
The technique of raising black fish alone in ponds

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Blackfish is now a relatively good project developed in the past two years. In the past few years, the market price of Blackfish has been in a low state. With people's knowledge and understanding of Blackfish, more and more people like to eat Blackfish and understand the value of Blackfish, so Blackfish is valuable.

Blackfish is now a relatively good project developed in the past two years, the market price of blackfish has been in the doldrums a few years ago, with people's awareness and understanding of blackfish now, more and more people like to eat blackfish and understand the value of blackfish, so the market space of blackfish is slowly increasing!

The technique of raising black fish alone in ponds

1. Pond conditions and supporting facilities. There are two ponds with an area of 0.33 hectares, a depth of 1.8 meters and a water depth of 1.5 meters, with loam as the bottom material, 10 cm thick silt, convenient drainage and irrigation, sufficient water sources without pollution, and complete production facilities, water, electricity, roads and management rooms. and each pond is equipped with a 1.5 kilowatt aerator.

2. Concealment setting. The aquatic plants such as water hyacinth and water peanut were transplanted into the pond as concealment, accounting for about 1 / 6-1 / 5 of the pond area.

3. Fish species. The specification of fish species is 10 cm, disease-free and injury-free high-quality snakehead fish.

4. Release of fish species. The species of snakehead fish went to the pond in the first ten days of April, and the stocking density was 6000 / 667m2. The two ponds were all released once, and the total stocking amount was 60 000. Every 667 square meters of fish were sterilized with 75 kilograms of quicklime 15 days before stocking, and the fish were washed with salt water of 4% concentration during stocking.

5. Bait feeding. At the initial stage of the fish species entering the pond, the bait is cut into a palatable size and fed directly when the fish grows to a larger size. Adhere to the "Siding" bait, bait 2-3 times a day, the daily feeding amount is 6% of the total weight of the pond fish, 8%, depending on the fish intake, weather, water quality and other conditions. Feeding should not be interrupted, but in case of sudden weather, deterioration of water quality or abnormal activities of fish, measures should be taken to reduce or stop feeding.

6. Water quality regulation. Water level and water quality should be adjusted at the right time. Especially in the high temperature season, it is necessary to inject new water every 7-10 days, adding 15-20 cm each time. Every other time every semimonthly injection of new water, always keep the transparency of the ground water at 25-35 cm. In case of bad weather, fish floating head, turn on the aerator to increase oxygen. At the same time, 20X10 (- 6) concentration of raw lime water was sprinkled every 20-30 days to improve water quality and prevent fish disease.

7. Prevention and treatment of fish disease. Give priority to prevention, keep the bait off strictly to ensure that the bait is fresh and clean, feed it after disinfection, and disinfect the bait table with quicklime once a week. In order to prevent skin rot, 1 gram of bleach was sprinkled once per cubic meter of water from April to May, and 1 gram of bleach was used every 30 days from May to September to prevent bacterial Gill rot. Timely diagnosis of fish disease is found and the right medicine should be given.

The total area of the project is 0.66 hectares. since the end of the year, the average yield has reached 5658 kg per 667m2, with a survival rate of 94.3%. The total income is 1.069 million yuan and the net profit is 658000 yuan.

The economic value of black fish

As a valuable freshwater fish with high economic value, black fish is known as "the treasure of fish". Its nutrition is very rich, and meat contains a lot of protein, which is higher than that of chicken and beef. According to the determination, 100 grams of black fish meat contains 19.8 grams of protein, 1.4 grams of fat, 1.2 grams of ash, 57 milligrams of calcium, 163 milligrams of phosphorus, 0.5 milligrams of iron, 77.9 grams of water, and 383.5 kilojoules of calories. Its protein is rich in amino acids. The content of delicious amino acids accounts for 47.36% of the total amino acids, and the content of essential fatty acids accounts for about 16% of the total fatty acids. Therefore, from the point of view of nutrition, black fish is a kind of advanced health food with comprehensive nutrition and delicious meat.

Black fish is used for food, its bone spur is less, and the edible rate is 63%. The edible rate of snakehead is as high as 75.63%. In cooking, black fish meat is smooth and smooth, which is suitable for frying fish fillets, fish scales and edge stove, while snakehead is suitable for cooking and stewing. The fish soup has no fishy smell, strong flavor and loose fish meat. The "rich fish fillet" cooked with black fish is a delicacy famous all over the world.

Used in medicine, black fish has the effect of desilting and nourishing. Eating blackfish after surgery or trauma has the effect of invigorating muscle and tonifying blood, converging and promoting wound healing. Frail patients, mothers and children often eat blackfish for their health. In southern China, especially in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hong Kong and Macao, blackfish is generally regarded as a good tonic for patients and those with weak old larvae. Guangdong's well-known "raw fish kudzu soup", with heat-clearing and detoxification, Sheng Jin to quench thirst, extract poison Shengji and other effects, is very popular with the broad masses of people.

Profit and cost of black fish culture

Black fish has well-developed auxiliary respiratory organs, tolerance to hypoxia, tolerance to fertilizer and water, and will not die from water for a long time, so it is suitable for high-density culture. The yield of black fish culture is high, and the economic benefit is remarkable. Generally, the yield of black fish fry is about 750kg/67 fish, and the output value is about 13500 yuan.

The yield of adult fish is about 450kg/67 fish, and the output value is about 7200 yuan. The profit of black fish culture mainly depends on the market price of black fish, the price of bait and whether the culture is successful.

Black fish fry rearing is generally fed with expanded pellet feed, the weight gain cost per kilogram is about 10.5 yuan, including hydropower, fish medicine, feed, etc., and the feed coefficient is about 1; when feeding bait fish, the general feed coefficient is 3: 4, the size of the feed coefficient mainly depends on the advantages and disadvantages of the bait fish, and the weight gain cost per kg depends on the market price of the bait fish. Adult fish culture is generally fed with feed fish, the feed coefficient is 3-4, and the weight gain cost per kilogram is the same as that of fry. In a word, the economic benefit of black fish culture is not immutable, the benefit of black fish fry cultivation is about 5000 yuan / 67 fish, and the benefit of black fish adult fish culture is about 1500 yuan / 67 fish. (note: 1 mu = 667 mu)

Analysis on the Prospect and Market Price of raising Black Fish

Because the black fish is rich in nutrition and high medical value, it is more and more welcomed by farmers in the culture of special aquatic species, which not only enriches the aquaculture species, but also expands the utilization of aquaculture water surface and aquatic resources. And it is also a way to increase economic benefits for collectives and individuals.

China used to be a country rich in blackfish. In recent decades, due to some reasons, the natural resources of black fish have been greatly reduced, and black fish has become a rare product in aquatic products. Some of the black fish that people can see in the market are collected by farmers and farmers and mixed in fish ponds, and the other part is wild fish caught from all kinds of water bodies. In order to meet the needs of domestic and foreign trade markets, many areas have carried out scientific research and culture practice of artificially cultured black fish, and accumulated a lot of successful experience, especially the breakthrough of seedling breeding technology and artificial special feed. It has laid the foundation for the commercialization and large-scale production of black fish farming industry. A number of black fish farmers have emerged one after another across the country, and many large farmers have obtained higher economic returns. It can be expected that blackfish will become one of the most promising aquaculture objects.

With people's understanding of blackfish and knowing its various values, the market share of blackfish is also increasing year by year, and many farmers have also got higher returns, but in the process of culture, we still need to pay attention to certain technology. in order to reduce the cost to the minimum and maximize the profit.