
Innovative ways to increase support and protection for agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Support and protection system is the core of modern national agricultural policy, and the necessary support and protection of agriculture is the objective need for the development of modern agriculture. The Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan") clearly points out that it is necessary to insist on more than giving less.

Supporting and protecting system is the core of agricultural policy in modern country. It is the objective need of developing modern agriculture to implement necessary supporting and protecting system for agriculture. The Comprehensive Implementation Plan for Deepening Rural Reform (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") clearly puts forward that we should adhere to the basic policy of giving more and taking less, focusing on ensuring the supply of major agricultural products, promoting the increase of farmers 'income and realizing sustainable agricultural development, and accelerating the formation of an agricultural support and protection system with comprehensive coverage, clear orientation, prominent focus, supporting measures and simple operation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have insisted on strengthening agriculture in macro-control, continuously increasing investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and continuously increasing agricultural subsidies, which have played an important role in promoting agricultural production increase, farmers 'income increase and rural stability. At present, China is in the critical period of transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. In order to continue to strengthen the basic position of agriculture and promote the continuous increase of farmers 'income under the background of slowing economic growth, it is particularly necessary to strengthen agricultural support and protection more firmly. At the same time, with the slowdown of fiscal revenue growth and agricultural subsidies approaching the "yellow box" subsidy ceiling promised by China's accession to the World Trade Organization, agricultural support and protection policies need to be adjusted and improved.

We see that a strong signal released by the plan is that support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers will not weaken in the future, and investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers will only increase. The establishment of a stable growth mechanism for agricultural and rural investment has been put in an important position. Agriculture and rural areas have become priority areas for fiscal expenditure, and investment in the central budget continues to be inclined to agriculture and rural areas.

Under the new circumstances, how to better play the role of financial leverage, leverage more financial capital, social funds into the "three rural" areas, is also one of the key points of deepening reform. The plan proposes to further optimize the expenditure structure of financial support for agriculture, transform the mode of financial fund investment, drive financial and social capital to invest in agriculture and rural areas through measures such as cooperation between government and social capital, government purchase of services, guarantee discount interest, compensation by reward, private public assistance, risk compensation, etc., so as to give play to the guidance and leverage of financial funds.

In addition, agriculture-related transfer payment funds will be vigorously cleaned up, integrated and standardized, and "small, scattered and chaotic" and special funds related to agriculture with insignificant effects shall be resolutely rectified; special funds related to agriculture with similar objectives and similar investment directions shall be integrated; agriculture-related expenditures with local management information advantages shall be classified into general transfer payment blocks and issued, which shall be controlled by local authorities as a whole, and supervision responsibilities shall be implemented. Establish a standardized and transparent management system, put an end to any form of misappropriation, layer-by-layer interception and false claims, and effectively improve the investment performance of agriculture-related funds.

Since autumn, the prices of corn, wheat and rice in the main grain producing areas of the country have fallen to varying degrees. How to improve the agricultural product price formation mechanism and agricultural product market regulation system, while taking into account the legitimate income of farmers? According to the importance of various major agricultural products in the national economy and the people's livelihood, the plan requires that the method of "implementing policies according to varieties and gradually promoting" be adopted to improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products and the policy of purchasing and storage of agricultural products, adhere to the principle of being close to the market and ensuring farmers 'reasonable income to determine the price of purchasing and storage, reduce reserve costs and improve reserve efficiency.

What if the market price is too low? The government should explore appropriate policies to subsidize farmers in accordance with the idea of "separating price from compensation." To this end, the program proposes to improve the agricultural subsidy system. To maintain the continuity and stability of agricultural subsidy policies, adjust and improve the "yellow box" support policies, gradually expand the scale and scope of implementation of the "green box" support policies, and improve the effectiveness of agricultural subsidy policies. Pilot agricultural subsidy reform will be carried out to merge the existing "three subsidies"(subsidies for improved crop varieties, direct subsidies for grain cultivation, and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials) into "agricultural support and protection subsidies", optimize the direction of subsidy support, and highlight cultivated land protection and food security. Maintain the connection with the existing policies, adjust part of the stock funds and new subsidy funds to all kinds of new agricultural business entities with moderate scale operation, reasonably determine the support strength, and do not artificially "build large households".

At the same time, we will further broaden the channels for financial support for agriculture, highlight the key points of financial support for agriculture, continuously increase investment in agricultural infrastructure construction and comprehensive agricultural development, improve the investment mechanism for promoting agricultural science and technology progress, strengthen farmers 'skills training, strengthen support for agricultural restructuring, and increase support for agricultural inputs and agricultural machinery purchase. We will improve the compensation mechanism for the interests of major grain producing areas. We will improve quick and efficient methods for granting subsidies and encourage places where conditions permit to explore ways to subsidize farmers 'income.