
Ministry of Finance: supporting agricultural industries with advantageous characteristics and promoting agricultural industrialization

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Circular on issuing the guidance on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, supporting Agricultural advantageous Industries and promoting the Development of Agricultural industrialization Caifa (2015) No. 42 Finance Department (Bureau) and Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office (Bureau) of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and municipalities separately listed on the State plan

Circular on the issuance of the guidance on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, supporting Agricultural advantageous Industries and promoting the Development of Agricultural industrialization

Caifa (2015) No. 42

Financial departments (bureaus) and agricultural comprehensive development offices (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately listed on the State plan, the Finance Bureau and Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office of the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, the Ministry of Agriculture (Heilongjiang General Administration of Land Reclamation, Guangdong General Administration of Land Reclamation) Agricultural Comprehensive Development institutions:

The guidance on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, supporting Agricultural characteristic Industries and promoting the Development of Agricultural industrialization is hereby issued to you. Please comply with it. If there are any problems in the implementation, please give feedback to the Ministry of Finance (State Office of Comprehensive Agricultural Development) in time.

Ministry of Finance

November 4, 2015


Comprehensive development of agriculture to support industries with agricultural advantages and characteristics

Guiding opinions on promoting the Development of Agricultural industrialization

Supporting the development of agricultural industrialization is an important way for comprehensive agricultural development to extend and improve the agricultural industrial chain and promote the structural adjustment of agriculture and rural economy. Under the new situation that the cost of agricultural production is rising and the hard constraints of resources and environment are intensified, there is an urgent need to strengthen the role of comprehensive agricultural development in supporting the development of industrialization. We should open up new paths and tap new potential in the ways, objects, directions and links of support, speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, improve agricultural quality and efficiency, and continuously increase farmers' income. This paper puts forward the following suggestions on comprehensive agricultural development, supporting industries with agricultural advantages and characteristics to promote the development of agricultural industrialization:

I. guiding ideology

Thoroughly implement the spirit of the 2015 Central Committee document No. 1 and the National Joint Conference on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, with "optimizing layout, highlighting advantages, accurate support, and improving efficiency" as the main line. To promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries and the continuous increase of farmers' income as the goal, to create agricultural advantage and characteristic industrial clusters as the focus, by optimizing the scope of industries, improving support methods, and optimizing the management mechanism. Cultivate and strengthen new agricultural operators, attract diversified capital to expand investment, promote appropriate scale operation of agriculture, and explore effective ways to further improve the comprehensive development of agriculture and support the development of industrialization. Focus on the realization of the "three transformations". The first is to support the transformation of positioning from projects to industries. Through concentrated investment and joint efforts to support industries with regional advantages and characteristics, we can save costs, reduce consumption, improve quality and increase efficiency. The second is the transformation of the implementation subject from singleness to diversification. We will increase support for new agricultural operators operating on a moderate scale, and implement the mechanism of joint declaration and coordinated development of multi-entities in the same industry. The third is the transformation of project funds from "leading" to "guiding". Take the project as the platform, give full play to the guidance and leverage of financial capital, attract the investment of financial capital, social capital and other funds, expand the capital market, and work together to support and develop industries with advantages and characteristics.

II. Basic principles

(1) identify the key points and concentrate on investment. The limited financial funds for comprehensive agricultural development should be concentrated into supporting the characteristic industries with regional agricultural advantages, so as to solve the problems of small and scattered projects and low benefits. we should give full play to the effects of industrial agglomeration in saving costs, promoting innovation and stimulating economic growth, and improve the efficiency of the use of financial funds for comprehensive agricultural development.

(2) to build advantages based on endowments. We should give full play to the characteristics of regional resource endowments, focus on developing characteristic industries with outstanding comparative advantages, promote the optimal allocation of factors of production in space and industry, and improve the specialization and output efficiency of agricultural industry. Through the agglomeration and promotion of advantageous characteristic industries, the comparative advantage can be transformed into industrial advantage, product advantage and competitive advantage.

(3) face the market and enhance the value. According to the market demand, optimize the industrial and variety structure, highlight the quality features, functional features, seasonal characteristics, etc., to meet the needs of market diversification, quality and dynamic. According to the market change and development trend, establish a dynamic management mechanism for the advantageous and characteristic industries to be supported, so as to improve the accuracy of industrial support.

(4) extending the chain and intensive development. Around the regional advantages and characteristic industries, reasonably determine the main body and content of industrialization project support, focus on the key links of industrial development, extend the characteristic industrial chain and improve the added value of products. The matching connection between the construction of industrial clusters with advantages and characteristics and the construction of high-standard farmland, maximize the integration effect and demonstration effect of comprehensive agricultural development, and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of industries with advantages and characteristics.

III. Objectives and tasks

Since 2016, comprehensive agricultural development and industrialization projects have focused on supporting regional agricultural industries with advantageous characteristics. With regard to the advantageous characteristic industries that are included in the comprehensive agricultural development and give priority to supporting Fan Wei, through key support and continuous support, we will strive to take three years to initially form 1 or 2 advantageous characteristic industries in various agricultural comprehensive development counties. Take the province as a unit to form about 10, and initially form 100 regional agricultural characteristic industrial clusters with large comparative advantage of resources, long industrial chain extension, integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and strong demonstration driving effect. Pry financial capital, social capital and other capital investment, promote the development and growth of a number of new agricultural operators, and significantly improve the efficiency and level of comprehensive agricultural development. Make the comprehensive development of agriculture become an important force to promote the development of industries with agricultural advantages, change the mode of agricultural development, promote agricultural modernization and promote the continuous increase of farmers' income.

IV. Scope of support

The industries supported by industrialization management projects are mainly those that are included in the National Plan for Comprehensive Agricultural Development and supporting Agricultural characteristic Industries (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan"). All provincial-level agricultural development institutions are encouraged to identify about 10 key agricultural industries with advantageous characteristics in the region. In principle, the county-level agricultural development institutions choose the best options within the scope of the agricultural advantage and characteristic industries in the region. In view of the agricultural advantage and characteristic industries in this region, identify the key links and weak links in the industrial chain for key support, continuous support, create a complete industrial chain, and expand and strengthen regional agricultural advantage characteristic industries.

V. content of support

The content of support mainly focuses on improving the characteristic industrial chain of agricultural advantages, including seedling breeding, standardized planting base, storage and preservation of agricultural products, processing and utilization of waste, etc.; breeding industry involves breeding livestock and poultry (including aquatic products) breeding, standardized breeding bases, livestock and poultry (including aquatic products) trading places, forage planting, feed processing, harmless treatment of manure, organic fertilizer processing, etc. Processing and circulation industry involves processing base, raw material storage, finished product storage and preservation, cold chain logistics, origin wholesale market and so on. At the same time, we will encourage the development of "Internet + Agriculture" and actively support the construction of an e-commerce platform for advantageous and characteristic agricultural products.

VI. Ways of support

We should give full play to the role of financial funds in leading and leveraging financial capital and social capital, adjust and improve the ways in which financial funds support industries with agricultural advantages and characteristics, and gradually form a diversified support system in which loans are mainly discounted interest, supplemented by financial subsidies, and financial equity investment funds coexist. Loan discount projects give priority to supporting leading enterprises and farmers' cooperatives in agricultural industrialization with strong strength, large scale and remarkable demonstration and driving role. Financial subsidy programs give priority to farmers' cooperatives, family farms, major professional families and agricultural socialized service organizations. Encourage and guide qualified areas to adopt financial equity investment funds, loan project guarantee funds and other support methods, give full play to the role of financial funds, and leverage more financial capital and social capital to support the development of industries with advantageous characteristics. At the same time, encourage local governments to actively explore other ways of support that are conducive to expanding social capital investment and strengthening industrial clusters with advantageous characteristics.

VII. Job requirements

(1) strengthen organizational implementation. All provincial-level agricultural development institutions may, with reference to the application guidelines for the industrialization of agricultural development projects issued by the State Agricultural Development Office and the implementation of the projects in the previous year, formulate annual declaration guidelines in line with the provincial conditions and clarify specific support policies. It will be issued to county-level agricultural development institutions within one month from the date on which the State Agricultural Development Office issued a guide for the application of comprehensive agricultural development and industrialization projects.

(2) pay attention to the integration of funds. In accordance with the principle of "planning first, strengthening convergence, overall arrangement, highlighting key points, and paying attention to practical results", we should co-ordinate the relevant funds related to agriculture, strive to integrate agricultural development funds, financial capital and social capital, and strengthen the organic connection between projects. to form a strong joint force to support the development of industries with advantages and characteristics.

(3) it is encouraged to try first. Encourage local governments to actively explore and innovate ways to support industrial management projects, pry financial capital and social capital, increase investment, improve the efficiency of the use of agricultural development funds, and achieve effective cooperation and positive interaction between agricultural development funds and financial capital and social capital. Encourage places where conditions permit to carry out early and early trials, and report them to the State Agricultural Development Office for approval before implementing them.

(4) summarize and improve it in a timely manner. All localities should further strengthen investigation and research, timely grasp and track the development of industries with advantages and characteristics and the operation of projects, constantly sum up and test, and timely improve relevant policies and measures in view of the existing problems. to ensure that comprehensive agricultural development and support for industries with advantages and characteristics achieve the desired results. The State Office of Agricultural Development will bring the work of provinces in supporting agricultural industries with advantages and characteristics into the scope of comprehensive assessment of the management work of provincial-level agricultural development institutions. Provinces with high enthusiasm for work and obvious achievements in the development of industries with advantageous characteristics will be tilted in the allocation of funds in the next planning cycle.