
The problem of ditch in cultured field snail

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to snails, I think we should be very familiar with it, especially the market demand for snails has gradually increased in recent years. China's midnight snack industry has developed very well in recent years, so the market demand for snails is also increasing. Problems in the ditch of cultured field snails

When it comes to snails, I think we should be very familiar with it, especially the market demand for snails has gradually increased in recent years. China's midnight snack industry has developed very well in recent years, so the market demand for snails is also increasing.

The problem of ditch in cultured field snail

The ditch of field snail culture is generally 100 cm wide and 50 cm deep. You can use idle and miscellaneous land to dig trenches to raise snails, and you can also use the watering ditches of melon fields, vegetable fields and vegetable gardens to raise snails. For newly dug ditches, drainage and irrigation facilities should be built so that water can be drained and irrigated. After opening the ditch, the ditch is divided into ditches with a fence to facilitate management. The ditch noodles cultivated by field snails can grow melons, vegetables, fruits, grasses, beans and other economic plants.

What is a field snail?

The field snail refers to the molluscs of the family Oncomelidae, belonging to the subclass Gastropoda of molluscs. Field snails are distributed in most areas of China. Field snails have higher requirements for water quality and less yield. It can be caught in summer and autumn. Chinese round field snail is common in fresh water. The field snail is dioecious. The difference between female and male snails is mainly based on the shape of their right antennae. The right antennae of the male snail bend to the right inward (the curved part is the male genitalia). In addition, the female snail is large and round, while the male snail is small and long.

The field snail is an egg-viviparous animal with a unique mode of reproduction. The embryonic development and offspring development of the field snail are completed in the mother. From the fertilized egg to the birth of the young snail, it takes about a year to conceive in the mother. The field snail lays eggs in batches and begins to reproduce from March to April every year. At the same time, the female and male parent snails are mated and fertilized, and at the same time, the young snails to be produced the following year are conceived in the mother. A female snail produces about 100 to 150 young snails in the whole year.

Prospect of field snail culture

Snail meat is a kind of nutritious natural health food, and it is also known as beauty food abroad. It contains 10.3% protein and 1.2% fat, as well as vitamins, calcium, iron and other essential elements. The nutrition of field snail meat is better than that of chickens, ducks, geese and pigs, and is no less than that of crucian carp and sea cucumbers. Snail meat can nourish kidney yin, clear eyes and clear brain, enhance muscle elasticity, delicate skin and so on.

Field snail can be used as home meat, can also be processed into a series of food, cooking a variety of medicinal meals, disease prevention and treatment. At present, the natural growth of field snail is far from being able to meet the market demand, and the field snail culture grows fast, the yield is high, and there is a wide range of ways to cultivate field snail "money".

Do you make money by raising snails?

With the improvement of people's living standards, Tian snail has stepped onto the high-end banquet table from the recipes of ordinary people. At present, there are more than 20 kinds of snail eating methods in urban and rural areas of our country, such as deep-frying, burning, boiling, stewing, pickling and so on. According to market analysis, restaurant snail food in restaurants in major cities of our country is in short supply and there is a big gap. Recently, on the basis of the introduction of traditional Chinese processing technology, South Korea has made snail a high-end food popular with Koreans. Last year, South Korea Haiying Aquatic products Co., Ltd. imported more than 10,000 tons of snails at a time through China Yantai Development Zone Import and Export Company. It makes the Chinese snail go abroad. Up to 136 yuan per ton, the prospect of breeding snails is becoming more and more promising.

Breeding field snail can not only make use of old pit ponds, canals, paddy fields, but also newly dug breeding land, as long as some aquatic plants are raised in the water to meet the consumption of field snails without putting into feed. It can reproduce and increase by 150 times a year, and one person can breed 10 mu of water surface. It is an aquaculture project with very low investment, quick results and high income.

Although the market prospect of cultured field snails is very good, we should not blindly follow the trend. Before breeding, we still need to comprehensively consider its market situation. When breeding field snails, the most important thing is the living environment of field snails. Therefore, the ditch in which field snails survive is very important.