
Wang Yang: strengthening the leading role of Land Reclamation in Agricultural Modernization

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Wang Yang, Vice Premier of the State Council, published a signed article in People's Daily on November 16, saying that in order to promote agricultural modernization under the new historical conditions, we must firmly establish innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development in accordance with the requirements of the "proposal."

China Securities Network News Vice Premier Wang Yang published a signed article in the People's Daily on November 16, saying that in order to promote agricultural modernization under the new historical conditions, it is necessary to "firmly establish the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing" in accordance with the requirements of the "Proposal", solve development problems, plant development advantages,"strive to build a modern agricultural industrial system, production system and management system, and improve agricultural quality, efficiency and competitiveness". speed up the transformation of china from a large agricultural country to a powerful agricultural country.

The article puts forward that we should actively innovate and perfect the system and mechanism of modern agricultural development: innovate agricultural management mode; innovate rural property right system; innovate modern element support system such as science and technology.

The article said that coordinated promotion and improvement of the quality of modern agricultural industry: to promote the coordinated development of agriculture; to promote the coordinated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries to form a modern agricultural industrial system; to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas to form a pattern of integrated urban and rural development.

The article requires green development, promotion of agricultural resources protection and sustainable utilization, and comprehensive improvement of agricultural product quality and safety level.

The article also said that deepening opening up and making overall use of international and domestic agricultural markets and resources. Continuously expand the field of international agricultural cooperation, innovate cooperation methods, make full use of China's agricultural technology, experience, equipment and other advantages, promote agricultural development, participate in international agricultural development, especially strengthen agricultural cooperation with countries along the "Belt and Road", and improve cooperation and utilization of international agricultural resources.

At the end of the article, it is also said that we should strengthen the leading role of agricultural reclamation in agricultural modernization, make good use of supply and marketing cooperatives, a new force and comprehensive platform serving farmers 'production and life, and mobilize the enthusiasm of all kinds of market subjects to participate in modern agricultural construction and serve rural development.

The following is the full text:

Promoting Agricultural Modernization with New Concept of Development

wang yang

The Proposal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (hereinafter referred to as the Proposal) adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China puts forward clear requirements for vigorously promoting agricultural modernization. This is an important deployment made from the overall economic and social development of our country and with a view to realizing the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out many times that if a well-off society is not well-off, the key lies in fellow villagers. To build a well-off society in an all-round way, the most arduous and arduous task lies in rural areas; new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization are promoted simultaneously, and agricultural modernization is the weak link. Without agricultural modernization, rural prosperity and prosperity, and peasants living and working in peace and contentment, national modernization will be incomplete, incomplete and unstable. Agriculture is the foundation for building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing modernization. We must persist in solving the "three rural issues" as the top priority of the whole party's work, strengthen the policy of strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching farmers, and vigorously promote agricultural modernization.

In recent years, China's agricultural modernization level has been steadily improved, which has effectively promoted the stable development of agriculture and the continuous increase of farmers 'income, laying a solid foundation for overcoming various difficulties and risks and maintaining the overall social stability. With China's economic development entering a new normal, economic growth has shifted from high speed to medium and high speed, and economic downward pressure has increased, putting forward new and higher requirements for agricultural modernization. It is not only necessary to stabilize agricultural production, guarantee the supply of agricultural products and create a good environment for economic and social development, but also to tap the consumption potential of rural residents, make good use of agricultural and rural investment space, and add new impetus to stable growth. From the perspective of agriculture itself, resource and environment constraints are becoming stronger and stronger, international competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and vigorously promoting agricultural modernization is also the inherent requirement of sustainable agricultural development.

In order to promote agricultural modernization under the new historical conditions, we must, in accordance with the requirements of the Proposal,"firmly establish the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing", solve development problems, plant development advantages,"focus on building a modern agricultural industrial system, production system and management system, and improve agricultural quality, efficiency and competitiveness", and accelerate the transformation of China from a large agricultural country to an agricultural power.

I. Actively innovate and improve the system and mechanism of modern agricultural development

Innovation is the first driving force leading development. To vigorously promote agricultural modernization, we must intensify innovation and strive to form a system and mechanism that adapts to the development of modern agriculture and meets the requirements of market economy.

We should innovate agricultural management methods. This is an objective requirement of agricultural modernization. The proposal emphasizes that "accelerate the transformation of agricultural development mode, develop various forms of moderate scale management, and play its leading role in modern agricultural construction." Too small a scale is the biggest constraint on China's agricultural modernization. Expanding the scale of agricultural management can introduce more modern production factors, management models and development concepts into agriculture, promote the application of agricultural machinery and scientific and technological achievements, open up agricultural products markets, and improve the level of agricultural organization, industrialization and marketization. We should actively use various forms such as professional cooperation, stock cooperation, land circulation, land shareholding, land trusteeship, etc. to develop moderate scale agricultural operation. Efforts will be made to cultivate new business entities, guide and support the development and growth of large farming households, family farms, farmers 'cooperatives and agricultural enterprises. From the perspective of China's national conditions, family management will occupy a basic position for a long time. We should speed up the development of operational services, do a good job in public welfare services, and perfect the agricultural socialized service system. This is also an effective way to develop scale management.

It is necessary to innovate the rural property right system. This is an important guarantee for agricultural modernization. The rural property rights system involves a wide range of areas, the most important of which is land property rights. The "proposal" proposes to "stabilize rural land contracting relations, improve the separation of land ownership, contracting rights, and management rights, and promote the orderly transfer of land management rights in accordance with the law." build a policy system for cultivating new types of agricultural operators, and deepen the reform of the rural land system. Improve the rural collective property rights. This further clarifies the main tasks of the reform of the rural property rights system, which is of great significance in activating elements such as rural land and promoting the optimal allocation of resources. We must adhere to collective ownership of rural land, unswervingly adhere to the basic rural management system, and safeguard farmers' right to contracted management of land in accordance with the law. It is necessary to comprehensively promote the expropriation of rural land, the introduction of collective construction land into the market, and the reform of the homestead system, and carry out the pilot project of the management right of rural contracted land and mortgage loans for farmers' housing property rights in a safe and orderly manner. We should actively develop and strengthen the collective economy and explore the effective realization form of the rural collective economy. We should protect the rights of members of farmers' collective economic organizations, give farmers the right to occupy, earn, withdraw and mortgage, guarantee and inherit the shares of collective assets, establish a rural property rights transfer market, and stimulate the vitality of rural development.

It is necessary to innovate the support system of modern elements such as science and technology. This is the inherent requirement of agricultural modernization. The "proposal" proposes to improve the "modern agricultural science and technology innovation and extension system", "develop the modern seed industry", promote the development and growth of the agricultural machinery and equipment industry, "improve the level of agricultural mechanization", "promote agricultural standardization and informatization", and so on. To promote the innovation of agricultural science and technology, we must deepen the reform of the agricultural science and technology system and improve the policy of encouraging scientific research and grass-roots agricultural technology extension personnel. Efforts should be made to break through a number of common key technologies and speed up the resolution of outstanding problems such as the upgrading of the modern seed industry, the mechanization of the whole production of major crops, and agricultural informatization. The application of agricultural science and technology and other modern elements inevitably requires the modernization of workers, attach importance to improving the comprehensive quality of farmers, train new professional farmers, and shift agricultural development to the track of mainly relying on scientific and technological progress and the improvement of the quality of workers. The promotion of agricultural modernization is inseparable from the support of finance, and it is necessary to "deepen rural financial reform, improve the agricultural insurance system" and improve the ability of credit and insurance to serve farmers through financial innovation.

Second, coordinate and promote to improve the quality of modern agricultural industry

Modern agriculture must be agriculture with reasonable internal structure and adapted to economic and social development. Therefore, to vigorously promote agricultural modernization, we must adhere to coordinated development.

It is necessary to promote the coordinated development within agriculture and form a modern agricultural production structure. In a large developing country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, ensuring national food security has always been the top priority of agricultural modernization. To this end, the "proposal" stresses: "adhere to the strictest cultivated land protection system, adhere to the red line of cultivated land, implement the strategy of storing grain on the ground and storing grain in technology, increase grain production capacity, and ensure basic self-sufficiency of grain and absolute safety of food rations. We will comprehensively delimit permanent basic farmland, promote irrigation and water conservancy, land renovation, the transformation of medium-and low-yield fields and the construction of high-standard farmland on a large scale, strengthen the construction of major agricultural production areas such as grain, and explore the establishment of functional areas for grain production and protection areas for the production of important agricultural products. If grain production is stabilized, the overall situation of agriculture will be stabilized, the supply of food rations will be guaranteed, food security will be basically guaranteed, and more resources can be allocated to develop diversified production. While emphasizing the increase of grain production capacity, the "proposal" clearly pointed out that "promoting the overall planning of grain economy and feeding and the integration of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing" has pointed out the direction for the adjustment of agricultural structure. Farmers should be encouraged to adjust the planting structure of crops and the structure of animal husbandry and aquaculture based on resource endowment and market demand, strive to meet the various needs of society for agricultural products, and constantly increase farmers' income. Give full play to regional comparative advantages, speed up the creation of leading agricultural products and pillar industries with regional characteristics, and optimize the regional layout of agriculture.

It is necessary to promote the coordinated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas and form a modern agricultural industrial system. The "proposal" proposes to promote "the integration of planting and cultivation, the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries", "promote the intensive processing of agricultural products and the development of agricultural and village service industries", "promote the construction of industrial chain and value chain, and develop various functions of agriculture. improve the comprehensive efficiency of agriculture. The coordinated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries is not only the new connotation of agricultural modernization, but also the key to improve the comprehensive efficiency of agriculture and increase farmers' income. We should pay attention to the introduction of new technologies, new business type, and new models, actively promote the value-added processing of agricultural products, speed up the development of modern circulation modes such as direct sales of orders, chain distribution, and e-commerce, and do everything possible to increase the added value of agriculture. we should excavate the ecological value, leisure value, and cultural value of agriculture, develop modern characteristic industries such as rural tourism, and constantly expand new areas of agricultural modernization.