
Experience of farming field snails in ponds

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Anyone who has eaten snails should know that snails taste delicious, especially in summer, when many midnight snack stalls in Dapai stalls are mainly based on Alsophila spinulosa. It can be seen that snails are very popular in daily life. The method of raising field snails in ponds

Anyone who has eaten snails should know that snails taste delicious, especially in summer, when many midnight snack stalls in Dapai stalls are mainly based on Alsophila spinulosa. It can be seen that snails are very popular in daily life.

Experience of farming field snails in ponds

In the pond of field snail, the water surface of the pond is wide and the water quality is stable, so the snail cultivated in the pond has fast growth and high yield. The pond where snails are cultivated should not be too large and the water should not be too deep. The area is generally 1-2 mu, and the water depth is about 1 meter. In some shallow ponds with low fish production, the pond culture of field snail is the most ideal choice. When raising snails in ponds, first drain the water, remove the enemy with lime, then irrigate for 7 days, dry up for 1 day, and then irrigate people with clean water and release the snails.

What is a snail?

Snail, with crispy and tender meat, delicious taste and rich nutrition, contains 15.9% protein and is rich in calcium. It is not only a first-class health food for people, but also an animal feed favored by livestock, poultry and fish. Field snail is the general name of edible aquatic animals of Oncomellidae. There are many kinds of snails, such as round field snail, field snail, yellow snail, snail, sweet snail and so on.

Field snail is the general name of edible aquatic animals of Oncomellidae. There are many kinds of snails, such as round field snail, field snail, yellow snail, snail, sweet snail and so on. Snail meat is a kind of nutritious natural health food, and it is also known as beauty food abroad. It contains 10.3% protein and 1.2% fat, as well as vitamins, calcium, iron and other essential elements. The nutrition of field snail meat is better than that of chickens, ducks, geese and pigs, and is no less than that of crucian carp and sea cucumbers. Snail meat can nourish kidney yin, clear eyes and clear brain, enhance muscle elasticity, delicate skin and so on. Field snail can be used as home meat, can also be processed into a series of food, cooking a variety of medicinal meals, disease prevention and treatment. At present, the natural growth of field snail is far from being able to meet the market demand, and the field snail culture grows fast, the yield is high, and there is a wide range of ways to cultivate field snail "money". In recent years, with the decrease of the natural output of field snail, the field snail market is becoming more and more optimistic. At present, artificial breeding has been started in Guangdong, Fujian and other areas, and many farmers have made great efforts to cultivate snails as a way to start a business.

Market development prospect of field snail

Field snail is a kind of freshwater snail grown in China, which belongs to first-class health food. Field snail is a mollusk, which is coarse and easy to grow, and is suitable for growing in ponds, rivers, ditches and paddy fields. The body is divided into three parts: head, foot and visceral sac, with mouth, eyes, antennae and other sensory organs on the head. Field snail has the effect of clearing away heat and reducing fire, and it is a delicious food for people to eat midnight snacks in midsummer. In recent years, with the decreasing natural output of field snails, the snail market continues to be optimistic.

Because the snail culture does not need to feed a lot of bait, the cost of the bait is also very low. Therefore, basically does not need much cost, as long as you have a field in your home, then the rest is snail seedlings.

The benefit of breeding field snail is remarkable. Specialized cultivation of field snail, 667 fish can produce 400kg, the current market price is 340 yuan / kg, in terms of 3.5yuan / kg, the output value of 667m can reach 1400 yuan. In addition, a small amount of grass carp can be mixed in Tianluo pond to increase the benefit per unit area of snail pond. Because the snail culture does not need to feed a lot of bait, the cost of the bait is also very low. Therefore, the net profit of field snail culture is about 1000 yuan / 667mm, and the benefit is considerable.

Culture techniques of field snail

1. Select sites for breeding

The snail has strong resistance, less disease, high reproduction rate, and low requirements for breeding sites. Many ditches, paddy fields and ponds in rural areas can be stocked. If it is an open pond, red duckweed, duckweed, water hyacinth and other shade can be raised on the water surface, and bamboo poles and wood strips can be inserted into the pond for field snail habitat, which can not only receive green manure on water as feed, but also raise field snail to increase income.

2. Snail collection

Field snails are mostly propagated naturally, and can be picked up from paddy fields, Zizania caduciflora and muddy water ditches or bought in the market, and then fresh snails with light brown color, thin shell and blunt body and tail can be selected as species. Generally speaking, field snails weighing 15-25 grams can reach sexual maturity and reproduce above 15 ℃. The female snail is large and round, while the male snail is small and pointed.

3. Stocking and breeding

The optimum growth temperature of field snail is 20: 25 ℃. If it is lower than 15 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃, the snail stops feeding and hibernates below 10 ℃. It can be stocked from March to November in the south of the Yangtze River. if it is stocked in the natural area, 11 species of snails can be invested per square meter (3 males and 8 females). If there is a single culture in the digging pond, there are 100,500 snails per square meter, and the water layer depth is 0.8 to 1 meter. The bottom of the pond retains a layer of silt of more than 10 centimeters, which is convenient for field snails to crawl, feed, perch and so on. Female and male snails can reproduce naturally when they are stocked together.

4. Feeding and feeding

Field snail is omnivorous, rice bran, vegetable crumbs, melon leaves, animal carcasses and commercial feed can be fed, generally to aquatic plants, soil humus, vegetables and other staple food. Fertile paddy fields, fish and snail mixed culture or water surface stocking red duckweed, green duckweed, water hyacinth and other depressions, can be little or no feed.

5. Reproduction management

The field snail is a viviparous animal. In the south, the breeding period is from April to May and from September to November every year. The female snail usually gives birth in batches. Each snail can produce 20 small snails each time. It takes 14 to 16 months for the female snail to reproduce again. The weight of the newly produced snail is 0.5 million 1.5 grams, which can reach more than 3 grams after 6 months and about 9 grams after 9 months.

6. Fishing harvest

Field snails should be selectively fished into snails when fishing, and more female snails can be harvested in batches. The water temperature is higher in midsummer and early autumn, and snails often hide in the soil and grass at noon. They must be picked in the morning and evening, and can also be picked by drainage. For every 100 female snails, the annual output can reach 100 kg.

Although the market demand for field snails is very large, breeding field snails is also a good project, but whether it makes money or not depends entirely on the efforts of the farmers themselves. All aquaculture projects are absolutely not empty talk, there is no result in talking about things on paper, and only when all the things are put into practice can they be effective!