
Mulberry planting and sericulture techniques

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting mulberry and sericulture has been on the rise in ancient China. It can be said that our country is a big silk country. Our silk is not only produced and sold by ourselves, but even exported to foreign countries. For so many years, silk has been in a state that supply exceeds demand. Therefore, the market for sericulture

Planting mulberry and sericulture has been on the rise in ancient China. It can be said that our country is a big silk country. Our silk is not only produced and sold by ourselves, but even exported to foreign countries. For so many years, silk has been in short supply, so the market for sericulture is very good.

The growth and growth environment of mulberry

1. Temperature: Mulberry trees need to be in a certain temperature range in order to grow normally. Mulberry root began to breathe when the temperature was above 5 ℃. When the air temperature was above 12 ℃ and sufficient water, the winter buds germinated, and the growth of branches and leaves accelerated with the increase of temperature at 25 ℃-30 ℃.

2. Illumination: Mulberry is a sunny plant. It needs enough sunlight to carry out photosynthesis better and to grow normally.

3. Moisture: the water content of the whole mulberry tree accounts for 60%, the lack of water will hinder the growth of mulberry roots and new pins, the leaves wither and droop, and when serious, they wither and yellow and fall off; too much water, poor soil permeability, lack of oxygen, poor leaf quality, poor mulberry growth, too long flooding will also cause mulberry death, mulberry leaves with too much water are not good for sericulture. Mulberry is a deep-rooted plant with tolerance to drought and waterlogging, so when selecting mulberry garden, the groundwater level should be below 3 meters below the ground, because most of the roots of mulberry are distributed in the upper layer of 20m / 30cm below the surface.

4. Air: air is also an indispensable element in mulberry physiological activities. Mulberry trees need to inhale oxygen at night and CO2 in the daytime to carry out photosynthesis and produce nutrients.

5. Mulberry growth needs all kinds of nutrient elements, which mainly refers to N, P and K. N: is the main component of protein synthesis in mulberry leaves. P: it can promote cell division, rhizome growth, chlorophyll formation, and enhance the stress resistance of the tree. K: facilitate the transport of nutrients, enrich the rhizome and promote maturity. In addition to the above main elements, trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, zinc, iron, copper and manganese are needed.

6. Soil: soil is the basis of mulberry growth, and its growth is closely related to soil structure, PH value, moisture and nutrients. Mulberry has strong adaptability, which can grow in the range of PH 4.5, that is, it can grow in acidic and alkaline soil, sandy soil and red loam can grow, but it grows best in neutral sandy loam.

The method of replanting mulberry seedlings

1. The selection and arrangement of seedling land should choose sandy loam with sufficient sunshine, good ventilation, flat terrain close to water source and no harm of bacterial wilt. Before sowing, the land should be turned over, and the rotten organic fertilizer 40MI80 per mu should be used as base fertilizer. The nursery bed is 5 inches high and 4 feet wide, and the working line is one foot. It is shaped like a turtle to prevent stagnant water.

Second, sowing time and method

1. Period: spring sowing and autumn sowing in our province are divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing, spring sowing before and after the Qingming Festival (that is, late March-early April), early sowing is better, no later than the end of April, because it is washed away by Rain Water later, the high temperature will kill the tender seedlings. Autumn sowing before and after the Autumn Equinox (that is, late September), it is also appropriate to catch early, but not too early, autumn sowing temperature is high, drought should strengthen fertilizer and water management.

2. Methods. Sowing: about 2 jin of mulberry seeds per mu: 1.2 kg of mulberry seeds per mu, 1 cm × 1 cm deep and 1 cm wide, and 1720 cm apart. In order to spread the seeds evenly, you can mix 5 times fine sand or fine soil, spread a thin layer of plant ash, cover the grass section, spray water, uncover the grass after two leaves, or use the sunshade net.

Matters needing attention in growing mulberry

1. For the preparation of mulberry seedlings, self-propagating mulberry seedlings are best during the dormant period of mulberry trees in winter. if you buy seedlings, you should buy seedlings without disease (especially bacterial wilt). Do not hurt roots and branches, as many roots as possible, and do not blow, insolate or accumulate fever.

2. During the planting period, it can be planted all the year round, and it is used to planting in winter and spring, as well as after summer and autumn. Winter planting is mostly in the period of Lesser Cold-Greater Cold (early January of the Gregorian calendar).

3. Planting density general hybrid mulberry 5000 trees per mu, with single row and wide and narrow row planting, single row planting is beneficial to weeding, ploughing and fertilization, heading to the best east-west direction, and conducive to light. The specifications of single-row species: row spacing 1.8-2 feet, plant spacing 0.3-0.4 feet.

Matters needing attention in the period of fertilization

1. Application of basic fertilizer in winter: combined with ploughing and tanning, organic fertilizer was applied in the first and middle of December.

2. Re-application of spring bud fertilizer: when mulberry sprouts up to 2-3 inches in spring, apply quick-acting fertilizer in time, 50-70 jin of ammonium sulfate per mu, or 20-30 jin of ammonium bicarbonate or urea in human and animal feces.

3. Applying topdressing in summer, the temperature is high, there are many Rain Water, and the mulberry grows fast.

4. Supplementary fertilization in autumn: the general requirement of fertilization is to make mulberry and fertilizer so as to prevent excessive application of N fertilizer. N.P.K should be combined with organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, and both should be applied together. It takes 15 days to pick leaves and raise silkworms after fertilization, otherwise the absorbed fertilizer is not converted and is harmful to silkworms.

Environment and feed requirements for sericulture

1. Temperature: the silkworm has no fixed body temperature, is controlled by external temperature, and is regulated by the evaporation of heat and water produced by metabolism in the body. The temperature directly affects the physiological activity, growth and development of silkworm. The temperature for normal growth and development of silkworm is 20-28 ℃. Too high or too low will cause physiological obstacles, which will lead to dysplasia and death of silkworms. Young silkworms have strong resistance to high temperature, while strong silkworms have weak resistance to high temperature. Therefore, the temperature should be adjusted with the change of silkworm age. The general temperature requirements for raising bisexual varieties are 1-2 years old, 26-28 ℃. 3 years old, 25-27 ℃. 4-5 years old, 23-25 ℃

2. Humidity: the requirement for humidity is 1-2 years old, 80-85%. 3 years old, 75-80%. 4-5 years old, 70-75%.

3. Air (airflow): pay attention to the freshness and ventilation of the air, with a certain amount of airflow.

4. Light: light has an effect on hatching. Small silkworms have phototaxis, big silkworms have backlight, under the condition of light, silkworm feed increases, age prolongs, total silkworm weight and yield increase. If the small silkworm is raised in Ming, the sand silkworm is reduced, which is beneficial to the preservation of silkworm head. if the light is uniform on the cluster, it will reduce the double palace silkworm and improve the cocoon rate.

5. feed light green leaves in the first instar (4th leaf from top to bottom) thick green leaves in 2nd instar (5-6 leaves from top to bottom), 3-eye leaves in 3rd instar and blind selected leaves (7-8 leaves from top to bottom). Leaves except tender leaves, niye leaves, yellow leaves and pest leaves can be used in the fourth to fifth instar. In order to improve the silkworm rearing in spring and increase the rearing quantity of head production, the temperature of head production in spring is low, so in winter mulberry pruning type, more big tree tail mulberry can be left as mulberry for young silkworms.

Sericulture technology

1. Green promotion and ant collection

① to promote green: the so-called green is to protect the silkworm eggs out of the warehouse under reasonable environmental conditions, so that they can develop smoothly until the scheduled date of hatching. The ants can be collected after 11 days in spring and 10 days in autumn. If the seeds are soaked in acid immediately, the silkworms will emerge one day earlier. The methods and technical requirements of promoting youth. (slightly) the characteristics of silkworm eggs should pay attention to safety, sunscreen, heat protection, anti-contact with harmful gases.

② collecting ants: the silkworm eggs are sensitive to light in the morning. After the silkworms hatch, collect the ants at 8-9 am. Do not harm the ant silkworms.

2. The method of collecting ants:

① net collection method and cotton paper collection method;

There are mulberry introduction method, falling method and lodging mulberry introduction method in ② flat supplementary species. The queen should be seated according to the prescribed area. When a piece of silkworm eggs hatches neatly, the initial seating area is 0.1m2.

3. Feeding techniques:

① rearing silkworms well: a special silkworm room is required.

② raise big silkworms (strong silkworms): 20-word policy "small silkworm nylon breeding, big silkworm pit rearing, thorough fire control, full food and heat prevention."

Types of silkworm disease control

Infectious silkworm diseases: particle disease (original disease), bacteria (gastrointestinal disease, septicemia, poisoning), virus (purulent disease, pyogenic nuclear disease, viral malacia), mycosis (white, aspergillus, green, thickening, brown, gray and other stiff diseases). In recent years, viral venereal diseases have appeared in rural areas, such as more pus, showing symptoms such as short, high section, fat male, dry white belly, these are midgut type and body cavity type purulent disease, most of them are infected in the middle and later stages of the fifth age, some upper clusters can not form cocoons, some can not pupate, bring great losses to production.

Second, non-infectious silkworm diseases: parasitic diseases (multiple myiasis, wall lice disease), poisoning (pesticides, toxic gases), stabbing (mulberry caterpillar, diamondback moth), trauma, physiologically leading to the disease. Polymyiasis is the most common disease in silkworm area of Guangdong.

Third, there are many kinds of silkworm disease in the comprehensive control of silkworm disease, and the prevention and control methods are different. at present, once the silkworm disease occurs, the possibility of cure is not big, and the effect is not ideal. therefore, the silkworm disease is still the policy of prevention and control.

① was thoroughly disinfected to eliminate pathogens and cut off the route of infection. The treatment of environment, dead silkworm, rotten silkworm and silkworm sand, the disinfection of sericulture utensils, the disinfection of silkworm pedestal, the prevention and control of mulberry diseases and insect pests should be strengthened and disease prevention measures should be carried out.

② strengthens the management, strengthens the silkworm's physique, enhances the silkworm's disease resistance.

③ diagnosed the disease in time, found out the cause and controlled its spread.

In the process of sericulture, the most important thing is about the methods of disease prevention and treatment. I hope the above introduction can help the novice sericulture, but in the actual process of sericulture, the editor still suggests that we should communicate with each other successfully and learn their successful experience.