
From next year, comprehensive agricultural development will focus on supporting regional advantage and characteristic production.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Economic Daily, Beijing, November 17 (Reporter Cui Wenyuan) the "guidance on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, supporting Agricultural advantageous Industries and promoting Agricultural industrialization" issued by the Ministry of Finance today is clear that starting from 2016, agricultural comprehensive development and industrialization management project set

Economic Daily, Beijing, November 17 (Reporter Cui Wenyuan) the "guidance on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, supporting Agricultural characteristic Industries and promoting the Development of Agricultural industrialization" issued by the Ministry of Finance today makes it clear that starting from 2016, agricultural comprehensive development and industrialization management projects focus on supporting regional agricultural advantageous characteristic industries.

According to the guiding opinions, for the advantageous and characteristic industries that are included in the scope of priority support for comprehensive agricultural development, through key support and continuous support, we will strive to initially form one or two advantageous characteristic industries in each agricultural comprehensive development county in three years. Taking the province as a unit, about 10 are formed, and 100 regional agricultural industrial clusters with large comparative advantages in resources, long extension of industrial chain, integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and strong demonstration and driving role have been formed in the country.

New changes have also been made in the way of financial funds to support industries with agricultural characteristics, from "leading" to "guiding". The guidance is clear: it is necessary to give full play to the leading and leveraging role of financial funds to financial capital and social capital, adjust and improve the ways in which financial funds support industries with agricultural advantages, and gradually form a diversified support system in which loans are mainly discounted interest, financial subsidies are supplemented, and financial equity investment funds coexist.