
The experience of how to safely survive the winter of artificially farmed frogs

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I think we are all very familiar with the frog. It is a common insect. I remember that when the editor was young, we could often hear the cry of frogs in the field, but with the hunting and killing of frogs, there were fewer and fewer frogs in the wild, so frogs were farmed.

I think we are all very familiar with the frog. It is a common insect. I remember that when the editor was young, we could often hear the cry of frogs in the fields, but with the hunting and killing of frogs, there are fewer and fewer frogs in the wild now. therefore, raising frogs has become a breeding project favored by many people.

First, the breeding techniques of frogs, living habits Frogs inhabit ponds, ditches and rivers on the banks of grass and rice fields, prey on insects, mainly agricultural pests, adult amphibious life, generally hide in grass or rice fields during the day, come out in the dark and early in the morning. When the temperature drops below 10 ℃, the frog hibernates in the water edge or in the soil, and the following spring (the first ten days of March in the Yangtze River Basin) takes place in the mat activity, usually from April to July. Female frogs can lay 34 eggs at a time, and their fertilized eggs can hatch tadpoles in 12 days. Tadpoles grow to a certain extent and begin to metamorphosis.

2. Construction of culture ponds Frog culture ponds are divided into spawning ponds, tadpole ponds and adult frog ponds. Generally, it is appropriate to choose places that are both wet and warm from the sun, with long cement ponds or soil ponds as appropriate. The field pool of 4 × 6 meters is a single pool, with cement on the wall and soil at the bottom; the courtyard pool is generally 1 × 1.5 meters to 2 meters, with a depth of 1 meter, with irrigation holes and drainage channels, and a water depth of 20 cm to 50 cm. The surface of the pool must be equipped with a shade board. Generally, 40 adult frogs can be raised per square meter. Frog culture ponds can be used in soil ponds, brick ponds and rice fields, and the key is to prevent escape. If you have the conditions, you can build a brick fence or a net, which is generally 1 to 1.2 meters high. The water depth in the pond is 30cm to 60cm, and the middle or sunny side of the water is piled into a mound for frogs to live on land, accounting for about 1x3 of the total pollution. Grow grass or crops on the mound. Put a small amount of floating aquatic plants into the pool water. The pond used to breed tadpoles leaves only a small amount of land area for abnormal young frogs to land. The cement pond is better for the tadpole pond, and the slope of the pool wall should be gentle to inhabit the tadpoles.

Feeding and management of frogs 1. Feeding and management of tadpoles artificial breeding of edible frogs must be hatched after artificial egg collection, and tadpoles after hatching are bred in the original hatching pond or cage, with 600 eggs per square meter of water surface. The tadpoles were artificially fed on the 4th day after hatching, and the tadpoles need to be reared for a week and then moved into the breeding pond. After about 20-30 days, they gradually feed on red worms, water fleas and fly maggots, as well as soybean milk, soybean dregs, bean cake powder and Chlorella. Feeding a certain amount of fish meal can promote its growth. Generally, 15 cooked eggs are crushed and fed with water for 1 time per 10, 000 tails. After the fifth day, soybean milk, wheat bran, bean curd dregs or rice bran and fish meal were used. The feed was put on the feed table, and the powdered bait was first thickened with water and then splashed. Tadpole management: when there are bubbles in the pool water or the water quality has a rotten smell, change the new water immediately, generally every 3 days, dry weather for many days, continuous high temperature, change the water every 2 days. Metamorphosis management: frog eggs become young frogs about 70 days after hatching. During the period from the appearance of forelimbs to complete metamorphosis, tadpoles mainly rely on the absorption of tail supply, breathe air on their lungs, and begin to jump out of the water to land and perch. When more than 90% of tadpoles become young frogs, they can be reared in young frog ponds.

Second, intensive domestication of young frogs: concentrated captivity with high density can be kept in a cement pool with smooth inner wall and a height of more than 1 meter, with a depth of about 20 centimeters, and a bait platform is placed on the surface of the water. There is no land in the pond, forcing the young frogs to feed and perch on the stage. Bait domestication: first feed with fresh bait for 1-2 days, then add 20% artificial feed to the bait on the 3rd day, then increase the proportion day by day, and increase to 80% "live bait" feed 10 days later. There are mainly earthworms, fly maggots, small fish and shrimp, insects, scorpion cattle and Loach; "dead bait" refers to dried silkworm pupae, animal viscera and formula feed. In order to move with quiet, "dead bait" activation, and finally over to the complete intake of artificial bait. At the same time, it requires timing, quantification and positioning of feeding. Feeding time, spring and autumn around noon, summer in the evening or morning, feeding once or twice a day, each feeding should be finished in about an hour. The feeding amount of young frogs weighing less than 50 grams should account for 60.8% of their body weight, and that of young frogs weighing more than 100 grams should account for 80.8% of their body weight. Bait should be fresh, clean and nutritious. Screening, grading and separate breeding: when young frogs are domesticated for 20 to 30 days, the pond water should be drained, and the large size young frogs should be transferred to the frog pond at the density of 60: 80 per square meter, while the small size young frogs should still be domesticated in the original pond. Using bait, indoor three-dimensional, multi-layer box cage intensive culture, is a new method of breeding frogs. Raising frogs in plastic boxes and wooden boxes, the production of small-scale breeding is extremely high, hundreds of frogs can be raised per square meter, generally from hatching to adult frogs, it only takes 5 months.

III. Feeding and management of adult frogs after the young frogs are transferred to the adult frog pond, the frogs have a large food intake and a faster growth rate, which is an important period for the formation of commercial yield. in addition to sufficient food supply, tadpoles need to increase the feeding of animal feed when they become frogs, mainly artificially cultured live baits with high protein and high reproduction rate, such as fly maggots, earthworms, red worms, Chlorella fleas and so on. In the case of insufficient live bait, it can be matched with mixed feed, such as 60% of rapeseed cake (powdered), 30% of rice bran (or wheat bran), 5% of soybean meal and 5% of fish meal. Tadpoles are active in the water and can provide concentrate feed for soybean milk, egg yolk, water fleas, cabbage, tomatoes and plankton in water after 5 days. In addition, to raise earthworms on the mound, as long as some lime water with a concentration of 35% is sprinkled on the mound every evening, the earthworms will pour out their nests and act as frog bait. It is also necessary to feed some formula feed in an appropriate amount, separate and raise in time, and adjust the feeding density. After one month of feeding, when the body weight of adult frogs reached 100 grams, the feeding density was 30 per square meter, and changed to 10 eggs per square meter 2 months later. After short-term breeding, it can become a commercial frog on the market.

The breeding technology of frogs the key to the breeding technology of frogs is artificial reproduction, because wild field frogs often have a parasite with double cercaria parasitic in their muscles, and the method of artificial spawning and isolation of adult frogs can effectively prevent the disease. The frog density is about 1 group per 3 square meters (better before May). Planting frogs requires individual hypertrophy, and parent frogs that have been in production for 1 or 2 years are preferred. The mixed stocking ratio of male and female is 3:1, and the stocking density is relatively less than that of meat frog. It takes about three years from young frog to sexual maturity. Frog management: strengthen the feeding of protein feed, mainly earthworms, supplemented by moths. To maintain the normal balance of the pool water, it is necessary to be fat and live. When the water temperature is stable at about 22 ℃, be ready to lay eggs and hatch (when the male frogs keep singing). Female frogs of more than 50 grams can lay many eggs at a time. Generally speaking, males and females hold each other and lay eggs on aquatic plants. The frog eggs are yellowish and round, floating on the aquatic plants in pieces attached to the glial egg membrane, which can be easily identified. 1. Spawning: the artificial spawning ground needs still water, and the cage spawning method is generally used, that is, frogs are forced to lay eggs in baskets or cages. Female and male frogs with a ratio of 1 ∶ 1 can also put 5 spawning baskets or cages for 20 square meters of spawning. The depth of the pool should be kept at 10-15 cm and the water temperature should be kept at 10 ℃-11 ℃. In order to improve the hatching rate, the egg slices can be protected with a purse seine to avoid the interference of parent frogs.

2. Hatching: the temperature of frog fertilized eggs should be kept at 20 ℃ ~ 28 ℃ during the incubation period, mainly natural hatching, and plastic film covering hatching method and anhydrous hatching method can also be used. Generally, tadpoles can be hatched in 3 to 5 days. Newborn tadpoles rely on the egg membrane to survive safely, do not stir the pond water casually, wait for all the frogs to lay eggs, grab the frogs out of the pool, so as not to interfere with the hatching and tadpole living environment. After 5 days of hatching, eggs can be fed with concentrate feed, such as soybean milk, egg yolk, water fleas and plankton in the water, twice a day, but the amount of bait should not be too large, so as to avoid the deterioration of water quality and the death of tadpoles. Tadpoles can be reared in the pond after one week of feeding.

The efficacy and function of frogs

1. Frog meat is rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus, which contribute to the growth and development of teenagers and alleviate menopausal osteoporosis.

2. Vitamin E and trace elements such as zinc and selenium can delay the aging of the body, moisturize the skin, prevent cancer and fight cancer. And the frog meat is cold, salty and non-toxic, so it is a nutritious food for tonifying energy to treat spleen deficiency.

3. Frogs can treat Yin deficiency toothache, low back pain and chronic dysentery. It is suitable for people with hypoproteinemia, lack of energy, lack of milk, cirrhosis, ascites and neurasthenia.

Anyone who has eaten frogs knows that the meat of frogs is very delicious and delicious, and the nutritional value of frogs is also very high. However, in the process of raising frogs, winter is more exquisite, because many animals hibernate in winter, and the resistance of animals is much weaker in winter.