
Summary of the reasons for the failure of Monopterus Albus Culture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Raising Monopterus Albus is also one of the special aquaculture, and the economic income of raising properly is higher than that of raising fish, so in rural aquaculture, the number of households raising Monopterus Albus has been expanding in recent years, but many farmers who raise Monopterus Albus have also failed. Check the reasons.

Raising eel is also one of the special aquaculture, raising proper economic benefit income is higher than fish farming, so in rural aquaculture, the number of raising eel households has been expanding in recent years, but there are also many failures in raising eel farmers. There are many reasons for this. Let's find out about it together with Xiaobian below!

A summary of the reasons for the failure of rice field eel culture

1. Random purchase of seedlings. The so-called "artificially cultured" seedlings or other so-called "high-quality" seedlings purchased by many farmers from other places are actually wild seedlings collected, and these seedlings are not scientifically operated due to temporary cultivation and multi-link storage and transportation, and the mortality rate in breeding is 90%~100%. Therefore, when purchasing seedlings, we must carefully investigate and identify them. General artificial breeding eel, should choose their own local high-quality seedlings, both economic, quality and protection.

2. No choice of varieties. From the outside, there are three types of ricefield eel: dark yellow with big spots, soil red with big spots, light yellow with fine spots, blue gray with fine spots, etc. Only by selecting the first two kinds can the ricefield eel have a faster growth speed and artificial culture can obtain ideal economic benefits.

3. Large and small mixed culture. In the same pool, the size of the mixed culture, small eel dare not compete for food and physical weakness or even death. When the bait is insufficient, the big eel devours the small eel. Therefore, although the big eel grows fast, the total yield of the pond is low.

4. The pool water is too deep. Because the eel has no swim bladder, it cannot float freely in different water layers to breathe air above the water surface. If the pool water is too deep, the eel needs to swim to the surface frequently to breathe and consume a lot of physical energy, which affects its normal life and growth. According to the size of eel, the water depth of pond culture should be 5~20 cm, and the net cage culture eel water grass should be filled with the whole net cage, so as to provide good habitat and respiratory conditions for eel.

5. Manure application in eel pond. Eel pond water is small, manure can easily damage the water quality, induce disease, so "improve water quality" is not worth the loss.

6. Neglecting the cultivation of aquatic plants. Water plants can cool eel and purify water quality. Eel ponds without aquatic plants cannot create a good ecological environment, and it is difficult to successfully cultivate eel, or to achieve high yield and high benefit.

7, feed "vegetarian" food. Some breeders feed eel with wheat bran, vegetable cake, bean dregs, rice, green vegetables and other plant vegetarian food. When they are seriously hungry and short of bait, eel will also swallow a small amount, but the nutrition can not meet the needs of eel life activities, let alone growth and weight gain, which will cause eel to gradually thin and die. Monopterus albus belongs to benthic ferocious carnivorous fish, should be fed animal feed or complete feed.

8. Frequent refueling. Often because of the lack of food security, often change the type of food feeding. The feed of eel should be stable to some extent. If the feed type is changed suddenly, eel will not adapt to it and refuse to feed, which will affect its normal production and growth.

How to breed eel

1. Environment to be paid attention to in eel cultivation

Should choose the place with sufficient water source and sunny weather all the year round, in terms of water quality, it is the key technology for breeding eel. Change the water frequently and keep good water quality. Change the water once every 3-5 days in spring and autumn and once every 1-2 days in summer. The water depth shall not be lower than 10 cm. The injected water temperature shall not exceed 5℃, so as not to cause death due to sudden drop in temperature.

II. Construction of eel pond

Eel pond construction, to choose a slightly higher terrain, irrigation convenient place to build ponds, mainly small, area of 5-20 square meters, or 30-60 square meters, pool depth 80-100 cm. Pool shape should be according to the east-west direction, in order to prevent escape can be another pool edge, surrounded by 30-50 cm higher than the ground, in the hard soil can not use brick, if the pool is built in soft soil, it is necessary to use brick bottom wall cement pointing.

30- 60cm of soil which has been loosened and hardened by sun exposure on the bottom pad is convenient for eel to dig holes and lurk. A water inlet is dug near the water source, and a water outlet is reserved at the lower end of the opposite side parallel to the bottom of the water. The water outlet shall be provided with fish-stopping net cloth to prevent eel from escaping. Aquatic plants such as Zizania latifolia, Alternanthera philippinensis and Artemisia annua can be planted on 1/3 of the water surface of the pond to provide shade for eel and improve the environment of the fish pond.

Nutritional Components of eel

eel is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid and other nutrients, its calcium, iron content in common freshwater fish ranks first, but also contains a variety of essential amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids beneficial to the human body, but also contains a small amount of fat, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other components, is a high protein low fat food.

1. eel is rich in DHA and lecithin, which are the main components of cell membranes of various organs and tissues of the human body, and are indispensable nutrients for brain cells.

2, eel contains low blood sugar and regulate blood sugar "eel element", and contains very little fat is an ideal food for diabetic patients

3, eel rich in vitamin A, can improve vision, promote the metabolism of the membrane.

The medicinal efficacy of eel

1, enhance memory: eel is rich in DHA and lecithin, regular intake of lecithin, memory can be improved by 20%. Therefore, eating eel meat has the effect of nourishing the brain and keeping fit.

2, ideal food for diabetic patients: it contains a special substance "eel element", can lower blood sugar and regulate blood sugar, has a good therapeutic effect on diabetes, plus contains very little fat, so it is an ideal food for diabetic patients.

3, protect vision: can improve vision, promote the metabolism of the skin.

4. eel is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of invigorating qi and nourishing blood, removing rheumatism, strengthening bones and muscles, strengthening yang, etc. It has remarkable effect on reducing cholesterol concentration in blood and preventing cardiovascular diseases caused by arteriosclerosis. It can also be used as an auxiliary treatment for facial paralysis, otitis media, breast swelling and pain, etc.

eel nutrition is very rich, so many people like to eat life, it is rich in nutrients. Therefore, its market prospect is very good, but in the process of eel breeding will also encounter various problems, so farmers should continue to summarize, continue to develop new breeding technology.