
There are nine aspects to be paid attention to in the growing season of fish culture.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1. Prevent hunger. Fish have a large food intake in the peak growing season, so they should be fed more food. Ponds, which mainly raise grass, crucian carp and tilapia, should be mixed with wheat bran, cake, soybean dregs and fresh bait such as tender grass, plant stems and leaves. Under normal circumstances, the daily amount of crude material should be accounted for.

1. Prevent hunger. Fish have a large food intake in the peak growing season, so they should be fed more food. Ponds, which mainly raise grass, crucian carp and tilapia, should be mixed with wheat bran, cake, soybean dregs and fresh bait such as tender grass, plant stems and leaves. Under normal circumstances, the daily amount of coarse feed should account for 10% of the total weight of pond fish.

2. Prevent from lack of fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer applied in the peak growing season of fish should account for 80% of the total amount of fertilizer applied in the whole period, so every 5 to 7 days, 60 kilograms of fully fermented human and animal manure and 2 kilograms of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer should be applied per mu.

3. Prevent hypoxia. The large oxygen consumption of fish in summer, coupled with the decomposition of a large number of fertilizers and organic matter, can easily cause anoxia in pond water, so the aerator should be turned on in time to increase oxygen. In places where there is no oxygenation equipment, fresh water should be infused according to 10% of the pool water, supplemented by manual oxygenation.

4. Anti-floating head. Due to the hot weather and lower water pressure, schools of fish gather to breathe on the surface of the water, which is called "floating head". Targeted measures should be taken according to the cause and severity of the floating head. If the floating head is caused by a large amount of bait, it is necessary to increase oxygen and add new water in time, using 6 kg of quicklime or 2 kg of alum or 2 kg of salt per mu, and sprinkle it in the whole pool after dissolving water. It is also necessary to remove sundries, residual grass, floating foam and so on.

5. Guard against "anti-water". Backwater, also known as clear water disease, often occurs in sand-bottomed clear water ponds where it has been overcast and rainy for too long. The main reason is that there are many large zooplankton such as fleas, cladocera and copepods in the pond, and eat a lot of phytoplankton. In addition, the amount of new water in the pond is too large on rainy days, which destroys the ecological balance of the pond water. Prevention method: increase bighead carp, tilapia, control the number of zooplankton, sprinkle with crystal trichlorfon solution in the whole pool, combined with artificial fertilization, the pool water will soon become fat.

6. Prevent the aging of water quality. Due to the high temperature, the pond water will change from slightly alkaline to acidic and aging, seriously affecting the reproduction of natural bait, thus inhibiting the growth of fish. Every 15 days, 15 kg of lime per mu should be used and sprinkle evenly on the whole pool after water.

7. Disease prevention. The peak growing season of fish is also a season of frequent occurrence of fish diseases, especially enteritis, rotten mumps and water mildew. Bleach should be sprinkled in the whole pool once a month, or mixed with bleach in the green material, leek and garlic can also be mashed, an appropriate amount can be added to the green material, and water can be sprinkled regularly with 10 kilograms of quicklime per mu.

8. Prevent cyanobacteria poisoning. With the increase of water temperature, cyanobacteria multiply in large numbers, which will affect the growth of fish, and the toxic substances produced after the death of cyanobacteria can also kill fish, so quicklime and copper sulfate must be used to kill algae in time.

9. Escape prevention. There are many storms in summer, fresh water will make fish become extremely active, when the water level rises or is full, it is necessary to strengthen management to prevent fish from escaping.