into feed, we must pay attention to the dosage, do less rather than more, and always adhere to the use of high-quality feed. If the farmers' cost conditions permit, they can often feed shrimp and crab Duowei Bao.

Crayfish culture cycle

Depending on the water temperature, the breeding period of lobster is somewhat different from that of ordinary animals. generally, the breeding period of lobster is mostly in spring, while the breeding period of lobster is mostly in autumn, and the seedlings can only grow from winter to summer, because the water temperature is low in winter. Seedlings grow slowly, even not long. If the water temperature is right, nutritious lobster can grow in only 50-70 days.

It also depends on the situation. if the wild ones reproduce very fast, release the shrimp in March-April and directly let the prawns reproduce freely. They can be caught around June, and can be caught every day in the future.

Artificially bred varieties grow faster, and the growth cycle of "Huafeng 9" in Wuhan Huayufeng Aquatic Farm can grow to 50-70 grams in 60-90 days.

Although there are many ways to cultivate crayfish, the success of each method is inseparable from the efforts and efforts of the breeders, so farmers must not look for shortcuts for convenience, knowing that there are no shortcuts to success.