
Techniques of mixed culture of crayfish in fishing ponds

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Crayfish, also known as lobster, has strong adaptability, rapid growth, delicious meat, rich nutrition and strong market demand, so it is favored by farmers and consumers. In production practice, crayfish are mainly mixed culture, such as adult fish ponds, fish ponds and rivers.

Crayfish, also known as lobster, has strong adaptability, rapid growth, delicious meat, rich nutrition and strong market demand, so it is favored by farmers and consumers. In production practice, crayfish are mainly mixed culture, such as adult fish ponds, fish ponds, river crab, green shrimp culture ponds and so on. Pond mixed culture of crayfish should pay attention to the following problems.

1. The pond is convenient to enter and drain, it can maintain a water depth of 1.5m, the slope of the pond is higher than 1:3, and there are anti-escape facilities around the pond.

2. It is appropriate to use pond cleaning drugs that are harmless to lobsters to thoroughly kill enemy organisms such as black fish, catfish, water snakes, frogs, as well as pathogenic bacteria and parasites.

3. Keep a certain amount of hidden objects such as aquatic plants and branches in the pond for lobster habitat, climbing, shelling and feeding. Some aquatic plants can be planted, such as verticillium verticillata, water peanut, bitter grass, water hyacinth and so on.

4. Carnivorous fish are not allowed to be cultured in mixed culture ponds, and grass carp and mackerel that feed on aquatic plants should not be excessive. The species that can be mixed-cultured are silver carp, bighead carp, allogenic silver crucian carp, river crab, green shrimp and so on.

5. The captured wild young shrimp can be selected as shrimp species, with specifications above 3cm, sound limbs and strong mobility. It is appropriate to put 0.6 to 10,000 shrimp per mu. Shrimp holding eggs can also be selected for breeding in the pond.

6. The amount of bait should be sufficient. Lobsters can kill each other when they are hungry, and they may also eat river crabs, green shrimps and young fish in shelled fish, so bait must be sufficient to meet the feeding needs of lobsters.

7. The bait should be palatable, and the powdered bait should not be distributed directly into the pond, making it difficult for fish and shrimp to eat, which not only causes a waste of bait, but also pollutes the water quality.

8. The water quality of the pool should be kept fat, fresh and tender, the transparency of the water should be about 30cm, the PH value should be 7, and the dissolved oxygen (4mg/L) should be above 8.5.

9. Use quicklime to regulate water quality and increase calcium in the water, which is beneficial to lobster shelling and growth. in the prosperous season of fish and shrimp, it is applied once every 15 days, each time 10--15kg quicklime is used to turn into mortar per mu and then spread all over the pond.

10. In the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of fish and shrimp, fish drugs harmful to lobsters shall not be used, especially when choosing pesticides.

11. 40 days after the shrimp species are put into 30 murmurs, adult shrimps with specifications above 8cm can be caught. Net-cage fishing gear such as ground cages are used to do no harm to fish and shrimps. When conditions permit, shrimp species can be restocked according to the conditions of the pond, and rotation catch and release shall be carried out.