
Techniques of culturing silver carp in cages in reservoirs

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The material of the cage is polyethylene, the diameter of the wire is 1.13 mm, the size of the mesh is 35 cm, the size of the cage is 4 m x 7 m x 2 m, the cage adopts single-layer cage, the frame is bamboo pole, the diameter of bamboo pole is about 10 cm, several of them are connected as a whole, fixed with sinker.

The material of the cage structure is polyethylene, the diameter of the wire is 1.13mm, the size of the mesh is 3mur5cm, the specification of the cage is 4m x 7m x 2m, using a single-layer cage, the frame is a bamboo pole, and the diameter of the bamboo pole is about 10cm. Several of them are connected as a whole and fixed with sinkers.

Second, the cage placement position is extremely important, which directly affects the growth speed of silver carp. Generally, it is required to be placed in the reservoir area with broad water, micro-running water, good water quality, no pollution, sufficient sunshine, shelter from the wind and sun, high water temperature, sufficient bait organisms, close to shore, water depth of 4m, 7 meters deep, less wind and convenient transportation.

III. Release of fish species

1. The stocking time of fish species: 11 murals-December every year, or February-March of the following year, the water temperature is lower, the transportation is convenient, the fish is less injured and the survival rate is high.

2. Fish stocking specifications: there are two kinds, which are about 80 grams or 350 grams respectively.

3. Stocking quantity: 550 fish per box for 80 grams of fish fry and 250 fish for 350 grams fry per box.

Matters needing attention: the water temperature of the fish seed is lower than 12 degrees Celsius, the specifications of the fish species are strong and tidy, and strictly disinfect before and after entering the box to prevent the occurrence and death of water mildew. Before the fish is put into the box, due to the fish body injury caused by transportation and shipment, water mold is very easy to occur under the condition of low water temperature. 4. The success or failure of breeding and management of silver carp in cage is very important and well managed, which can accelerate the growth of silver carp and increase its output. get better economic benefits. Otherwise, due to poor management, resulting in slow growth, or even escape, breeding failure. Feeding management mainly includes the following aspects:

1. Bubble box: the new cage, the surface is rough, directly loading fish is very easy to cause fish injury, therefore, must be soaked in the library 10 days in advance.

2. Brush box: when the cage is put into the reservoir, due to the action of plankton in the water, a lot of dirt is attached to the cage, which affects the exchange of water, resulting in a decrease in the number of plankton in the box, resulting in the slow growth of silver carp due to the shortage of food organisms. Therefore, the cage must be scrubbed frequently, usually during the growing season, once every 20 days.

3. Movement: there are two cases of movement: one is to move the cage to prevent it from being washed out by the flood wind during the flood season, and the other is to increase the food biological content in the cage by moving the cage to accelerate the growth of silver carp.

4. Feeding: sometimes, the water body of the reservoir is thinner or there are more cages, and other ways can not increase the bait organisms in the box. At this time, it is necessary to stack or hang organic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer around the cage, and the chemical fertilizer is hung in the absence of wind.

5. Separate boxes: after one year of culture, most of the fish species grow 10 / 20 times. In order to ensure the normal growth of the fish in the box and avoid the lack of dissolved oxygen and bait in the box the following spring, the fish must be divided into boxes.

6. Caretaker: in the growing season, it is necessary to often check the cage, observe the fish activity, and take timely measures to prevent the fish from escaping. In winter, unsold fish should be kept together to prevent the strong wind from breaking the cage or being stolen.

Fifth, harvest sales in November, the reservoir water temperature dropped to 10 degrees Celsius, silver carp has stopped growing, began to harvest and sell silver carp. At this time, 100g silver carp can grow to more than 500g, and each box can produce more than 200kg of silver carp; after dividing the box in the following year, it can grow to more than 1500 grams. 350g silver carp can grow to 1000 grams, with a net yield of more than 250kg per box, and more than 2500 grams in separate boxes in the following year. 1000 grams of silver carp can be sold for 5 yuan / kg, and more than 2000 grams of silver carp can be sold for 6.40 yuan / kg. Therefore, after one year of breeding, the net income of each box of silver carp can be more than 1000 yuan. If the people in the reservoir area breed 10 cases per household, the annual net income would be 4000 Mel 10000 yuan.