
How to prevent diseases by raising mutton sheep in house

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In recent years, the sheep industry has developed rapidly. except for some large enterprises to implement standardized and standardized farming, rural retail farmers are in the primary class of transition from extensive breeding to modern feeding and intensive breeding. Infectious diseases of sheep in the process of sheep production

In recent years, the sheep industry has developed rapidly. except for some large enterprises to implement standardized and standardized farming, rural retail farmers are in the primary class of transition from extensive breeding to modern feeding and intensive breeding. In the process of sheep production, infectious and parasitic diseases of sheep are the biggest threat to raising sheep well. They can affect the production performance of sheep, and in serious cases, they can cause sheep death. In addition, some zoonotic diseases, sick sheep may also transmit germs to people, endangering human health. Therefore, doing a good job in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, parasitic diseases and other diseases can not only ensure the smooth production of mutton sheep, reduce the occurrence of sheep diseases, but also protect human health.

First, strengthen scientific feeding and management, enhance the health level of the whole sheep, and enhance the disease resistance of the body. If it is intensive feeding, it must be raised in groups of large, small, male and female, separately according to breed, age, feeding purpose, physical strength, etc., and managed by special personnel. In addition to paying special attention to the ventilation and ventilation of the sheep house, it is also necessary to strengthen the hygiene and reasonable feeding of the enclosure, not only paying attention to the hygiene of feed and drinking water, but also not feeding mouldy and deteriorated forage and pesticide-contaminated forage, not drinking stagnant water and sewage, and strive to diversify the types of feed used, and reasonably mix and prepare concentrate and roughage to make it nutritious and comprehensive, while keeping the sheep house clean and dry. When introducing breeder sheep from other places, they should not buy from the epidemic area, and should be quarantined and quarantined for one month before they can be raised in a herd with the sheep in the original sheep farm. During the period of isolation and quarantine, we should pay special attention to the vaccination of several major infectious diseases that often occur in sheep when purchasing from farmers and market markets:

1. Aluminum hydroxide vaccine of lamb dysentery. The vaccine was used to prevent lamb dysentery. The pregnant ewes were injected at 20-30 days and 10-20 days before delivery, and the injection site was injected subcutaneously on the inside of the two hind legs. The dosage of the vaccine was 2 ml and 3 ml respectively. Immunity was produced 10 days after injection. Lambs can be passively immunized by feeding, and the immunization period is 5 months.

2. Quadruple or five combinations of mutton sheep. The quadruple vaccine of mutton sheep is fast epidemic, sudden onset, enterotoxemia and lamb dysentery, while the five combined vaccines are fast epidemic, sudden onset, enterotoxemia, lamb dysentery and black vaccine. There are two inoculations in spring and autumn every year. At the time of vaccination, 5 ml of each sheep was injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly, regardless of the size of the sheep, and immunity was produced 14 days after vaccination.

3. Sheep pox chicken embryo attenuated vaccine. To prevent sheep pox, it is vaccinated every spring and the immunization period is 1 year. At the time of vaccination, 0.5 ml of vaccine was injected into the inner side of the tail root of each sheep regardless of the size of the sheep.

4. Tetanus toxoid prevents tetanus. One month before pregnancy, one month before fattening and castration of lambs, or when sheep were injured, 0.5 ml was injected subcutaneously into the neck of each sheep. Immunity was produced 1 month later, and the immune period was 1 year.

5. Inactivated vaccine of chlamydia trachomatis oil adjuvant yolk in mutton sheep abortion. To prevent miscarriage caused by chlamydia trachomatis, sheep should be injected subcutaneously within 1 month before or after pregnancy, 3 milliliters per sheep, with an immunization period of 1 year.

6. foot-and-mouth disease vaccine. To prevent foot-and-mouth disease in sheep, regardless of the size of sheep, each muscle is injected with 2 milliliters each in spring and autumn every year. 7. Aluminum hydroxide vaccine of infectious pleuropneumonia in mutton sheep. Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, 3 ml each under 6 months old, 5 ml each over 6 months old, immunity period 1 year.

8. Aluminum hydroxide vaccine of Streptococcus mutton. Prevent streptococcosis in sheep. The sheep were inoculated subcutaneously on the back of sheep once a year in spring and autumn, and the immunization period was half a year, and the inoculation amount was 3 ml for each mutton sheep under 6 months old and 5 ml for each sheep over 6 months old.

Immunization is the main measure to prevent and control infectious diseases in sheep. Vaccination can be divided into two categories: preventive vaccination and emergency vaccination. In production practice, we should flexibly grasp and formulate a specific immunization procedure suitable for the situation of the sheep according to the occurrence and regularity of infectious diseases in the local area (farm, flock), antibody level, animal age structure, and the nature of the vaccine. We should not be stereotyped, do a good job in vaccination and drug prevention, maintain the overall health level of the sheep, and make the sheep give play to good production performance.

Second, it is not allowed to slaughter or dissect dead sick sheep in production areas or sheephouses, let alone litter dead sheep at random in production areas, so as to reduce the incidence of sheep diseases.

Third, prevent and disinfect the sheep house, equipment and playground regularly. This is a necessary and important measure to eliminate pathogens in the external environment, cut off the route of transmission, and prevent and control the occurrence of epidemic diseases. Pay attention to timely cleaning, accumulation and fermentation of feces inside and outside the sheep barn, so as to kill the pathogens and parasites or eggs in the feces in time. In addition, the disinfectants commonly used in the sheep house environment can choose 3% Lysol, 20% lime milk and 1% 2% fire alkali. The sheep house environment should be disinfected frequently to keep the environment clean and hygienic. Generally, sheep houses, appliances and sports grounds are thoroughly disinfected once a year in spring and autumn, and they should also be sterilized once a month. When a certain epidemic disease occurs, fire alkali can be used for extinguishing and thorough disinfection.

In order to make the sheep industry develop well, we should try our best to follow the above measures to make the sheep give full play to the ideal production level and obtain considerable economic benefits under the condition of ensuring the health of the sheep.