
The breeding period of cultured field snails

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the delicacy of snails is now known by more and more people, so wild snails are far from being able to meet people's needs, so more and more people have joined the industry of raising snails.

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the delicacy of field snails has been known by more and more people, so wild field snails have been far from being able to meet people's needs. therefore, more and more people join the industry of breeding field snails, in the process of breeding field snails, the reproduction of field snails is more important.

The breeding period of cultured field snails

The peak period of annual reproduction of field snail is divided into three stages, generally starting from April, and the vigorous breeding season is in early June, mid-August and late September, which ends in October.

The first birth age of field snails is 1 year old, and they begin to reproduce when they are more than 15 ℃. Each snail produces about 20 million snails each time. The snails over 4 years old can produce 40 million snails, and those over 5 years old can produce 50 snails. The number of offspring is related to the age of snail species and environmental conditions. From the fertilized egg to the birth of the young snail, it takes about one year to conceive in the mother. In April, field snails begin to reproduce, which makes them lively and mating frequently. When you see the female and male field snail hugging each other and turning up and down, that is the action of the field snail when mating. The sperm and eggs are fertilized at the top of the fallopian tube, and the fertilized eggs go through the blastocyst and gastrula stage, and then go through the development stage of round larvae and facet larvae, and finally develop into young snails. The embryonic development and larval development of the snail are carried out in the snail body, so the snail is oviparous.

The breeding period of field snails is the vigorous reproductive season in August. The young snails to be produced in the next year are conceived in the abdomen, and the young snails are produced from March to April of the following year, and then mated and bred in their bodies. In the field snail population, the female snail is often more than the male snail. in the oo field snail, the female snail accounts for about 75% / 80%, while the Lixiong snail accounts for only 20% / 25%. During the reproductive season, male snails mate with females frequently, so the life span of male snails is only half that of female snails. The life span of male snails is generally only 2-3 years old, while that of female snails can reach 4-5 years old, and some female snails can reach more than 6 years old. During the breeding period, the field snail produces 15-20 larval snails, each weighing 0.025 grams. The young snails born in the early stage can grow to 6-8 grams in that year, and reach 12-15 grams when they are engaged in breeding, especially in the first 3 months.

Prospect of field snail culture

Snail meat is a kind of nutritious natural health food, and it is also known as beauty food abroad. It contains 10.3% protein and 1.2% fat, as well as vitamins, calcium, iron and other essential elements. The nutrition of field snail meat is better than that of chickens, ducks, geese and pigs, and is no less than that of crucian carp and sea cucumbers. Snail meat can nourish kidney yin, clear eyes and clear brain, enhance muscle elasticity, delicate skin and so on.

Field snail can be used as home meat, can also be processed into a series of food, cooking a variety of medicinal meals, disease prevention and treatment. At present, the natural growth of field snail is far from being able to meet the market demand, and the field snail culture grows fast, the yield is high, and there is a wide range of ways to cultivate field snail "money".

High-yield culture techniques of field snail

First, choose the site

Snails have strong vitality and disease resistance, and ditches, paddy fields and shallow ponds with living water sources can be stocked. Generally, pond farming is adopted. The snail pond is generally 2 meters wide and 10 meters long, with a ridge around the pond, 0.7 meters high, and a fence net around it to prevent the snails from escaping. The bottom of the pool is covered with 20 cm thick mud, injected with new water, and the water surface is stocked with water floating lotus, small gourd, red duckweed and so on. Feed for field snails, and insert small bamboo poles or wooden strips in the pond for snail habitat and spawning.

2. Release of seedlings

Select snails or young snails and put them into the pool. After the pond is built, it is generally chosen to put into seedling culture from April to November. From June to September every year, a large number of field snails lay eggs, which can be picked up in rice fields and ditches, or bought in the market. the female snails are characterized by light brown color, thin shell, round body and blunt tail. The female snails of 15ml and 20g are selected and put into the pool, generally 10 female snails per square meter. Those who choose young snails as seedlings. It is released according to the ratio of male and female at 2:1. The female snail is larger, the snail body is round, and the shell is concave; the male snail is smaller, the snail body is longer, and the shell is protruding. Young snails can be caught and put on the market after about a year of breeding.

III. Feeding and management

The snail is rich in bait, and the microorganisms, organic matter and young stems and leaves of aquatic plants are its main food. During the peak growing season of young snails, rice bran, wheat husk, bean curd, cooked sweet potatoes, small insects, small fish and shrimp and animal offal are fed every year between April and November. Can also be fed with formula feed. The feeding time is 8-9 o'clock every day, and the large bait should be chopped and fed. The daily feeding amount is about 1.5% of the snail body. Change the fresh water regularly to keep the water fresh, about once every 10 days. When the water temperature is above 30 ℃, new water should be injected frequently to deepen the water level. It is better to keep the water depth at 30 cm at ordinary times. In winter, the water level is lowered and the light is increased during the day. The water level deepens at night. Thus heat preservation, and combined with the application of some pig manure, stable fertilizer, in order to increase the temperature and improve the water quality. Snails are sensitive to pesticides and industrial sewage. We should pay attention to avoid and pay attention to the harm of ducks.

IV. Fishing listing

After a year of breeding, those with a body weight of more than 15 grams can be caught and listed on the market. The fishing method can be either dry pond fishing or shallow water fishing. At the same time, attention should be paid to keeping some female snails to prepare for the cultivation of young snails next year.

V. overwintering management

When the water temperature dropped to 8 ℃, the snail began to hibernate. During hibernation, the snail drilled into the hole, leaving a small hole in the soil and bubbling from time to time. Don't eat or move at this time. The water depth should be kept at 10ml 15cm, and the water should be changed every 5 days to increase the oxygen content so that the snail can survive the winter safely.

Nutritional value of field snail

Rich in protein, with the ability to maintain potassium and sodium balance; eliminate edema. Improve your immunity. Lower blood pressure, buffer anemia, conducive to growth and development. Calcium is the basic raw material for bone development, which directly affects height, regulates the activity of enzymes, participates in the activity of nerves and muscles and the release of neurotransmitters, regulates the secretion of hormones, regulates heart rhythm, reduces cardiovascular permeability, controls inflammation and edema, and maintains acid-base balance.

Rich in copper, copper is an indispensable micronutrient for human health, which has an important impact on the development and function of blood, central nervous system and immune system, hair, skin and bone tissue, brain, liver, heart and other internal organs.

1. Clearing heat: snail can clear heart and purge fire, clear heat and remove annoyance, and eliminate heat toxin in the blood. Can treat hot knot adverse urination, jaundice, beriberi, hemorrhoids, hematochezia.

2, diuresis: contains diuretic ingredients, can eliminate water and sodium retention in the body, diuresis and detumescence. It can treat edema, swelling and pain of eyes, swelling and poison of sores.

3. Quench thirst: moisturize the throat to remove dryness, making people refreshing and comfortable. It can cure thirst.

4. Relieving alcohol: snail can relieve the toxicity of ethanol and excrete quickly after relieving alcohol.

The nutritional value of field snail is very rich, and the effect of field snail on human body is also many, so the demand of field snail in the market is relatively large. When breeders breed field snails, they should have a clear idea of the development prospects, current situation and culture techniques of field snails, so as to lay a certain foundation for success.