
How to raise turkeys to increase their egg production

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In turkey breeding, in order to make turkeys lay more eggs, we must take certain measures to do a good job in all aspects of turkey breeding and management, so as to improve turkey egg production. First, set up more egg boxes in advance. Turkeys reach sexual maturity at the age of 6 to 7 months and begin to lay eggs.

In turkey breeding, in order to make turkeys lay more eggs, we must take certain measures to do a good job in all aspects of turkey breeding and management, so as to improve turkey egg production.

First, set up more egg laying boxes in advance

The turkey reaches sexual maturity at the age of 6 to 7 months and begins to lay eggs. Generally speaking, when the turkey is 5 months old, it is necessary to set up an egg box for 3 or 4 hens, so as to prevent the turkey from being unable to find a suitable laying place and postpone the laying period.

Second, the light stimulates the turkey to limit the light in the growth stage. The light was 10 hours per day at the age of 5-6 months, 14 hours at the age of 6-9 months, and increased to 16-18 hours per day after 9 months of age. If the sunshine is insufficient, it should be assisted by artificial light with an intensity of 15 lux (3 ~ 4 watts / square meter). Light stimulation can prolong the laying period, increase the laying rate by 10%, and the eggs are large, uniform in size and strong in shell.

Third, the music urges the egg to play the sweet serenade that excites the chicken for 12 hours regularly during the day and night. Playing for one hour and stopping for one hour for 7 to 8 weeks can increase the turkey laying rate by 10%, and the chicken is quieter when listening to music and saves feed consumption.

Fourth, nutrition combined with comprehensive egg period turkey feed crude protein content can reach 23%-28%, metabolic energy is 12.1 trillion coke per kilogram, to ensure the laying turkey's demand for vitamins and trace elements.

Fifth, adequate drinking water and feeding turkeys during the scientific laying period should increase the amount of clean drinking water, so as to "change water frequently and keep water". Turkeys are fed at 9 am and 3 pm every day, which are directly related to the number of eggs laid.

Sixth, improve the environment and hygiene to prevent turkeys from being frightened, disinfect chicken sheds, food troughs and drinking water utensils, and often change pine needles to prevent disease, and can also be used as a condiment for chickens to increase their appetite. In this way, the laying rate of turkeys can be increased by 8% and 12%.

7. Other auxiliary methods of adding a small amount of manganese to chicken feed can make hens produce hard shell eggs, but the eggshell thickness does not increase, improving the efficiency of laying eggs; adding methionine and 0.05% choline can save 50% feed and increase the laying rate by 5% to 8%. It can also add a certain amount of traditional Chinese medicine additives such as moxa leaf, Bupleurum, Scutellaria baicalensis, prickly ash, licorice and so on, which can not only improve the laying rate, but also prevent disease.

8. Superior varieties should be selected for variety advantage.

9. Adjusting the hatching turkey is particularly nesting, hatching naturally for every 1520 eggs, regardless of season and having nothing to do with the outside world. In order to improve the laying rate of turkeys, the way of "combining two and one" can be used for natural hatching or artificial hatching, so that female turkeys with nesting behavior can wake up in time so that they can enter the laying period in time. In this way, the annual egg production of female turkeys can be increased from 80,120 eggs to 150,190 eggs.

Ten, often deworming supplement laying hens at 3-4 months old with furazolidone 0.04% or Chicongjing tablets once; 5-6-month-old hens should be dewormed with levamisole or Chicken Chong Jing tablets once before giving birth, in order to achieve the purpose of finishing the flock. Sand grains the size of rice grains were fed every 2 weeks after 4 months of age, accounting for 1% or 2% of the diet.