
Get through the "Last centimeter" of Agricultural Informatization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, A few days ago, the Ministry of Agriculture issued a notice that it plans to improve farmers' ability to use modern information technology, especially mobile phones, to surf the Internet in about three years through training in mobile phone application skills and information skills. Although it is small to teach farmers to surf the Internet on their mobile phones.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Agriculture issued a notice that it plans to improve farmers' ability to use modern information technology, especially mobile phones, to surf the Internet in about three years through training in mobile phone application skills and information skills.

Teaching farmers to surf the Internet on mobile phones is small, but it is of great significance. In fact, it also reflects the implementation, fall and details of agricultural informatization in the "last centimeter", and will certainly play an important role in promoting the "bend overtaking" of agricultural and rural informatization. Teaching farmers to surf the Internet by mobile phone not only enriches the consumption and entertainment forms of farmers' mobile phone network, but also conveniently transmits production technology and market information. It can be described as the flowering pen of agricultural and rural information work, which is worth encouraging and advocating.

While the government is vigorously promoting it, more social forces are also needed to participate. Rural young people, rural college students and migrant workers who have worked in cities should be encouraged to take the initiative to teach their villagers to use mobile phones to surf the Internet. To let more farmers learn to surf the Internet on mobile phones and better integrate them into modern society is the need to get through the "last centimeter" of agricultural informatization, and it will also open a window of opportunity for farmers to increase their income and become rich.