
How to cultivate Pelteobagrus fulvidraco in cage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is a small freshwater fish. it has delicate meat, few thorns and no scales, delicious taste and rich nutrition. It is favored by the majority of farmers and consumers. It is a famous and excellent fish with high economic value. It is also the most potential freshwater for development at present.

Pelteobagrus fulvidraco belongs to small freshwater fish, its meat is tender, less spines and no scales, delicious taste, rich nutrition, favored by the majority of farmers and consumers, the market price is relatively high, is a famous fish with high economic value, but also the most potential freshwater culture varieties, in the domestic market is one of the highest prices of mid-range fish varieties. Cage culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco in rural lakes, reservoirs and rivers can effectively utilize water and obtain higher economic benefits. It is an effective way for farmers to adjust their breeding structure and increase their income. The relevant technical measures are described as follows:

I. Cultivation conditions

Cage culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco must meet the following conditions:

1. Elaborate cage

The net cage is made of polyethylene. The mesh of net clothing is generally required to be 2.0 cm ~3.0 cm, the mesh of net bottom is 1.5 cm, the specification of net cage is 12 m ~24 m, the shape of net cage is square or rectangular, and the depth of box is required to be 2 m.

2. Reasonable placement of cages

A frame is made of bamboo or wood strips, a net cage is arranged in the frame, cylindrical foam is used as a float, and pebbles are used as sinks at the bottom of the net cage, so that the net cage rises and falls with the fluctuation of water level. The water quality in the water area where the net cage is set should be fresh and active, and the dissolved oxygen should be high. Put the net cage into water one week before fish stocking to make the net cage wall adhere algae and reduce the scratch of fish body. The distance between cages is 2 to 3 meters. Sunlight strong areas, should be in the net cage above plus shade cover.

3. Pay attention to water quality

The water supply must be stable and free of pollution. The water depth of the net cage should be more than 2.5 meters, the water quality should be maintained, the transparency of the water should be more than 30 cm, and the exchange volume of the water body should be small.

II. Fish stocking

1. Origin of species

The fingerling must use the yellow catfish produced in the regular seed farm, which requires neat specifications, bright color, no injury on the body surface, strong physique and active swimming. It is best to use artificially propagated fingerling, which has high survival rate and easy domestication.

2. stocking time

Cage culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco generally begins to release fish species around the Spring Festival, when the water temperature is low and the fish body is not easy to be injured. Fish should be washed with 5% salt water before they are placed in the box to kill parasites and germs.

3. stocking density

The density of P. fulvidraco in cage culture is generally 100 ~150 fish/m. In addition, some amblycephala and microscale oblique jaw fish can be properly raised to make full use of bait and purify the water quality of the cage. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco grows slowly at the seedling stage, and the growth speed is obviously accelerated when it grows to more than 4 cm. It reaches sexual maturity after one year, and the male grows faster than the female, generally reaching more than 200 g/tail by the end of August.

III. Feed feeding

The following points should be paid attention to when feeding yellow catfish:

1. feed preparation

Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is a carnivorous fish. The food of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco in natural waters is mainly shrimp, fish eggs, some aquatic insects and aquatic plants. Therefore, fresh animal bait can be used for artificial breeding. In recent years, self-made compound feed has been used for domestication and feeding. The feed is made of imported fish meal, meat and bone meal, blood meal, soybean meal, rapeseed meal, dried fish worm and feed additives. The protein content in the early stage is more than 34%, and the fat is 4%. In the later stage, small miscellaneous fish meal can be used to replace part of imported fish meal, with protein content of 30% and fat of 6%. Feeding bait must be fresh without mildew, rancidity, select regular manufacturers of complete feed production. The feed is preferably powdery feed, and the feed is adjusted into paste when feeding and is thrown on the feed table of the net cage. Pelteobagrus fulvidraco likes to eat soft feed. In conditional areas, fish can be ground into slurry and mixed with powdered feed. Because there is no special feed for Pelteobagrus fulvidraco in the market at present, it is suggested to replace it with catfish feed.

2. domestication feeding

Wild Pelteobagrus fulvidraco likes to feed in the daytime and at night. After 5 ~7 days of domestication under artificial culture conditions, it can completely float and feed in the daytime. Artificial feeding was used to acclimatize the seedlings 2 days after they were put into the box, and fixed feeding signals were used to conduct fixed-point and fixed-time feeding training. After patient domestication for 5 to 7 days, the product can be obtained. The domesticated seedlings can be fed normally on the second day after being put into the box, and the feeding method can adopt two forms of artificial feeding and mechanical feeding.

3. rational feeding

The whole feeding process should be divided into three stages: the first stage is feeding 4 times a day in May and June, and the daily feeding rate is 3%~5%; the second stage is feeding 3 times a day in July, August and September, and the feeding rate is 2%~3%; the third stage is feeding 2 times a day after October, and the feeding rate is 2%. The feeding amount should be enough for Pelteobagrus fulvidraco to finish eating and not remaining. On this basis, the feeding amount should be adjusted according to the weather and water quality. In addition, due to the large mouth crack of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, the particle size of bait should be increased accordingly. With the particle size of 2.0 mm as the opening feed, the particle size of adult fish feed can reach more than 5 mm. The use of sinking hard particle bait requires that the particles have 15 minutes stability in water, while the use of floating bait will better improve the utilization rate of bait.

IV. Daily management should be strengthened

Daily management is very important for cage culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. The main tasks are as follows:

1. regular inspection

The operation should be standardized, the growth of fish should be checked regularly, carefully observed, problems found should be dealt with in time, the cage culture log should be made, and the daily water temperature, feeding, feeding, dead fish and diseases should be recorded.

2. brush box

Regularly scrub net cage dirt and attached algae, so that the water fully exchanged.

3. Box check

Check the cage frequently and repair it in time if it is damaged, so as to avoid running fish or fierce fish entering the box.

4. control box

With the fluctuation of reservoir water level, it is necessary to adjust the net cage to the appropriate position of water depth.

5. timely rotation

In order to adjust the breeding density and improve the benefit, it is necessary to catch and market in due time according to the market situation and fish growth situation, and exert the best economic benefit as much as possible. Cage culture of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco generally begins to be caught and sold in batches from the beginning of August.

5. Pay attention to the prevention and control of fish diseases

Pelteobagrus fulvidraco has strong disease resistance. As long as the water quality is strictly controlled according to the requirements, routine disinfection and prevention work are done well, diseases rarely occur. Once the disease occurs, it is necessary to diagnose it in time, accurately administer drugs and treat it. Because Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is scaleless fish, its tolerance to common drugs is not as good as domestic fish, so prevention should be given priority to, and high-efficiency and low-toxicity drugs should be used as far as possible during treatment. It is suggested that regular feeding of bait should be taken as a preventive method. Chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, rhubarb and isatis should be used every month for 3 to 5 days at an additive amount of 0.1%~0.4%. Or use bleaching powder or copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate mixture (5:2) hanging bag, generally change once a week, to try to avoid damage to fish body in catching, throwing and transporting. To prevent infection with water mold in early spring and winter cold season.