
Ten tips for breeding meat pigeons

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The individual meat pigeon is small and very sensitive to the external environment. If it does not pay attention to scientific breeding, it is easy to die and affect the survival rate. In order to do a good job in the feeding and management of meat pigeons, we need to grasp the following tips. First, give up, that is, choose a pigeon farm and build a pigeon house. Should choose not to be sick.

The individual meat pigeon is small and very sensitive to the external environment. If it does not pay attention to scientific breeding, it is easy to die and affect the survival rate. In order to do a good job in the feeding and management of meat pigeons, we need to grasp the following "cross tips".

First, give up, that is, choose a pigeon farm and build a pigeon house. Pigeon farms should be built in places where there are no germs and "three wastes" pollution, high terrain, good drainage, leeward and sunny, far away from downtown areas. Pigeon house should adopt brick or civil structure, dry and clean, fresh air, good lighting and ventilation.

Second, control, that is, to control the environment. Attention should be paid to keeping warm in winter, but the smell of ammonia in the sealed pigeon house is very strong, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of pigeons. In addition to boiling vinegar fumigation on the stove to reduce the smell of ammonia, it is also possible to open windows for ventilation; in rainy seasons, pigeon houses should be hygienic to ensure ventilation and dryness, especially the bedding materials under the nest basin should not be exposed to moisture; in hot summer, pay attention to ventilation. The pigeon house is sprayed with disinfectant and the ground is disinfected with quicklime.

Third, materials, that is, to ensure the quality of feed, to achieve scientific ingredients. We should feed more small grains, increase mung beans and shelled wheat, and reduce shelled grains. All kinds of feed should be soaked and softened, dried and then fed, and fed less frequently. Corn, wheat, sorghum and other grains should be added to the feed formula of young pigeons, and there should be enough protein in the feed of pigeons. Breeders generally feed pigeons according to the principle of feeding pigeons and suckling pigeons.

Fourth, drink, that is, the supply of adequate drinking water. The amount of drinking water of meat pigeon varies with the change of environment and temperature, the amount of water consumed in summer is more than that in other seasons, and the amount of drinking water of cage meat pigeon is more than that of flat meat pigeon. Drinking fountains should be clean and hygienic, and water supply should be clean and pollution-free.

Fifth, add health sand and cod liver oil. In order to improve the cage weight of meat pigeons and be beneficial to their health, 7-and 30-day-old meat pigeons were fed with special health sand twice a day, 1 tablet of cod liver oil and 1 tablet of cod liver oil every day. Health sand should be used now. generally, coarse sand, bone powder and shell powder should be mixed first (3-4 days at a time), and then the ingredients with low dosage, easy oxidation and moisture release should be mixed with the prepared health sand before feeding.

Sixth, light, increase the time of illumination. In order to make pigeons feed more, promote their rapid growth, and increase the time for female pigeons to feed squab, it is best to turn on a few 6-kilowatt energy-saving lamps in the pigeon house at night.

7. Cushion, that is, pay attention to increase or decrease the cushion material. Pigeon nests should increase or decrease cushions according to seasonal and air temperature changes to ensure that the belly of meat pigeons is warm and does not catch cold.

Wash, that is, give pigeons regular baths. Regular bathing can not only prevent the invasion of external parasites of pigeons, but also stimulate pigeons to secrete growth hormone and promote growth and development. The young pigeons raised on the Internet take a bath in the way of a bath, once every 15 days; the pigeons raised in captivity use sprayers to take a bath, usually once every 20 days.

9. Adjust, that is, change the position of squab on time. Change the position of young pigeons every 2-3 days, so that young pigeons can be taken care of in a balanced way. If one young pigeon dies, the remaining one is fed half a piece of yeast every day to prevent overfeeding.

Prevention, that is, to do a good job in disease prevention and control. Breeding pigeons introduced from the outside must go through strict quarantine and isolation observation; self-breeding should be achieved as far as possible; pigeon farms should not mix other livestock and poultry; pay attention to cleaning and regular disinfection, and give pigeons disinfectant once every 5 days; breeders should be healthy, free of infectious diseases, and can only enter the breeding area after disinfection by the disinfection room. At the age of 12-13 days, pigeons are prone to dyspepsia, pharyngitis and crop accumulation. Prevention can be carried out at the age of 8 days, with half a piece of yeast tablets every day and one grain of health care sand in the morning and evening. In addition, squab colds can be fed with half a cold tablet and 6 chlortetracycline tablets, 3 times a day, 3 days can be cured. If you suffer from ophthalmitis, you can drop chloramphenicol or chlortetracycline eye drops 2-3 times a day.