
Key points of how to manage muskrats in autumn and winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The main points of management in autumn, the weather is getting colder and colder, the stems and leaves of plants gradually wither, the reproductive organs of muskrats begin to decline, the young mice have divided their nests, and the breeding is coming to an end, and only a small number of muskrats are still in the process of raising their young or pregnancy. Preparation for overwintering

I. Key points of autumn management

Autumn began, the weather gradually cold, plant stems and leaves gradually withered, muskrat reproductive organs began to decline, young rats have been divided into brood, breeding is coming to an end, only a few muskrats are still in the nursery or pregnancy, into a pre-winter preparation stage. Therefore, the task of autumn management is to prepare for winter. At this stage, the nest of muskrat should be renovated, enough feed for winter should be prepared, and hay for winter should be stored. After overwintering in March to April in the north and February to March in the south, the breeding mice can be selected and matched with male and female mice raised in other litters, so as to improve the survival rate.

Before entering late autumn and winter, the pool water should also be changed every other day or every three days, and the water supply should be maintained until it freezes. Don't shut off the pool water too early to prevent pink eye in muskrats.

In the prevention and treatment of diseases, it is necessary to feed olaquindox tablets or powder for 5-7 times before and after water supply, and feed each animal with 5 - 10 mg of concentrated feed every day. Ensure safe entry into winter. In addition, should observe in time whether there is no growth of teeth, timely cutting teeth. In the process of feeding, we should regularly feed willow branches, this method can effectively prevent long tooth disease, but also can supplement fiber and trace elements, which is very beneficial to development.

In a word, muskrats of old, middle, young and small classes should be carefully managed in autumn. They should be raised in many ways and considered comprehensively so as not to lose sight of one or the other and cause undue losses.

II. Key points of winter management

Muskrat is in the low consumption stage in winter. During this period, muskrat should be ensured to survive safely and lay a foundation for reproduction in the next year. The key points of its management are that the heat preservation of flocculent grass should be sufficient, the feeding of feed vegetables should be timely, and regular observation and inspection should be adhered to.

In the north, the outdoor temperature reaches-30℃ or so. In order to ensure the safe winter of muskrat, the nest room, pool and sports ground should be filled with grass. The hay should not be mixed with moldy grass. Because the cold-proof hay is also the winter feed of muskrat, it is particularly important to ensure the quality of hay. When necessary, plastic greenhouses can be built to prevent cold to ensure a high survival rate in winter.

In winter, the number of muskrats should be determined according to the feeding situation. Concentrate feed and green feed should be fed every day. Willow branches should be fed once a week to master the dynamics of muskrats.