
A new sericulture model mulberry-marsh-mulberry

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In recent years, with the continuous development of sericulture, silkworm sand treatment has become a thorny problem for sericulturists in rural areas. Another silkworm sand treatment room will be built to increase expenditure and occupy an area; discarding will cause environmental pollution. Make full use of rural energy transformation of biogas digesters, a little screening

In recent years, with the continuous development of sericulture, silkworm sand treatment has become a thorny problem for sericulturists in rural areas. Another silkworm sand treatment room will be built to increase expenditure and occupy an area; discarding will cause environmental pollution. Making full use of the biogas digester reformed by rural energy, slightly screening and putting silkworm sand into the pond can not only reduce the production waste produced by sericulture in rural areas, but also increase the source of energy and fertilizer.

The new sericulture model mulberry-marsh-silkworm sand should be put into the pond 15 days after composting. According to various experiments, 250 kg (30kg-40kg cocoon) of fresh silkworm sand can produce 4 to 5 cubic meters of biogas and produce gas quickly, and the gas production peak will be reached on the third day after feeding on the first day. If there is too much silkworm sand, you can dry it first and leave it later. Before putting, you can use a sieve to screen out lime and impurities that are not suitable for delivery. Maintenance and management of biogas produced by silkworm sand fermentation: open the lid to clean up the floating sand once a year. The way to clean up the floating sand is to clean up the silkworm sand every year after running out of biogas and before sericulture the following year, and fertilize mulberry trees to form a good ecological cycle of mulberry-marsh-mulberry.

Preparation before sericulture

1. Mulberry planting: silkworms feed on mulberry leaves, so mulberry trees must be planted before sericulture. Please read the article "Mulberry planting Technology Video" about mulberry planting technology. Here the editor will not repeat it.

2, silkworm room: a large silkworm room needs 20 square meters, small silkworm room 10 square meters, special leaf storage room and so on, in order to prevent disease.

3. Silkworm tools: including thermometer, silkworm plaque, plastic film, silkworm net, checkered cluster, silkworm chopsticks, goose feather, mulberry cutting knife, chopping block, mulberry scissors, black cloth and so on. It takes 20 silkworm plaques, 160 square clusters and 14 small silkworm webs to raise a silkworm.

4. Disinfection of silkworm houses and silkworm tools: 7 days before sericulture, clean the silkworm houses and tools, spray and disinfect them with eliminate virus essence or 1% bleach or strong chlorine semen to use half a jin of medicine solution per square meter. Close the doors and windows after spraying and seal for more than 24 hours. At the same time, the environment around the silkworm house should be sprayed and disinfected.

What are the tips for sericulture

1. Silkworm eggs

1. Make a comfortable "home": prepare a covered box with a small hole, spread a layer of clean white paper inside the box, and put the silkworm eggs in the carton. If the climate is dry, spray a small amount of water every day. As the weather gets warmer, the ant silkworm will come out by itself.

2. During this period of time, we have to see if there are any new silkworms every day, usually the most in the morning. The young silkworm will eat as soon as it comes out of its eggshell, so brush it gently on the mulberry leaves with a brush or feather.

2. Feeding in larval stage

1. Prepare food: Mulberry leaves must be washed and dried with clean water before feeding. Do not feed silkworms with yellowed and rotten leaves, otherwise silkworms will be poisoned or have diarrhea. In order to prevent the surplus leaves from wilting quickly, put it in a plastic bag and fasten the mouth of the bag and put it in a cool place.

2. Feed leaves to silkworms four times a day, early in the morning, noon, afternoon and evening. The quantity should be appropriate each time, so as to avoid waste. You can put more leaves in the evening, because silkworms eat mulberry leaves all night. Ant silkworms should be fed with tender leaves, which are best cut into pieces or strips.

3. Always be aware of feces and leftover leaves: when changing leaves for young silkworms, you can directly cover the new leaves on the old leaves, waiting for the young silkworms to climb onto the new leaves and take away the old leaves. This can reduce the casualties of silkworms and facilitate the removal of residual leaves and silkworm droppings.

The latest new technology of planting mulberry and sericulture with high efficiency

I. establishing and perfecting the management system

The sericulture is a production activity with high technical content, such as the breeding of improved silkworm eggs, unified breeding, unified management, unified inspection and quarantine, mid-term management, late harvest, going to the market, and so on, all need a complete management system. In order to better improve production efficiency and competitiveness.

II. Scientific and standardized management

The development of sericulture is inseparable from scientific management and technology. On the one hand, the selection and cultivation of mulberry seedlings and the management of mulberry garden should be carried out strictly according to the standard; on the other hand, strict management and application of science and technology are required in the process of feeding.

The main results are as follows: 1. The quality of mulberry leaves is the first guarantee for rearing silkworms. Taking high quality as the center, highlighting the characteristics of high yield, high quality and high resistance of seedlings, and taking mesophyll thickness, many nutrients, high yield and good quality as character indexes, we carry out the research and development of new varieties. At present, the excellent mulberry varieties are Guisangyou 12, Guisangyou 62, Teyou 2, Nongsang 12 and so on.

2. Mulberry garden management should do a good job in mulberry garden planning, mulberry seedling planting period, specifications, methods, mulberry fertilizer and water management, mulberry branch cutting, garden cleaning and disinfection, intermediate ploughing and weeding, pest control, mulberry leaf harvesting should be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements.

Sericulture in China has hundreds of years or even thousands of years of culture and history, so our country can be said to be a country with rich experience in sericulture, but in the process of sericulture, we still need to constantly innovate new techniques and methods of sericulture. only in this way can we keep pace with the times.