
The Agricultural Fair version of Internet + 's Modern Agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The 13th China International Agricultural products Fair, with the theme of "adjusting structure and changing mode, developing modern agriculture", not only focused on the application achievements of agricultural Internet of things, agricultural big data, agricultural cloud, agricultural e-commerce, etc., but also became a hall of discussion and exchange.

The 13th China International Agricultural products Fair, with the theme of "adjusting the structure and changing the mode, developing modern agriculture," not only focused on the application achievements of the Internet of things in agriculture, big data in agriculture, agricultural cloud, and e-commerce in agricultural products, but also became a "hall" for discussion and exchange. "Internet +" modern agriculture was given unlimited expectations.

From Informatization to "Internet +", the acceleration of Modern Agricultural engine

The integration of water and fertilizer, the video "consultation" of vegetable diseases and insect pests on the 12316 hotline. These achievements of agricultural informatization have attracted "onlookers" on the booth of the Agricultural Trade Fair. Today, the penetration and integration of the Internet and agriculture is accelerating and upgrading. The "senior audience" of the Agricultural Trade Fair will find that Beijing's "Nong Xin", which is famous for providing solutions to the Internet of things in agriculture in the past two years, has "sold" tea and navel oranges this year, and the China Farmers Group, which is famous for growing vegetables, has brought an e-commerce platform for "global eating" agricultural products. Beijing Baoxun Source Company, which provides information services to livestock "earmarks", relying on the data system platform of Animal Husbandry University, can also provide loans to farmers....

Expanding the space of the network economy, developing the sharing economy, and promoting the integration and development of the Internet and the economy and society, this requirement put forward by the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee for "promoting agricultural informatization" has been put into practice in the field of "Internet +" modern agriculture. These explorations stem from the forces of the market and also benefit from the release of a series of policy "dividends" such as the Internet + Action Plan.

"Internet +" has brought a historic development opportunity to the accelerated development of agricultural modernization, and is an important driving force and engine for speeding up the transformation of agricultural development mode under the current new normal. So, how to draw wisdom and strength from it? Where is its fulcrum and carrier? What and how should we "add"? People expect to find some ideas and answers at this agricultural fair.

From theory to practice, the carrier of "Internet +" modern agriculture is colorful.

During the current Agricultural Trade Fair, two "one drag three" activities with the theme of "Internet +" modern agriculture-- the 2015 Agricultural Informatization Summit Forum and the network media joint promotion activities are particularly eye-catching.

The three sub-forums respectively focused on the e-commerce of agricultural products, the quality and safety of agricultural products, and rural finance, and invited more than 30 industry experts, scholars, and people from business circles to discuss these "shortcomings" that urgently need to be broken through in the process of "Internet +" modern agricultural construction. carried out theoretical discussions and exchanges of experience.

In addition to the forum, online media joint promotion activities provide a broader communication space for exhibitors and exhibitors. In the "Internet +" Agricultural Fair section, the portal of the Ministry of Agriculture, the China Agricultural Information Network, and 31 provincial agricultural government websites jointly with more than 50 media units, including the central and local governments, have created a "never-ending online Agricultural Fair" from a new perspective and new media presentation. In the "Internet +" e-commerce section, viewers can experience the "offline landing" of agricultural e-commerce on the spot. In the "Internet +" market main body plate, many agriculture-related Internet enterprises "compete for wonder and beauty", demonstrating the main strength of "Internet +" modern agriculture.

The Tiandi net booth of traditional Chinese medicine, which is designed as a transparent "Chinese medicine shop", has attracted many people to stop. High-grade Chinese herbal medicines such as Cordyceps ginseng, more than 1000 varieties and more than 1000 specifications of Chinese herbal medicines are here for people to observe and compare. There is a "mysterious" traditional Chinese medicine can be so clear at a glance, thanks to the implementation of the "Electronic Trading Specification Standard for traditional Chinese Medicine products". This set of standards has created a precedent in the field of domestic e-commerce trading standards, realizing "so that people who do not know how to do it can also buy medicinal materials." Isn't this the best interpretation of open, shared Internet thinking?

Provide a variety of possible solutions from "watching the hustle and bustle" to "cold thinking"

A person in charge of the Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture said that the 2015 Agricultural Informatization Summit Forum set a record, with more than 1800 applicants and more than 2000 actual participants.

"Internet +" modern agriculture is the use of Internet technology and Internet thinking to promote agricultural innovation. Experts pointed out that it is necessary to establish a new concept of consumption-oriented agricultural development, give full play to the "catfish effect" of agricultural e-commerce to innovate the circulation pattern of agricultural products, and use big data to guide and regulate the production and consumption of agricultural products. the use of information means to promote agricultural management innovation.

Li Yong, chairman of Beijing-based "Nong Xin", believes that relying on the Internet of things platform to carry out crowdfunding to develop e-commerce for agricultural products and leisure and sightseeing agriculture is precisely to create a new ecosystem around the whole agricultural industry.

"Internet +" modern agriculture should be based on solving the practical problems of modern agricultural development. The participants held that it is necessary to strengthen tackling key scientific and technological problems and cultivate "new farmers." It is urgent to break through the bottleneck of e-commerce of fresh agricultural products, speed up the demonstration construction of the Internet of things in agriculture, break the fragmentation and eliminate the "isolated island of information", and develop Internet finance to support agriculture. Zhang synthetic, director of the Market Information Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, also pointed out in the "Internet +" entrepreneurship and innovation salon that new farmers are a new group and new force in the Internet era.

From "working alone" to "crowdfunding", co-building and sharing to promote deep integration

Of course, "Internet +" modern agriculture is a systematic project, which should not only give full play to the role of the main body of the market, but also strengthen the guiding and coordinating role of the government, so as to form an overall pattern of great unity and cooperation.

A good start is that at this forum, the National Agricultural Informatization Alliance was formally established, a cooperative organization of agricultural informatization jointly sponsored by the Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and 31 provincial agricultural information centers across the country. It has attracted more than 2500 units to join, with more than 60, 000 participants. Through the establishment of information think tanks, 30-person forums, training bases and other work plates, the alliance will form a mechanism for industry-university-research communication, exchange and cooperation, so as to drive the deep integration and development of informatization and agricultural modernization.

The Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture has put forward the development strategy of "two rounds" to drive the national agricultural big data, and is actively building "three centers and one base". That is, the Ministry of Agriculture E-Government Technology Center, the National Agricultural big data Development Center, the National Agricultural Informatization Promotion Center and the Agricultural Informatization Incubator Base, which will provide positive driving force and support for "Internet +" modern agriculture.