
The work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" must pay attention to the typical examples.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out: "it has always been an important working method of our party to be good at grasping models, letting them lead the way, and playing an exemplary role." The work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" should pay special attention to and be good at grasping models. How to become beautiful in rural areas and how to strengthen agriculture?

Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out: "it has always been an important working method of our party to be good at grasping models, letting them lead the way, and playing an exemplary role." The work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" should pay special attention to and be good at grasping models. Typical guidance is needed for how beautiful the countryside is, how strong the agriculture is, and how the farmers get rich. There is no doubt that paying attention to typical demonstration is an important and effective working method for agriculture, rural areas and farmers.


In recent years, Hainan has attached importance to model and tree model in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and has created a large number of high-quality models, showing four distinct characteristics on the whole: first, comprehensive coverage. There are typical examples in all fields and links of the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. For example, the typical melons and vegetables in winter are Chengmai Longpo watermelon and vegetable base, the typical tropical fruit industry is mango base in Nantian Farm, the typical aquaculture is Lingao deep-water cage culture base, the typical breeding in southern China is Shennong Dafeng Company, the typical "vegetable basket" is Luoniushan all kinds of agricultural products supply, the typical financial services are provincial rural credit cooperatives "Yitong" farmers' microcredit, The typical examples of science and technology services are agricultural science and technology 110, the typical examples of farmers' cooperative organizations are Qiongzhong Fukushima rubber cooperative, the typical examples of agricultural industry chain are Sanya Rose Valley, the typical examples of aquatic products export are Chengmai Xiangtai fishery, the typical examples of rural tourism are Baoting Betelang Valley, the typical examples of rural spiritual civilization construction are the nationally famous brand-civilized Ecological Village. Wait, there are so many kinds of typical examples. Second, the idea is novel. The typical "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in Hainan is like a "lighthouse", which indicates a direction of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" from their respective fields, reveals a law of the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and leads the new trend and trend of the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". For example, the Betelnut Valley in Baoting County makes rational use of the customs of ethnic minorities, takes full care of the interests of indigenous residents, and retains the original style of the village, so as to form a harmonious and sustainable development model; Sanya's "Rose Valley" integrates the primary and secondary industries and forms the idea of the development of the whole industrial chain, all of which are advanced ideas and scientific methods, which are enlightening and enlightening. Third, the benefits are outstanding. No benefit is not typical, these models bring real benefits to farmers. By planting selenium-rich sweet potato in Shatu Village, Qiaotou Town, Chengmai County, taking the road of organization, scale, brand and industrialization, the per capita net income of farmers increased from less than 2000 yuan in 2006 to 13450 yuan in 2014. At the planting base of okra in Xinlian Village, Fenghuang Town, Sanya City, the per capita net income of villagers reached 15000 yuan in 2014, a net increase of 4000 yuan over that before planting okra. The fourth is to cultivate meticulously. Typical education is like educating people, each typical cultivation condenses the painstaking efforts of all parties and integrates the common support of relevant resources. It can be said that the leaders are conscientious, the grassroots use emotion, and the masses exert their efforts. Leaders of some cities and counties and leaders of some departments and bureaus in Hainan are personally grasping models and carefully cultivating them. It can be said that "there is an overall situation in mind and a model in hand."


A single flower does not make a spring. The purpose of grasping the typical model is to popularize. Only by popularizing can the typical model play an exemplary and leading role. At that time, the typical "Da Baogan" model of Xiaogang Village in Fengyang, Anhui Province, if not promoted, might be submerged in the long river of history, but as soon as it was promoted, it opened the curtain of China's reform and opening up. Comrade Mao Zedong proposed to "grasp the typical experience and popularize it in an all-round way". Comrade Xi Jinping also particularly stressed that typical examples should be used to lead the way, let pacesetters lead the way, and personally grasp the work of typical demonstrations during the work of various localities. In order to create a prosperous situation in the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, it is necessary to be good at popularizing typical models so that they can produce rolling effect and magnifying effect.

To sum up, the typical promotion methods used in the past include conference promotion, on-site promotion, document promotion, media promotion, policy promotion and so on. In order to improve the effect of typical promotion, we should further broaden our ideas, innovate ways and make efforts in three aspects. First, the extensive use of the Internet and even Wechat and mobile customer service and other emerging ways. The network has the natural advantage of typical promotion. Network promotion has the advantages of image, text, video and audio, which combines the advantages of conference promotion, on-site promotion and document promotion, and has the characteristics of rapid and extensive dissemination, long-term information maintenance, low-cost and convenient learning, and three-dimensional introduction. The relevant functional departments can make more use of private customization, give full play to the advantages of departmental information, implement accurate and personalized promotion methods, and popularize those who have done a good job directly to farmers, peasant cooperative organizations, and agricultural enterprises. instead of carrying out the kind of "flooding" promotion. The second is to strengthen the incentive mechanism of promotion. Incentive mechanism is the breakthrough of typical promotion. Now the typical promotion calls for more, but less profit-driven. Through policy design, we can benefit from the promotion of typical models, and establish and improve the benefit-driven mechanism of typical promotion. Certain financial subsidies or incentives can be given to those mature typical practices that need to be promoted in an all-round way. For example, when engaged in tourism in rural areas, the things that can be brought out are the things of our ancestors, such as the traditional villages of 100 or 200 years ago. In recent decades, there are a variety of houses built in rural areas, but most of them are "matchboxes". When they are left to future generations, I am afraid they cannot be said to be traditional villages in the future, but most of them are construction waste and have no value for protection. To solve this problem, we can use an interest-driven way to allow farmers to build houses in accordance with the architectural drawings with local customs, regional characteristics, and national characteristics designed by the village planning and construction departments, and subsidies can be given to those who meet the conditions. Subsidy standards can be adjusted to local conditions. The third is to better integrate farmers, agricultural enterprises and peasant cooperative organizations into the extension system. The main body of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is the decisive force of typical popularization. The main body of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is farmers, agricultural enterprises and peasant cooperative organizations, and the final work is to farmers and business entities. In the past, when popularizing typical models, we often paid attention to the promotion among cadres, but paid little attention to farmers, agricultural enterprises and farmers' cooperative organizations. To popularize typical agricultural and rural areas, farmers, agricultural enterprises and peasant cooperative organizations must be taken into account.

For example, to promote typical rural tourism, we should not only invite city and county leading cadres to see it, but also organize farmers to see it. only when farmers see it can they feel the benefits of tourism to him, and can they learn the methods of doing rural tourism. Farmers won't resist it. The promotion of typical models also needs to keep pace with the times, constantly consolidate and innovate, and improve the places that are still not perfect in time, so as to produce a better promotion effect, achieve the state of "fragrance of flowers both inside and outside the wall", and prevent the embarrassment of "flowers inside and outside the wall".


Modesty is not only the premise of learning from the typical, but also the main cost of learning from the typical. Although many typical models have strong promotion value, but the promotion effect is not ideal, often "blossom alone". What's the reason? Apart from some objective reasons, there is a very important subjective factor, that is, some comrades are not so convinced and open-minded. Some comrades see much but do little, are shocked when they watch, are excited when they discuss it, and remain motionless when they go back. Some people even treat typical models with skeptical eyes and critical mentality.

Comrade Mao Zedong said: "modesty makes people progress, while pride makes people lag behind." The achievement of a country, a nation, a political party, a region, a unit and a person is closely related to whether they learn from others with an open mind and whether they are good at learning from others. Comrade Xi Jinping specially wrote an article entitled "be good at learning models," emphasizing that "learning knowledge is a kind of knowledge, and learning from others is a virtue."the amount, depth, gains and losses of learning from others depends on your personal learning attitude and perspective. It is the same to learn from ordinary people and from advanced models. Confucius said: "three people walk, there must be my teacher." Ordinary people have something to learn from, not to mention typical!

Learning typical is the most cost-effective. Because learning typical needs to pay only modesty, and do not have to pay tuition fees, and do not have to bear the cost and time paid by typical practitioners, but the harvest is inestimable. In any way, it is necessary and worthwhile to learn typical examples with an open mind. You can't be blamed for learning from typical models. A ruler is short and an inch is strong. The typical model may also have some defects and deficiencies, and the correct attitude is to correct the typical defects and deficiencies while learning the typical experience, so as to surpass the typical in learning the typical. Comrade Xi Jinping said, "learn from others, different people have different views: benevolent people see other people's strengths, critical people see other people's weaknesses; modest people learn from other people's strengths to cultivate themselves, arrogant people take advantage of other people's weaknesses to expand themselves; optimistic people learn from others to encourage themselves, pessimistic people are ashamed and indulge themselves." You are a typical, I can learn from your experience, I will create a new model; you have the ability, I can learn your skills, that is the real ability. As the saying goes, "good scholars have the advantages of dummies and make up for their weaknesses." If the vast number of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" workers can modestly learn from the experience of others and use their strengths to make up for their own shortcomings, then the typical spark of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" will start a prairie fire.


Seeking truth from facts is not only a basic criterion for popularizing and learning typical models, but also a skill. Comrade Xi Jinping demanded, "there are many scholars to learn from advanced models!" The most important thing is to learn spirit, quality and methods. " So, how to persist in seeking truth from facts in popularizing and learning typical models?

First, measures should be taken according to local conditions. "Land" includes different kinds of land, such as fertile land, thin land, dry land, waterlogged land, sloping land, flat land, and so on, and then extends to include latitude, altitude, water source, sunshine, and even the influence of air dryness and humidity and microorganisms, and so on. The "adapting measures to local conditions" in agriculture is to do what is appropriate! It is appropriate to plant, raise, add, cattle, sheep, pig, seedling and fruit, all of which are in accordance with local conditions. It is not easy to adapt measures to local conditions in practical work. In some places, they often choose blindly without careful study or understanding of what "land" is. See what other places do, what effect is good, come back regardless of their own conditions, the situation to promote, the result ended up at a loss. Therefore, to learn a typical model is to learn the essence, to see the essence through the phenomenon, to learn its way of thinking, to learn its spirit, to draw a tiger according to a cat, and to copy it blindly, it will only become a "four dislikeness".

The second is to proceed step by step. Typical promotion and learning have a process, which is not achieved overnight. Once you give birth, you have to go through ten months of pregnancy, not to mention to promote and learn from typical examples. Comrade Xi Jinping said: urbanization is a long-term historical process, and it is necessary to move forward in a scientific and orderly manner, actively and steadily, and not rush for success. The promotion of typical learning can not be hasty, we need to move forward step by step, naturally, and comply with the trend. Don't lose heart even if you encounter difficulties and setbacks. As long as we go in the right direction and persevere, we will succeed in overcoming difficulties.

Third, innovative breakthroughs. The creation of typical models is an innovative breakthrough, and the promotion of learning models also requires innovative breakthroughs. To popularize typical learning, we should study and overcome its shortcomings, and at the same time make new creations and make new breakthroughs in the light of reality, and strive to be superior to the blue. When learning from the micro-loan experience of Bangladeshi farmers, Hainan Rural Credit Union overcame their shortcomings such as small loan amount and high interest rate, achieved transcendence, and created a micro-loan model for farmers in Hainan. It is this kind of creative promotion and creative learning that can give full play to the typical demonstration and lead role and promote the formation of a good situation of catching up with learning.