
Rich experience in raising tilapia

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, People often say that girls should be rich and boys should be poor. It is generally believed in the aquaculture community that the status of Penaeus vannamei is relatively delicate, and the market price is high, so it has to be treated in a rich way, while tilapia is born poor and cheap, and the market is positioned as a low-end fish.

People often say that girls should be rich and boys should be poor. It is generally believed in the aquaculture community that the status of Penaeus vannamei is relatively delicate, and the market price is high, so it has to be treated in a rich way, while tilapia is born poor and cheap, and the market is positioned as a low-end fish. However, Lu Hongxin, a tilapia farmer in Nanning, Guangxi, has adopted the way of raising South American white shrimp to enrich tilapia. His 30-mu fish pond produces more than 200000 jin of tilapia per year, with an average weight of 1.8jin and a profit of 2 yuan per jin. The annual profit income can reach 400000 yuan.

Select big company brand and large size fish fry culture to ensure that the first crop of fry quality is put into operation in March, the seedling size is 3 inch ~ 4 inch per tail, and the seedling price is 0.5 ~ 0.55 yuan per tail. In order to reduce fish disease and growth rate, Lu Hongxin's seedling density will not be too high, 2000 fish per mu, and the fish will be caught in dry ponds from the end of July to the beginning of August. After catching the fish in the second crop in August, the seedling specifications are also 3-4 inches per tail, and the seedling price is slightly lower than that of the first crop, generally 0.4 yuan per tail. If the seedling farm is unable to supply large-size fish fry, then buy about 10 fish fry from May to June and then put them into the pond for culture. In order to prevent hepatobiliary disease or streptococcal disease, Lu Hongxin used probiotics and enzyme bacteria to feed the fish, and allicin was used to recuperate the intestines and stomach of tilapia. Probiotic dosage: 100kg mixed with 2 jin of EM bacteria or 100kg feed plus 10% enzyme bacteria, fed with probiotics every 3 days (2 meals a day, one meal in the morning and one in the evening). Garlicin dosage: according to the instructions to promote growth and recuperation of intestines and stomach formula usage: 1 ton feed add 200 grams of allicin mixture, once every semimonthly, each course of treatment for 3 ~ 5 days. In the period of high water temperature and frequent occurrence of streptococcosis, the feces of tilapia appeared "strip" phenomenon, which showed that tilapia had indigestion. At this time, allicin should be used according to the therapeutic formula, and 350 ~ 400 grams of allicin should be added to 1 ton feed for 3 ~ 5 days (a course of treatment). Lu Hongxin said that it is very important to keep sufficient oxygen in the pond and not to float the head of tilapia, so it is important to turn on the oxygen machine every day. His practice often puzzled farmers around him, who told Lu Hongxin that tilapia is easy to raise and there is no need to create such good conditions for it. Whenever he heard these words, Lu Hongxin disagreed and warned his colleagues that there could be no less oxygen. He said that if the dissolved oxygen in the water is insufficient, the harmful substances in the water accumulate, or if the low temperature Rain Water sinks to the bottom of the pond after rainfall, the toxic substances rise to the bottom, and these toxic substances are not in time. Tilapia body poisoning, do not eat, physical decline and finally get sick and even die. Every 6 mu pond is equipped with a 3-kilowatt aerator, which starts at 4 ∶ 008 ∶ 00 in the morning and 1 ∶ 30004 ∶ 00 in the afternoon. If you encounter abnormal weather, such as the temperature is too high, thunderstorm pressure is low, muggy weather, then 12 ∶ 00 in the middle of the night to increase the boot time. Lu Hongxin said that he seldom uses antibiotics and disinfectants in raising tilapia, but regularly uses lime to sterilize and purify the water, and to provide a "carbon" source for the growth of tilapia. Lu Hongji suggested that it is best to use quicklime on a regular basis, especially in stagnant ponds where water exchange conditions are poor or cannot be changed. One mu is dissolved with 30 jin of quicklime and sprinkled throughout the pond, once a month. The tilapia was dissected and weighed regularly every 10 days, and Lu Hongxin regularly sampled the anatomy and weighed it. His move often leads to jokes from his farming counterparts around him, but he carries out what he thinks is troublesome work as always. Lu Hongxin explained that by dissecting tilapia and examining the liver, gallbladder, intestines and other organs of tilapia, we can judge whether the digestive system function of tilapia is normal. If the feces in the intestinal tract of tilapia are found to be "striped", increase the amount of allicin. By weighing the body of tilapia, the growth rate of fish is understood, and the feeding amount is given reasonably. After a long period of modeling, he obtained the feeding experience: tilapia with less than 3 taels of tilapia should be fed at the ratio of 3% to 5% (100 jin fish with 3 jin to 5 jin), and tilapia with 3 to 6 taels of tilapia should be fed at a rate of 2% 2.5% for tilapia with more than 6 taels of tilapia. Reasonable feeding, control eating at 90% full, so as not to waste costs and pollute the water quality due to excessive feeding, but also ensure the nutrition needed for the normal growth of tilapia. According to his statistics, the feed coefficient of tilapia with a weight of 1.8 jin was 1.45, and that of tilapia with a weight of 1.5 jin ~ 1.6 jin was 1.38. Streptococcus loss is almost zero Hongxin pond has a unique advantage, not only easy to change and drainage, but also can add hot spring water at any time, hot spring water is warm in winter and cool in summer, tilapia does not die cold in winter, and the water temperature in summer generally does not exceed 31 ℃, so the incidence of fish pond disease is very small. From June to July this year, there was a high incidence of Streptococcus tilapia in Nanning. 80% of the ponds in intensive culture, cage or mixed culture of ducks and pigs in Longan County were affected, and farmers suffered heavy losses. However, the death rate of tilapia under Lu Hongxin's fine care is almost negligible, usually only once in a few days, 15 ~ 16 fish at most and 2 ~ 3 big fish at a time. The average price of tilapia in spring in South China is 6 yuan / jin. The peak of listing is from September to October, and the peak of listing is from April to May in autumn. There will be a relative price downturn in these two periods. In order to avoid the two peak periods of fish production, Lu Hongxin made use of the advantages of hot spring aquaculture by launching seedlings in March and August every year, and selling fish in August and March of the following year. Due to regional advantages, tilapia farmed in Nanning rarely enter factories and are mainly used for domestic sales. Tilapia farmed by Lu Hongxin take Yunnan as the main market, accounting for 70%, 20% in Nanning and 10% in Longan County. Among the fish culture costs of Lu Hongxin, the main costs are seedling 800 ~ 1100 yuan and feed 5000 ~ 5200 yuan, and other costs such as medicine per mu are about 600 yuan per mu, and the cost per jin of fish is generally controlled at 3.9 ~ 4 yuan per jin. He said that fish prices were better before August, with fish prices of 6.5 yuan per jin in Yunnan and 6.3 yuan per jin in Nanning. After August, with the arrival of the peak listing period of tilapia, the increase in the number of fish out of the pond pulled down the fish price. For example, recently, the fish price of 1 jin in some areas of South China has fallen to 4.7 ~ 4.8 yuan. But at this time, Lu Hongxin's first batch of fish has been on the market, and the second batch of fish has not been put into the pond until March next year, when the supply of commercial fish is at its lowest. The average price of the whole year is guaranteed to be 6 yuan or more per jin, and the profit is guaranteed to be 2 yuan or more per jin. Lu Hongxin said that every time he sells fish, he has to "catch fish" in advance. This seemingly troublesome and loss-making move is often ridiculed by other colleagues, but he does it meticulously every time. To "catch fish" is to stop feeding two days before the fish is sold, pull the empty net two or three times the night before the fish is sold, and several people go down to the pond to "catch the fish" so that the fish keep swimming. The aim is to empty the feces of tilapia, not to pollute the water quality during transportation, and to improve the survival rate of transportation. On the other hand, other farmers not only do not "catch fish" before selling fish, but increase their feed quantity, hoping to gain more weight and make more money. But the transportation survival rate has declined, and the acquirers have lost too much money to deal with such people next time. Land transport of newly farmed tilapia to Yunnan, never need to put any anti-stress drugs, only need to change the water midway, the survival rate of transport is very high, generally up to 95%, sometimes up to 100%. He sells tilapia at a higher price than others and is most favored by acquirers.