
The Ministry of Finance issued a document to support regional agricultural advantage and characteristic industries.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, According to the news on the website of the Ministry of Finance on November 17, the Ministry of Finance issued the guidance on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, supporting Agricultural advantageous Industries and promoting the Development of Agricultural industrialization, pointing out that starting from 2016, comprehensive agricultural development and industrialization projects focus on supporting regions.

According to the news on the website of the Ministry of Finance on November 17, the Ministry of Finance issued the "guiding opinions on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, supporting Agricultural characteristic Industries and promoting the Development of Agricultural industrialization," pointing out that starting from 2016, the project of comprehensive agricultural development and industrialization management focuses on supporting regional agricultural characteristic industries. In three years, we will strive to initially form 1-2 advantageous characteristic industries in various agricultural comprehensive development counties, 10 left and right industries each with provinces as units, and 100 regional agricultural characteristic industrial clusters with large comparative advantages in resources, long extension of industrial chain, integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and strong demonstration and driving role in the country.

The opinion points out that the industries supported by industrialization projects are mainly included in the "National Plan for Comprehensive Agricultural Development and supporting Agricultural characteristic Industries" (hereinafter referred to as "Planning"). All provincial-level agricultural development institutions are encouraged to identify about 10 key agricultural industries with advantageous characteristics in the region. In principle, the county-level agricultural development institutions choose the best options within the scope of the agricultural advantage and characteristic industries in the region. In view of the agricultural advantage and characteristic industries in this region, we should identify the key links and weak links in the industrial chain for key support and continuous support, build a complete industrial chain, and expand and strengthen regional agricultural characteristic industries.

The content of support mainly focuses on improving the characteristic industrial chain of agricultural advantages, including seedling breeding, standardized planting base, storage and preservation of agricultural products, processing and utilization of waste, etc.; breeding industry involves breeding livestock and poultry (including aquatic products) breeding, standardized breeding bases, livestock and poultry (including aquatic products) trading places, forage planting, feed processing, harmless treatment of manure, organic fertilizer processing, etc. Processing and circulation industry involves processing base, raw material storage, finished product storage and preservation, cold chain logistics, origin wholesale market and so on. At the same time, encourage the development of "Internet + Agriculture" and actively support the construction of e-commerce platform for advantageous and characteristic agricultural products.

In terms of support methods, we should give full play to the leading and leveraging role of financial funds to financial capital and social capital, adjust and improve the ways of financial funds to support industries with agricultural advantages and characteristics, and gradually form a diversified support system in which loans are mainly discounted interest, financial subsidies are supplemented, and financial equity investment funds coexist. Loan discount projects give priority to supporting agricultural industrialization leading enterprises and farmers' cooperatives with strong strength, large scale and remarkable demonstration and driving role. Financial subsidy programs give priority to farmers' cooperatives, family farms, major professional families and agricultural socialized service organizations. Encourage and guide areas with conditions to adopt financial equity investment funds, loan project guarantee funds and other support methods. At the same time, local governments are encouraged to actively explore other ways of support that are conducive to expanding social capital investment and strengthening industrial clusters with advantageous characteristics.