
Experience in feeding and Management of cultured Shrimp in High temperature season

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High temperature season, hot weather, strong sunshine, high temperature, poor water quality, affect the foraging and molting growth of shrimp, but also easy to cause disease and death. According to the practical experience of 21 major shrimp farmers such as Liang Chunlin and Mou Youbin in Pulandian City, Dalian, which is located at the junction of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea.

High temperature season, hot weather, strong sunshine, high temperature, poor water quality, affect the foraging and molting growth of shrimp, but also easy to cause disease and death. According to the practical experience of 21 large shrimp farmers such as Liang Chunlin and Mou Youbin in Pulandian City, Dalian, which is located at the junction of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, four essentials should be achieved in shrimp breeding and management.

First, it is necessary to use water to control temperature and increase oxygen.

With the rise of water temperature and the growth of prawns, the water depth should be continuously increased, especially in the middle and later stages of culture, the water level must rise to 1.8 meters ~ 2 meters, and the high temperature period should be kept above 2.2 meters. For this reason, during the spring tide, the water should be changed once a day; in the low tide and low water periods, mechanical drainage and irrigation should be carried out to make the water exchange amount to about 50%. In the high temperature period, full drainage and full irrigation is required, which can effectively control the water temperature below 30 ℃, make the water transparent to 35 cm, and stabilize the dissolved oxygen content at about 5mg/l, so as to facilitate the rapid growth of prawns, high quality and high yield. In order to prevent the invasion of shrimp fulminant virus in vivo when changing water, it is best to filter the water with a 60-mesh mesh at the inlet.

Second, bait should be taken in stages.

When the length of shrimp is more than 4 cm, the bait of low-value shellfish such as snail and clam is mainly fed with 6 kg ~ 8 kg per 10 000 tails per day, 50 kg per 10 000 tails per day when the length of prawns is 8 cm, and 100 kg per 10 000 tails every day when the length of shrimp is 12 cm. If the shellfish bait is insufficient, it can be fed with compound feed. When the length of the shrimp is more than 4 cm, 1.5 kg per 10 000 tails per day, and 0.3 kg ~ 0.5 kg per 10 000 tails per day for every 0.5 cm increase in shrimp body length, and 0.7 kg ~ 0.8 kg per 10 000 tail per day when the shrimp body length is more than 10 cm. If chilled fish is used, replace it with 2.5 kg of chilled fish according to 1 kg formula feed.

Prawns have the habit of going out at night, frequent activities at night, exuberant appetite; latent during the day, loss of appetite. Therefore, the bait should be fed twice before sunrise and after sunset, one in the morning and two in the evening. Feed should be put on the platform around the shrimp pond so that all shrimps can be eaten. When casting bait, we should adhere to the principle of "four less, four more, two do not cast". "four less and four more", that is, less in the early stage of shrimp growth and more in the later stage; less in the morning and more in the evening; less in low tide and more in spring tide; less in moulting and more in normal growth. "two do not cast", that is, no spoiled bait, no ring ditch and deep water.

Third, we should beware of shrimp disease.

In the high temperature season, the feeding ability of shrimp activity is poor, the metabolic level of the body decreases, coupled with the deterioration of water environment and the breeding of pathogenic organisms, it is easy to cause shrimp disease. Therefore, we must do a good job in the prevention and control of shrimp disease. First of all, we should pay attention to the amount of bait should not be too much and too concentrated, lest the bait deteriorate and stink. Especially when the fresh bait is high temperature, it is very easy to deteriorate. In order to reduce the water pollution of shrimp ponds, the water should be changed frequently. Secondly, the density of prawns should be adjusted reasonably in order to keep prawns in active waters.

Fourth, it is necessary to prevent the death of the floating head of shrimp

In the high temperature season, we should patrol the pond in the morning and evening every day, observe the growth activity and food residue of shrimp, and determine the variety and quantity of bait on that day. When a large number of prawns molt, it is necessary to add some high-protein formula feed to prevent each other from eating each other. The oxygen in the shrimp pond drops to the lowest point at midnight and before dawn, which is the most dangerous time for shrimp to die of floating head, such as finding the floating head of Mysis shrimp and white shrimp, gathering of small miscellaneous fish to the edge of the pond, and so on (this is a sign of the floating head of shrimp). It is necessary to turn on the aerator or change water in time.