
What should be paid attention to in the management of beekeeping colony in summer

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, We all know that the demand for honey in our country is very large, and the honey market is chaotic, and it is difficult to buy pure honey in the market in some places, so the prospect of raising bees in our country is very good. Beekeeping needs of bee colony management in summer

We all know that the demand for honey in our country is very large, and the honey market is chaotic, and it is difficult to buy pure honey in the market in some places, so the prospect of raising bees in our country is very good.

Beekeeping summer beehive management need to pay attention to 1, do a good job of shading, ventilation, water supply beehive should be placed in shade and water sources, or set up a cool shed to shade, put drinking fountains near the nest door. On a hot noon, spray an appropriate amount of water to the beehive and the site to increase humidity and reduce nest temperature. Enlarge the honeybee road and the nest door to enhance ventilation and heat dissipation. At the same time, we should also do a good job of rain prevention. 2. It is very important to do a good job in the management of honey-gathering groups in the main honey-gathering period. During this period, in order to encourage bees to gather honey, the hive must continue to expand and not restrict the queen bee from laying eggs. Timely increase the relay box and empty spleen, so that the bee colony has more room for development, have enough honey and spawning spleen, so that it can not only collect a large amount of honey, produce bee milk, but also develop a certain population potential.

Four points for attention in breeding bees 1. Pay attention to the elimination of sub-bee fever: during this period, it is not well managed, and it is very easy to divide bees. The hive should be inspected frequently and it is found that the shrinking belly of the queen bee or stopping spawning is a sign of bee division. Timely measures should be taken to eliminate bee division and avoid weakening the population potential and affecting honey collection. 2. Pay attention to prevent bees from stealing: honey must not be spilled outside the box when taking honey and feeding bees. If spilled outside the box, it must be cleaned thoroughly. The nest door must not be too large, the beehive must be tight, can not be damaged, honey spleen, beeswax, honey distribution machine and other instruments that can easily cause bee theft must be preserved. 3. Pay attention to the elimination of enemy pests: mainly nest insects, ants, wasps and other insects as well as birds, rodents, toads and so on. Pay attention to the hygiene of the colony and often clean the hive. 4. pay attention to the epidemic disease: we should often observe the action of bees, analyze the abnormalities immediately, and take prevention and control measures. Understand the florescence of the main nectar sources within 5 kilometers, especially the florescence of nectar, pollen and other poisonous plants. For the bulk plants in the main nectar period, it is necessary to know the prevention and control of pesticides in time, and avoid the use of pesticides, so as to avoid pesticide poisoning.

The Prospect of Bee Culture

1. Honey: it is a kind of nutritious natural nourishing food, and it is also one of the most commonly used tonics. According to the analysis, it contains a variety of inorganic salts and vitamins, iron, calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and other organic acids and trace elements that are beneficial to human health. It is a commonly used tonic and has the laudatory name of "milk for the elderly". Royal jelly is an advanced nutrition, which can not only enhance the physique and prolong life, but also treat chronic diseases such as neurasthenia, anemia and gastric ulcers. Bee pollen is known as the "mini nutrition bank". After drying, it has different colors and can be eaten directly or soaked in cold water as a drink.

2. Beeswax and propolis: both are raw materials for light industry. Propolis, also known as "purple gold", produces less than gold in the world.

3. Bee venom: it has curative effect on rheumatism and neuritis. Clamp the worker bee with a clip, nail the patient's acupoint with its tail needle, and let the bee venom enter the body to achieve a certain therapeutic effect.

Equipment for breeding honeybees

1. Beehives: beehives, which we often call beehives, are places where bees perch, breed and store food. The beehive is composed of a large cover, a grass curtain, a covering cloth, an auxiliary cover, a nest spleen, a partition, a partition board, and so on. There are thousands of neatly arranged and connected hexagonal hives on both sides of the spleen.

2. Bee spleen: the spleen is fixed on a wooden frame, which is called a nest spleen. According to the number of honey, pollen and larvae on the nest spleen, they are called honey spleen, powder spleen and son spleen respectively. According to the age of the big boy spleen is divided into: egg spleen, worm spleen, lid spleen and empty spleen. The beehive with 10 frames of spleen is the most widely used standard beehive. The beehive can be expanded in time by stacking the relay box.

3. Bee path: the distance between each nest and spleen is called bee path.

4. The king board: the king board is used to separate the breeding area from the honey storage area, which is beneficial to the maturity and collection of honey and improve the production efficiency.

The use of honey in life is very great, especially honey water drinking is now the health choice of many people, so the demand market for honey is beyond doubt, so when breeders breed honey, it is very necessary to master certain culture techniques.