
The right to use 56 green food products in the first three quarters was revoked

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The reporter learned from the China Green Food Development Center that from January to September 2015, it inspected 160 cities (commercial) markets of various types in 55 cities or regions across the country, rectified 175 non-standard products, and found 31 counterfeit cases; accepted 163 reported cases and assisted administrative enforcement.

The reporter learned from the China Green Food Development Center that from January to September 2015, 160 markets of various types in 55 cities or regions across the country were inspected, 175 non-standard standard products were rectified, 31 counterfeit cases were found and dealt with, 163 reported cases were accepted, administrative law enforcement departments were assisted in dealing with 49 cases of violations, and a total of 56 product logo use rights were revoked.

According to the person in charge of the China Green Food Development Center, over the years, the Ministry of Agriculture has organized and formulated 126 series of standards, such as environmental standards for green food producing areas, production operation procedures, guidelines for the use of inputs, product testing standards and standards for the use of labels, and revised and promulgated the measures for the Administration of Green Food labels in 2012. It is clearly stipulated that the supervision of green food quality shall be incorporated into the administrative functions of the competent agricultural departments of the people's governments at all levels. For many years, the China Green Food Development Center has formulated and implemented five working systems around the quality supervision and inspection of green food, such as annual inspection of standard enterprises, annual random inspection of the quality of standard products, supervision and anti-counterfeiting of green food mark market, quality risk early warning and information announcement. and set up a team of logo supervisors in the national green food work system, with 3084 valid certificate supervisors nationwide. It covers more than 80% of the prefectures and cities and more than 50% of the counties and cities in China. Since 2011, the center has fully launched quality management risk early warning and the establishment of a team of internal inspectors in green food production enterprises. As of 2014, there are a total of 15540 inspectors in enterprises registered and issued certificates, and there are a total of 122risk early warning information officers. The implementation and implementation of these systems and working measures ensure the steady and continuous improvement of the quality of green food and the gradual improvement of brand credibility.