
Key techniques of artificial cultured field snail

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Snail meat is fresh and delicious, unique flavor, and rich in protein, fat and phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamins, farmers can use small water surface or paddy fields to cultivate field snails, the related techniques are introduced as follows: 1. The living habits of field snails. Field

Field snail has fresh and delicious meat, unique flavor, and is rich in protein, fat and phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamins. Farmers can use small water surface or rice fields to cultivate field snails. The related techniques are introduced as follows:

1. The living habits of field snails. The snail is a gastropod mollusk, which likes to live in the water where the winter is warm and summer is cool, the bottom is soft, the bait is rich and the water quality is fresh, especially in the place of micro-running water. Snails have miscellaneous feeding habits, mainly eat tender stems and leaves of aquatic plants, organic detritus, etc., and snails like nocturnal activities and feeding. The optimum temperature for growth is 20-27 ℃.

two。 The breeding habits of field snails. When the water temperature rises to 15 ℃ in late spring and early summer, the snail climbs ㈩ from the overwintering hole and feeds on the bottom of the water. It began to breed in April, and the breeding season of field snail was exuberant from July to August. The female snails of 1 and 2 years old can give birth to 20 and 30 young, and the female snails of more than 4 years old can give birth to 40 and 50 young. The young snail grows rapidly after birth and can develop into sexual maturity in one year. April to September every year is the litter season.

3. Selection of field snail culture site. Snail breeding sites should choose places with adequate water sources, good water quality, humus soil and convenient transportation, preferably with running water. The specification of the snail pool is generally 1.5-1.6 meters wide and 10-15 meters long, and the topography can also prevail. There is a ridge around the pool, which is about 50 centimeters high. A water inlet and outlet is set up at both ends of the pool, and an anti-escape net is installed. At the same time, the sparse planting of Zizania caduciflora and other aquatic plants in the middle of the culture pond can not only increase the land yield, but also create a good ecological environment for the growth of snails.

4. Grow snails and release them. Generally speaking, snails can be released one after another from late March. 10 days before the snail is put, quicklime is sprinkled in the whole pond according to the dosage of 50: 100kg per mu to remove wild fish, shrimp and other miscellaneous snails. Organic fertilizer and breeding bait organisms are piled in the pond for snail feeding after 3-4 days. Snails can be purchased from the market or collected by themselves. There are 100,120 snails per square meter, and 4 summer flower bighead carps can also be raised in the pond. Before planting snails, apply appropriate amount of manure in the pond to cultivate bait organisms. The rearing of snails should be completed in the early stage of field snail breeding. The snail species should choose fresh snails with light brown color, thin and complete shell and blunt body. The cultured field snail can be released alone, or some silver carp and bighead carp species can be raised or mixed culture of field snail and Loach can be adopted.

5. Water quality regulation. The water quality in the culture pond is one of the keys to the success or failure of the snail culture field. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the water quality is good. Water containing large amounts of iron and sulfur must not be used. Because of the water with high iron content, the mortality rate is very high after stocking the seedlings, the surviving snail shells are also attached with red rust, and even the snail meat is reddish brown. The water quality of sulfur also makes the snail stink of sulfur and unfit for consumption. Aquaculture water to slightly turbid rivers or ponds natural water body is best, not too clear and transparent, the water body should be rich in natural bait and sufficient oxygen. Snail pond to often inject new water, in order to adjust the water quality, especially in the breeding season, it is best to keep the pool water flow. In the high temperature season, the effect of running water culture is better. It is better to breed in micro-running water in spring and autumn. The water depth of the snail pond should be kept at about 30 cm.

6. Feeding and management. The extensive culture mode in natural waters only needs to maintain the fatness of the water body and apply appropriate amount of organic fertilizer such as barnyard manure, chicken manure, cow manure, pig manure or rice straw to meet the growth needs of snails. It can also be fed with leftovers such as vegetable leaves, rice bran, bean cake, vegetable cake and animal offal. Soak and soften the cakes and feed them. Chop up and mix well with other feeds. Field snails do not have high nutritional requirements, so rice bran, wheat bran and bean cake are simply used to prepare the high-quality feed of field snails in the proportion of 60%, 25% and 15%. In the suitable growth temperature (20-27 ℃), the snail has a strong appetite and can be fed every 2 days, each time feeding amount is 2%-3% of body weight. When the water temperature is 15: 20 ℃ or 28: 30 ℃, feed it twice a week, about 1% each time. Less or no investment when the temperature is lower than 15 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃. In the natural state, the field snail can grow to 6-8 grams in the same year, while the individual weight of farmed snails can reach 12-15 grams.

7. Overwintering management. When the water temperature dropped to 8: 9 ℃, the snail began to hibernate. The hibernating field snail uses the clay at the top of the shell, leaving only a round hole in the soil surface, bubbling from time to time. Field snails do not eat during the overwintering period, but the culture pond still needs to maintain a water depth of 10-15 cm. Generally change the water every 3 to 4 days to maintain a proper oxygen content.

8. Harvest and transportation. After a year of careful breeding, the young snails can reach 10 to 20 grams, and the hatched snails can reach more than 5 grams in that year. When harvesting field snails, we should adopt the method of catching large and small, listing in batches, selectively fishing for adult snails, keeping young snails and paying attention to selecting some female snails, so as to achieve natural replanting, and there is no need to put in seedlings in the future. According to their living habits, bamboo branches and grass handles placed on the shore or in the water in the early morning and night are selected to pick up in the high temperature season in summer and autumn, and noon on sunny days in winter and spring. In addition, the snails can also be harvested by touching in the lower pond or picking in the draining dry pond.

The transportation of snails is very simple, can be packed in ordinary bamboo baskets and buckets, or packed in woven bags, as long as you keep the snails moist and prevent exposure during transportation.