
Experience of raising nestling of pheasant

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The so-called pheasant generally refers to the colorful pheasant. Pheasant brooding, if the child's infant stage, the importance of this period is self-evident. In fact, if you master the technology, the brooding work is relatively simple, generally focusing on heat preservation and feeding.

The so-called pheasant generally refers to the colorful pheasant. Pheasant brood, if the child's infant stage, the importance of this period, we self-evident. In fact, if you master the technology, brood work is relatively simple, generally pay attention to heat preservation, feeding, disease prevention and other technologies can achieve good feeding benefits.

In the construction of breeding houses, we must consider the effect of insulation, such as the use of insulation materials, increase the thickness of walls, construction of insulation sheds, etc. In the shed laid 5 to 10 cm thick sawdust, rice husk, etc., can absorb water, but also can keep warm. Conditional, you can use infrared bulbs, the number of bulbs to reach normal temperature may be determined. 1 to 2 days before chicks enter the house, warm the house in advance, raise the temperature to 36℃, and keep it stable. The house temperature was kept at 36℃ for the first three days of hatchling, and then gradually decreased to 35-36℃ in the second week, 33-34℃ in the third week and 30-31℃ in the fourth week. Whether the temperature in the house is appropriate can check the situation of chickens, such as chickens gathered in the heat source piled together, restless, chirping constantly means that the temperature is too low; otherwise, it is too high. The first week, you can use 24 hours of light, gradually reduce the light time.

After entering the chicks, drink water first, and eat at the same time. Of course, you can also open it at the same time. This depends on the specific situation. Glucose or multivitamins can be added to drinking water.

In the prevention of disease, first of all to maintain the appropriate temperature, so that chicks can fully absorb yolk. Do not catch cold, improve body resistance. After that, we should prevent chicken pullorum, and after 15 days of age, according to the specific situation, we should prevent coccidiosis. Some breeders choose to drink water with potassium permanganate for the first time. Preventive dosing of antibiotics and careful immunization according to immunization schedule.