
Safety management experience of goslings in spring

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, People often say: spring geese are easy to raise, but spring chicks are difficult to breed. In large-scale production, the mortality rate of goslings from 0 days old to 21 days old is higher, among which the mortality caused by poor environmental conditions and unscientific management accounts for more than 60% of the total deaths of goslings. The environmental factors leading to the death of goslings are as follows

People often say, "Spring geese are easy to raise, but spring chicks are difficult to breed." In large-scale production, the mortality rate of goslings from 0 days old to 21 days old is higher, among which the mortality caused by poor environmental conditions and unscientific management accounts for more than 60% of the total deaths of goslings. The environmental factors causing the death of goslings are as follows:


Geese are thermostatic animals, while goslings are small, with thin fluff, imperfect thermoregulation, and weak adaptability to low temperature and sudden temperature changes. Gosling huddled in low temperatures below 26 ℃, and the goslings in the heap often died of asphyxiation. The goslings that break up the pile artificially, the goslings that sweat a lot are easy to catch a cold. After people leave, the geese gather together again and sweat. So repeatedly, not only the number of cold goslings increases, but also the goslings are easy to cause feathering and form stiff geese after sweating many times.

Once the temperature of the goose house exceeds 32 ℃, the goslings are in low spirits, eat less, drink more water, raise their body temperature, and block the distribution of body heat, thus affecting their growth and development and inducing diseases. Long-term high temperature can also cause a large number of deaths of goslings.

The temperature of raising goslings is suitable and balanced: the temperature of goslings from 0 days to 7 days old should be about 28 ℃, and then decrease by 2 ℃ per week with the increase of age, but the temperature difference between day and night should not exceed 2 ℃.


Gosling's requirements for environmental humidity should not be taken lightly. Practice has proved that when the humidity is more than 80% and the temperature is not suitable, the goslings appear symptoms such as loss of spirits, loss of appetite, squeezing, dyspnea, diarrhea, fluffy disorder and so on. Most of these goslings are stunted, their vitality and disease resistance are weakened, and they are easy to become stiff geese and lose their feeding value in the future. In the environment of high temperature and humidity, pathogenic microorganisms and parasites are easy to breed, feed and bedding are easy to mildew, the incidence of geese is also increased, at the same time, it will also cause heat radiation disease of goslings.

Hunger and water shortage

As the residual yolk in the body is gradually absorbed, the metabolism of goslings becomes more and more exuberant. Because the gastrointestinal volume of goslings is small and the digestive ability is poor, the feed supplied is of good quality and easy to digest. The feeding process should be divided into groups reasonably, the size and height of the trough or tray should be appropriate, and the position should be appropriate to ensure that each gossip can eat well and moderately.

The body of the goslings that just came out of the shell contains about 75% of the water. If the goslings are not given water within 24 hours, the goslings will quickly develop symptoms such as mental depression, sagging wings, lethargy, sagging eyeballs and local skin shrinkage due to serious water loss. Therefore, for chicks, early supply of clean, warm water is more important than feeding, and once drinking water starts, it cannot be interrupted for no reason.

Harmful gas

Goslings are very sensitive to harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the brooding room. When the content of carbon dioxide in the environment is more than 0.51 mg / kg, the content of ammonia is more than 21 mg / kg, and the content of hydrogen sulfide is more than 0.46 mg / kg, the goslings will have symptoms such as depression, accelerated breathing, increased oral mucus, loss of appetite, disorderly and dull feather pine, and so on. If the harmful gas continues to accumulate, the goslings will have turbid cornea, eyelid edema, tears, runny nose, loss of appetite, dyskinesia and other neurological symptoms, and finally look up, gasp, paralyze and die.

The main causes of carbon dioxide poisoning of goslings are high room temperature, poor ventilation in nursery, excessive feeding density of goslings and so on. The main causes of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide poisoning in goslings are the lack of timely removal of organic matter such as dampness, poor ventilation, dirty bedding and feces in the nursery.

Drug poisoning

Gosling poisoning and casualties caused by multi-use and abuse of drugs are very common in the process of raising geese. The main reason is that farmers lack the concept of modern feeding and blindly use nitrofurans (dysentery, etc.), antibiotics, sulfonamides and so on from the beginning of feeding, resulting in acute or cumulative drug poisoning.

Goose belongs to herbivorous waterfowl, which has unique biological and physiological characteristics. Because they are used to people's long-term traditional extensive breeding, geese are more sensitive to drugs, especially goslings. Practice has proved that as long as the brooding environment is kept clean, hygienic and dry, temperature, humidity, light and feeding density are suitable, individual groups are reasonable, ventilation is good, and fresh and clean feed and drinking water are fed regularly and quantitatively, goslings can grow healthily and are not prone to common diseases and parasitic diseases. As for infectious diseases such as Gosling plague, Gosling new viral enteritis and goose paramyxovirus disease, it is useless to use drugs to prevent and cure infectious diseases. Only by immunizing breeder geese and goslings regularly in accordance with the prescribed immune procedures can we avoid the disease and ensure the safety of production.

Squeeze and rodent damage

Poor heat preservation conditions in the nursery, sudden shock of goslings, ups and downs in the process of shipment, irregular feeding and drinking water, excessive feeding density and so on will often cause goslings to die by extrusion.

Rodent damage has the greatest impact on goslings within 3 weeks of age, which will not only cause deaths and injuries of goslings, but also spread diseases and harm other livestock and poultry, which must be strictly prevented. The key point is to plug the rat hole in the nursery, pay attention to close the doors and windows, and strictly prevent rats from entering.