
The reform of rural collective property right system is not done in one minute.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The reform of rural collective property rights system is to promote the classified reform according to the different types of resource assets, operating assets and public welfare assets. However, this reform is by no means a complete deal, nor is it a matter of privatization, let alone allowing farmers to eat the collective economy of the village.

The reform of rural collective property rights system is to promote the classified reform according to the different types of resource assets, operating assets and public welfare assets. However, this reform is by no means an one-size-fits-all reform, nor is it a matter of privatization, let alone allowing farmers to eat the "loose food" of the village collective economy, but to maintain the stability of rural collective economic organizations. In the process of promoting this reform, we must consider fairness and efficiency, agriculture and rural development, and urban and rural reform and development as a whole.

Improving the functions and powers of rural collective property rights is a task put forward by the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Deepening rural reform has a bearing on the long-term stability of rural society. The reform of rural collective property rights system is an important part of deepening rural reform, which is related to the contractual management right of rural cultivated land and the right of collective income distribution, and whether the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way during the 13th five-year Plan can be realized as scheduled.

The clarity of property rights is the core of market economy. With the deepening of China's rural reform, problems such as unclear ownership of rural collective assets, unclear rights and responsibilities, lax protection, poor circulation and so on have become increasingly prominent. In many rural areas around cities and towns in developed coastal areas, the market value of village collective assets is often higher. In the face of huge interests, in the absence of supervision, some village cadres embezzle collective assets frequently. How to activate the "sleeping assets" in rural areas, so that farmers can enjoy more property rights, and at the same time prevent a small number of people within collective economic organizations from encroaching on and dominating collective assets, preventing external capital from embezzling and controlling collective assets? it has become a new issue for the next step of rural reform.

Rural collective assets mainly include resource assets, operating assets and public welfare assets. At present, the train of thought of reform has been clear, which is to promote classified reform for different types of assets. For land and other resource assets, it is necessary to promote the registration and issuance of the right to contract management, stabilize the right to contract, activate the right of operation, and explore various forms of moderate scale operation. For factories and other operating assets, it is necessary to promote the reform of the joint-stock cooperative system, clarify the creditor's rights and debts, the quantification of assets, the setting of equity, and the distribution of income, and quantify the conversion of assets to each member of the collective organization. improve the management, supervision and income distribution mechanism for the operation of collective assets. For public welfare assets such as schools, it is necessary to explore an effective mechanism for collective unified operation and management, so as to better provide public welfare services for organization members and community residents.

The reform of the rural collective property rights system is by no means an one-size-fits-all reform, nor is it a matter of privatization, let alone allowing farmers to eat the "loose food" of the village collective economy, but to maintain the stability of rural collective economic organizations. In order to deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of rural collective property rights, activate the potential of various elements in rural areas, and give farmers more property rights, the purpose of which is to develop and strengthen the collective economy. Collective ownership can not be broken down, false, collective assets can not be lost. It is based on this that the central government proposes that the reform of the rural collective property right system must be strictly limited within the collective economic organization at the present stage.

Coordination is the inherent requirement of sustained and healthy development. The 13th five-year Plan proposes to focus on promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, promoting coordinated economic and social development, and promoting the simultaneous development of new industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. This also reminds us that the pace and way of promoting the reform of collective property rights must be considered in the light of the reality of various localities. Specifically, it is necessary to consider fairness and efficiency, agriculture and rural development, and urban and rural reform and development as a whole. On the basis of confirming the membership of rural collective economic organizations and comprehensively verifying rural collective assets, we should improve the management, supervision and income distribution of rural collective funds, assets and resources, so as to ensure voluntary, open and fair transactions of rural property rights in accordance with the law. The clearer the rural collective property rights and the more powerful the protection, the greater the vitality of the rural economy, and finally achieve the goal of establishing a rural collective economic property right system with clear property rights, benefit distribution and sharing, optimal allocation of elements and perfect governance structure.