
Breeding and management of breeding ostrich

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, (1) Feed: artificial breeding ostrich should provide balanced diet according to the nutritional needs of breeding ostrich. Feed is usually prepared according to the needs of calcium and phosphorus for ostriches (female ostriches have high requirements for calcium and phosphorus during laying). Ostriches are most likely to lack fat-soluble vitamins and

(1) Feed: artificial breeding ostrich should provide balanced diet according to the nutritional needs of breeding ostrich. Feed is usually prepared according to the needs of calcium and phosphorus for ostriches (female ostriches have high requirements for calcium and phosphorus during laying period). Ostriches are most likely to lack fat-soluble vitamins and trace elements such as iodine, iron and zinc. But should not feed too much high fat feed, this is because ostriches do not have gallbladder, poor fat absorption capacity. In particular, the supply of energy should not be too much to prevent ostriches from gaining fat and weight, resulting in a decline in egg laying rate, or even stop laying eggs.

(2) feeding and management methods: the purpose of breeding and management of ostrich should be to increase egg production in order to reproduce more high-quality ostrich chicks. African ostriches can be raised as a mixture of males and females. The suitable area of ostrich house is 10 square meters and 12 meters each. Generally speaking, the area of the bird pen is 250cm 300m 2 for each species of ostrich, and the ratio of length to width of the bird pen is generally 7:3. The feeding tools used by species of ostriches should be made of cement into strong cement troughs to prevent them from getting sick when they are trampled and smashed their feet or wet their bellies while eating or drinking water. It is usually appropriate to feed ostrich species 4 times a day, the first time a day at 6-30-7-30, with basically equal feeding intervals. The feeding order is first green coarse and then concentrate or mixed concentrate and green coarse feed, with a feeding amount of about 1.5kg, and keep clean drinking water regularly (25 ℃ of warm water in winter). In order to make ostrich species exercise regularly, drive exercise for at least 1-2 hours in the morning and afternoon every day. In addition, the birdhouse fence should be cleaned regularly, keep it clean and clean, and eliminate the feces in the shed at any time. Feed tools and bird pens should be sterilized once a week.