
The five-stage feeding method teaches you to raise foxes well.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Raising foxes scientifically should be based on raising excellent varieties. The level of fecundity and the quality of daily feeding and management are the key links of breeding benefits. Five breeding methods are introduced below, which can be used for reference by fox farmers. On the premise of choosing a good fox breed, attention should be paid to

Raising foxes scientifically should be based on raising excellent varieties. The level of fecundity and the quality of daily feeding and management are the key links of breeding benefits. Five breeding methods are introduced below, which can be used for reference by fox farmers.

On the premise of selecting excellent fox varieties, attention should be paid to correctly identifying the estrus characteristics of female foxes and male foxes, mating well and increasing the conception rate, so as to improve their fecundity as much as possible and make the foxes alive and strong.

Feeding and management before mating at present, most fox farmers mainly raise silver foxes and blue foxes. Silver fox enters the mating preparation period from December to January of the following year, while the mating preparation period of blue fox can be extended to February. The main task of this period is to adjust the nutritional level of the diet and increase the proportion of protein in the diet so as to achieve the upper-middle body condition of foxes before breeding. Different nutrition standards should be applied to overweight and thin foxes so that they can reach 5 to 6 kilograms before mating. At the same time, to gradually increase the light, in order to stimulate its gonadal development, can be planted fox in the sunrise place.

The breeding period of silver fox is from February to March, and that of blue fox is from March to April. In this period, we should provide fodder with rich nutrition, good palatability and easy digestion, and appropriately increase the proportion of trace elements and multivitamin in the feed. Vitamin e 20 to 30 mg, onions or garlic 4 to 5 grams and trace elements 1 to 1.5 grams can be added to each kilogram of feed. In terms of management, attention should be paid to correctly identifying the estrus characteristics of foxes and paying attention to observation to prevent mismatch. In general, after the female fox enters the estrus, the clitoris swells and the clitoris enlarges; after that, the clitoris changes from long to round; and then, the vulva is everted, elastic, and exudes a small amount of secretions, which is estrus and lasts for 3 to 5 days. The external genitalia of male foxes change with the estrus rhythm of female foxes. In the non-estrus of female foxes, the testicles of male foxes are very small. It began to develop from August to September and fully developed in November. In the estrus of female foxes, the testes of male foxes are fully developed, elastic, the scrotum is obviously drooping and has the ability to mate. The estrus of the female fox is the golden period of mating and conception, so it should be mated at the right time. Mating activities should be carried out in the morning or evening when both parties are most sexually active. Put the female fox in the male fox cage to guard against external interference. Breeders should monitor in the dark, usually half an hour to 45 minutes to achieve mating, when found that 1 hour has not yet reached mating, to immediately change the male fox. If artificial insemination is used, it should be noted that the fox is an animal that ejaculates in the womb, semen should be accurately injected into the uterus, and the number of effective sperm per infusion is not less than 100 million. In order to ensure conception and improve the rate of quasi-pregnancy, no matter it is this intercourse or artificial insemination, it should be matched again the next day.

Feeding and management during pregnancy female foxes have a particularly strong demand for nutrition during pregnancy. Attention should be paid to the supply of comprehensive nutritious and high-quality feed, and mustard spoilage and frozen feed should be avoided to prevent abortion. At the same time, we should also do a good job in the hygiene and disinfection of the fox house, keep the fox house quiet, and try to reduce the occurrence of strong stress factors such as shock.

During the lactation period, the feeding and management of female foxes have a poor appetite at the initial stage of giving birth, and it is best to feed them less frequently and 3 times a day after 3 days. Young foxes should be replenished when they reach the age of 25, usually twice a day, which can reduce the breast-feeding burden of female foxes and meet the needs of growth and development of young foxes. During supplementary feeding, fresh fish, liver, eggs and milk can be adjusted into paste so that the young foxes can feed and put back to the original nest after supplementary feeding.

The breeding and management of foxes during the breeding period can generally be weaned and divided into nests at the age of 45-50 days, and can be flexibly mastered according to the growth and development of foxes. Those who are strong and have the ability to live independently should divide their nests as early as possible, and those who are weak should postpone the time of nesting. The young foxes enter the breeding stage after dividing their nests, because the young foxes grow rapidly in this stage, and the fluffy grows rapidly in the later stage, which requires a lot of nutrients, so the young foxes should be fed well as far as possible in order to ensure the normal growth and development of the young foxes.