
Treatment of invasive diseases of farmed snails

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Speaking of snails, many people actually like to eat snails, but people who eat snails know that snails are very difficult to clean, and if you eat the bacteria inside, it will also affect people's health. But with people's cooking skills and skills constantly

Speaking of snails, many people actually like to eat snails, but people who eat snails know that snails are very difficult to clean, and if you eat the bacteria inside, it will also affect people's health. however, with the continuous development of people's cooking techniques and skills, eating snails is still relatively safe.

Disease prevention and control skills of field snail culture

As the development and utilization of indigenous species, field snail culture has been developed in recent years. Field snails belong to the phylum Mollusca, Gastropoda, Oncomellidae and Oncomelania. There are 4 species, namely, Chinese round field snail, Chinese round field snail, bloated round field snail and Ursuli round field snail. At present, the main breeding is the Chinese round field snail. Snails are generally suitable for breeding in rice fields, shallow ditches, lowlands, wetlands and other places. Field snails do not have high requirements for breeding sites, generally with a little rectification in shallow water, soft mud bottom waters with a lot of humus can be cultured, and it is better to have certain micro-flow conditions. So far, few diseases and pests of field snails have been found, and not many have been reported. However, here are some suggestions for reference:

The main results are as follows: 1. The suitable temperature for field snail culture is 10-40 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 20-28 ℃. More than 40 ℃ will cause death, and less than 10 ℃ will go into hibernation. Attention should be paid to the prevention of high temperature in summer, because the water in the paddy field is shallow, the water temperature may reach the upper lethal temperature in summer, and the content of organic matter in the bottom of the mud overwintering in winter should not be too high, otherwise it is easy to produce toxic substances and affect the snail overwintering.

2. Field snails are sensitive to the amount of dissolved oxygen in water. Normal life requires dissolved oxygen in water to be more than 4 milligrams per liter. When it falls to 3.5 milligrams, appetite will decline, and when it drops to 1.5 milligrams, it will cause death.

3. The breeding season of field snails is from June to July (where there are conditions, they will lay eggs once in autumn). If you consider breeding yourself, it is best not to raise carp in the rice fields where field snails are raised, otherwise small field snails will be eaten by carp.

4. The use of pesticides in rice fields should not be used as much as possible; that is, low toxic pesticides should be used in combination, and should be used in sunny days; it should be used in half of rice fields.

5. Organic fertilizer can be used regularly in the growing season, the principle is a small amount of multiple times, should not be fertilized too much at one time.

6. In the process of breeding, it is best to have a certain micro-running water environment to ensure the dissolved oxygen in the water, but we must pay attention to the water source and do not use the water source with pesticides.

7. It can be considered that the economic benefit of field snail is better if it is mixed with leech, Loach, rice field eel and so on.

What is a snail?

Field snail is the general name of edible aquatic animals of Oncomellidae. There are many kinds of snails, such as round field snail, field snail, yellow snail, snail, sweet snail and so on. Snail meat is a kind of nutritious natural health food, and it is also known as beauty food abroad. It contains 10.3% protein and 1.2% fat, as well as vitamins, calcium, iron and other essential elements. The nutrition of field snail meat is better than that of chickens, ducks, geese and pigs, and is no less than that of crucian carp and sea cucumbers. Snail meat can nourish kidney yin, clear eyes and clear brain, enhance muscle elasticity, delicate skin and so on. Field snail can be used as home meat, can also be processed into a series of food, cooking a variety of medicinal meals, disease prevention and treatment. At present, the natural growth of field snail is far from being able to meet the market demand, and the field snail culture grows fast, the yield is high, and there is a wide range of ways to cultivate field snail "money". In recent years, with the decrease of the natural output of field snail, the field snail market is becoming more and more optimistic. At present, artificial breeding has been started in Guangdong, Fujian and other areas, and many farmers have made great efforts to cultivate snails as a way to start a business.

At present, there are more than 20 kinds of snail eating methods in urban and rural areas of our country, such as deep-frying, burning, boiling, stewing, pickling and so on. According to market analysis, restaurant snail food in restaurants in major cities of our country is in short supply and there is a big gap. Recently, on the basis of the introduction of traditional Chinese processing technology, South Korea has made snail a high-end food popular with Koreans. Last year, South Korea Haiying Aquatic products Co., Ltd. imported more than 10,000 tons of snails at a time through China Yantai Development Zone Import and Export Company. It makes the Chinese snail go abroad. Up to 136 yuan per ton, the prospect of breeding snails is becoming more and more promising. Breeding field snail can not only make use of old pit ponds, canals, paddy fields, but also newly dug breeding land, as long as some aquatic plants are raised in the water to meet the consumption of field snails without putting into feed. It can reproduce and increase by 150 times a year, and one person can breed 10 mu of water surface. It is an aquaculture project with very low investment, quick results and high income.

Cost budget of breeding field snail

Estimation of investment in snail culture in 667 square meters of rice field

1. Introduction fee: 60,000 young snails in 667m2 rice field weigh about 100kg, 4 yuan per kilogram, a total of 400yuan; 1100 large snails (according to the ratio of 3 males and 8 females, 1820 grams each) weigh about 21kg, 6 yuan per kilogram, a total of 126yuan. The total cost of planting seedlings is 526 yuan.

2. the cost of cultivating aquatic feed: 667m2 put 1400 kg of manure (1000 kg of base fertilizer, topdressing 4 times, 100kg each time), and the expenditure is 140kg.

3. The production expenditure of living feed such as earthworms is 100 yuan.

4. 50 yuan for disinfection drugs.

5. 30 yuan for hydropower, including 22 yuan for water and 8 yuan for electricity.

6. The unpredictable expenditure (the sum of the above 5 items × 15%) amounts to 126.9 yuan.

The above six items add up to 973 yuan.

Does the field snail have parasites?

It is believed that many people have eaten snails, which are more troublesome to eat and need to be picked with toothpicks. Snails are common in both the south and the north.

In terms of epidemiology, the parasite in the field snail is generally Schistosoma japonicum, so if it is not sterilized thoroughly, it will easily lead to schistosomiasis and cause certain harm to the human body. But usually after stir-frying and cooking, the snail can kill the parasitic eggs in about 20 minutes, so that it can no longer infect people. Therefore, as long as the snail is fully cooked, it will be all right and you can rest assured to eat it. Never eat when you are undercooked or unclean, which is not good for your health.

Boil in boiling water for 10 minutes can kill, you can rest assured. Generally 80 degrees 10 minutes can kill most pathogenic bacteria. But if you don't worry, you can cook it a little longer. Outside restaurants usually use those seasonings such as chili peppers to cover up the fishy smell of snails.

From the above data analysis, it can be seen that although the investment cost of raising field snails is relatively low, they will still suffer from a lot of diseases and insect pests, so it is very helpful to properly understand some field snail culture skills, as well as the prevention and treatment of field snail diseases.