
Experience of raising wild ducks in winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many kinds of wild ducks. At present, American mallard ducks are mainly domesticated. Mallard duck is a traditional nourishing food and game delicacy because of its fresh and tender meat, delicious taste and less fat. This kind of wild duck grows fast. At the age of 70 days, the average weight can reach 1.2 kg, 5.

There are many kinds of wild ducks. At present, American mallard ducks are mainly domesticated. Mallard duck is a traditional nourishing food and game delicacy because of its fresh and tender meat, delicious taste and less fat. This kind of wild duck grows fast. The average weight at the age of 70 days can reach 1.2 kg, and it begins to lay eggs in about 5 months, with an annual production of about 150 eggs. The market price of commercial wild ducks is no less than 20 yuan per kilogram, and the market is very broad. The domestication methods are as follows:

First, create a suitable wild environment

The construction of wild duck farms must conform to the wild habits of wild ducks. Half of the duck house should be built as a rest room and half as an open-air activity area. The venue should be a pond, not a pond where artificial pools should be dug. You can plant some trees and grass under the activity ground and cultivate some algae in the pond to create a suitable wild environment. If the breeding method of combination of culture and release is adopted, the breeding ground must be selected in places where the water area is more open and lush with vegetation, such as rivers and lakes. At the same time, a purse seine should be built. The top net is about 2 meters high from the surface of the water, surrounded by purse seine to the bottom of the water, and connected with the net to form a closed body to prevent flight. The hole of item net and purse seine is 3 cm × 3 cm, either with nylon net or rope net. Generally speaking, the breeding area for every 100 wild ducks is about 60 square meters.

Second, to meet the needs of wild food

When the ducklings begin to eat, a small amount of fish meal should be added to the feeding, and a few days later, they can be fed with formula feed. At the same time, an appropriate amount of green feed and fresh animals such as small fish and shrimp, clam meat and earthworms should be added. After one month of feeding, the protein content in the feed should be reduced to 10%, the proportion of fish meal and bean cake should be reduced appropriately, and the roughage should be gradually increased to 20%. 100 grams of green feed such as vegetable leaves, alfalfa and green grass are fed every day to promote the growth of skeleton and delay the development of wild ducks. after 2 months, roughage must be reduced, protein feed should be increased to 18%, and green feed should continue to be increased.

III. Strengthen domestication management

Carefully feed the ducklings. 1 Murray 30-day-old ducklings should strictly control the temperature, 1 Mel-3-day-old 27 Mel 29 ℃, 4 Mel-6-day-old 25 Mel 26 ℃; 7 Mel-10-day-old 24 Mel 25 ℃; after 11 days old 17Mui 19 ℃. At the same time, the ground is covered with soft straw and fed in fences. Ducklings have a lot of sleeping habits and must be on duty day and night to prevent being crushed and suffocated. When you start eating, drink water first, make sure you drink enough water, and drink 5 murmurs 7 times a day. Domestication and management into ducks. 31Mel-70 days old, the breeding density is 10MUR 15 per square meter. Learn to fly after 50 days, and must strictly prevent escape. Water basins should also be arranged to provide venues and wild habitats. 60 Murray 70-day-old wild ducks should be protected from quarrelling. Wild ducks have wild attacks and stimulate flight due to increased body fat and physiological changes. At this time, the ducks are agitated and restless, with a sharp reduction in food intake and weight loss, so it is necessary to restrict feeding and increase the proportion of roughage. Breeders should wear plain clothes and avoid fresh clothes. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent outsiders from entering the duck house to disturb the flock of ducks. After domestication for half a month, it will turn to normal.