
How to supplement vitamins for breeding homing pigeons

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Vitamins are necessary nutrients for homing pigeons to maintain their life and normal physiological function. the lack of any kind of vitamins will cause some metabolic disorders and disorders and affect the growth and health of homing pigeons. Breeding pigeons and young pigeons have stricter requirements for vitamins, but homing pigeons don't like home.

Vitamins are necessary nutrients for homing pigeons to maintain their life and normal physiological function. the lack of any kind of vitamins will cause some metabolic disorders and disorders and affect the growth and health of homing pigeons. Breeding pigeons and young pigeons have stricter requirements for vitamins. Homing pigeons do not like to fly at home, which is due to the lack of certain vitamins. Therefore, it should be adjusted and supplemented at any time according to the different ages, seasons and seasons of carrier pigeons to meet the needs of carrier pigeons at different stages.

1. During the period from feeding to 2 months old, the young pigeons are timid and weak in resistance. Any small change may lead to stress reaction, and it is also vulnerable to a variety of harmful microorganisms from the outside world. Therefore, during these periods, a double amount of vitamins can be supplied. (1) it can enhance the body function of young pigeons and reduce the damage caused by stress reaction. (2) to enhance the resistance of the body to harmful microorganisms and promote the health of young pigeons. Pigeon lovers all think that Vc can be synthesized in pigeons, so it is easy to ignore the addition of Vc. Because Vc has anti-allergy, detoxification and other functions, and can improve the immunity of the body, so adding Vc during the period of young pigeons is very beneficial to young pigeons.

2. Most B vitamins are part of the enzyme system in the body, so even short-term deficiency or deficiency will affect the enzyme activity in the body. These enzymes play a very important role in the metabolism of the body. Therefore, whether the body can meet the demand for B vitamins will affect the metabolism of carrier pigeons. Young pigeons grow fastest from 1 day to 30 days old; exuberant metabolism requires a lot of enzymes. As a result, the demand for B vitamins, as an important part of the enzyme, increases at the same time, such as adding vitamins according to the recommended standard. It is easy to cause vitamin B deficiency and affect the treatment of enzymes. It is appropriate to affect the metabolism of the young pigeon Tianyuan. Therefore, in addition to the standard amount of vitamins, but also according to the actual situation to add some B vitamins.

3. Vitamin E plays an important role in the synthesis of gonadotropin in anterior pituitary. When Ve deficiency, it will inevitably affect the synthesis of gonadotropin, thus reducing the reproductive function of carrier pigeons. Vitamin A can maintain the integrity of epithelial tissue and promote the synthesis of mucopolysaccharide in connective tissue. When Va is deficient, the synthesis of mucopolysaccharide is blocked and the epithelial cells of the reproductive system and other tissues are scaly and keratinized. Vitamin D has the unconscious effect of maintaining the levels of blood calcium and blood scales. lack of Vd will make the eggs laid by breeding pigeons thinner or shellless. In addition, the latest research shows that Vk is not only a component of thrombin, but also involved in the formation of pigeon embryos, membrane structure and metabolism of high-energy compounds, thus improving the survival rate of newborn pigeons. Therefore, Vk3 should be supplemented in the feed of breeding pigeons.

4. The summer climate is hot. In order to alleviate the heat stress of carrier pigeons, enough Vc and Ve should be supplemented in the feed. A great deal of evidence shows that supplementation of Vc can minimize the growth inhibition of homing pigeons caused by heat stress.

5. When pigeon flocks have diseases, it is very important to add vitamins as adjuvant therapy, especially Va, Vc and Vk. Some studies have shown that Vk and Vc can enhance the immune function of the body, improve the tolerance of homing pigeons to various stresses, promote recovery, growth and development after the disease, and Vk can shorten the clotting time and reduce blood loss, so it can reduce symptoms and reduce death in some diseases with bleeding symptoms. For example, when homing pigeons suffer from coccidiosis, due to Yangdao injury and poor absorption, feeding high doses of vitamins at this time can not only meet the vitamin needs of sick pigeons, but also increase the appetite of homing pigeons and accelerate the recovery of the body.

6. Long-term use of antibiotics, especially sulfonamides, will inhibit the synthesis of Vb1, Vk and folic acid, resulting in the lack of Vb1, Vk and folic acid, which should be supplemented appropriately.

7. For pigeons trained and vaccinated, double amount of vitamins should be added to the feed, or electrolytic multi-dimensional quick supplements should be added to drinking water, which can reduce the stress reaction caused by transfer immunity and enhance the anti-stress ability of the body.

8. When the dietary protein level is over the bottom, doubling the addition of Va and Ve can reduce the adverse effects caused by the protein level. When the energy level is low, if 20% Mel 40% Vb1, Vb2 and 10% Mel 20% Vb2, Ve, choline are added to the feed, the chicken production level will not be affected. If there is a lack of selenium in the diet, the amount of Ve should be increased.