
The technology of raising black dolphins in captivity

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Black dolphin native to the mountains of Yunnan, is a mammal herbivore, its small size (1.0-1.5 kg), medicine, food dual-purpose fruit. After 3-4 months of feeding, it can be put on the market with a body weight of 0.75 kg. Black dolphin meat is delicious and delicate, easy to digest and absorb, and is regarded as a health-strengthening treasure by the people.

Black dolphin native to the mountains of Yunnan, is a mammal herbivore, its small size (1.0-1.5 kg), medicine, food dual-purpose fruit. After 3-4 months of feeding, it can be put on the market with a body weight of 0.75 kg. Black dolphin meat is delicious and delicate, easy to digest and absorb, folk as "body-strengthening treasures", fur can be processed and used.

1 Life habits

The black dolphin is gentle, likes to live in groups, timid, afraid of fear, afraid of interference, and sensitive to hearing. Black hair, black eyes, black mouth, black feet, no tail, short ears and limbs, not good at jumping, generally do not bite or scratch people. As long as rats are protected, uncovered cages and ponds can be farmed. In quiet situations, sudden noises, intruding by people and other animals will cause commotion and panic of black dolphins, so we should pay attention to avoid fear; when hungry, as long as you hear the footsteps of the keeper, you will make a "squeaky" scream, lively and lovely; when the mother is in estrus, the male will murmur and chase. When a certain abnormal sound is encountered, the whole group of "Gollum" resonates as a warning.

2 feeding facilities

There are a variety of black dolphin breeding methods, according to local conditions, generally adopted are: cage breeding, flat pond type captive breeding, three-dimensional scale factory breeding. (1) caged. Where a small amount of feeding can be used in this way. The utility model has the advantages of being able to control reproduction, feeding, and keeping clean and hygienic. The cage can be made of wood strips, bamboo slices and iron wire, and the specification is 60 cm × 50 cm × 40 cm. (2) flat culture pond type captive culture. It is suitable to be used in the case of bungalow and width. The room is divided into a 0.5-1.0 square meter pool with bricks and planks, and some sawdust or hay had better be padded in the pool, which is conducive to keeping warm and absorbing moisture. At present, most of them are raised in this method. (3) three-dimensional factory feeding. Large scale, relatively centralized, easy to manage and operate, raising a large number of bricks or wood, iron bars made of 3-5 layers, the bottom slightly oblique, so that feces flow out, easy to manage. There are small doors in the pool and cage. All kinds of feeding methods generally can raise 8 birds per square meter.

3Feed supply

The eating habits of black dolphins are very miscellaneous, and adequate nutrition is needed for normal growth, development and reproduction. As the black dolphin is a herbivore, the digestibility of crude fiber is very high, such as long-term supply of green material or hay and other plants, the peeling phenomenon will occur, so the feeding supply should be refined, green materials should be properly matched. (1) concentrate: corn meal, wheat bran, rice bran, etc., and can also be fed to piglets; (2) Green feed: fresh tender grass, such as oak grass, corn leaves, sugarcane leaves, leaves, green vegetables, peels, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.

4 daily management

Feeding and management is the key to black dolphin breeding, to prevent feed mildew, deterioration, formula feed is best to feed along with the mix. When pellet feed is fed directly, put clean water for drinking, or mix feed, eat less and eat more, about 40 grams per adult diet, twice a day to keep the trough clean and hygienic. After feeding the concentrate, fresh green material should be added at the same time. The green material had better be cut and fed on the same day, and each adult should eat about 250 grams of green material every day to prevent it from being contaminated by pesticides.

The feeding room should be kept quiet, the feces should be cleaned every day, and the utensils should be scrubbed clean frequently. It is best to keep the room temperature at 18: 25 ℃ and the relative humidity at 45% to 55%. Keep warm in winter. Prevent rodents and snakes from entering the breeding room to create a comfortable environment for black dolphins. Breeders should be conscientious and responsible, pay attention to observation, and deal with problems in time. The female is born about 45 days, and the male has sexual characteristics about 70 days, but the first mating period of the female should be after 70 days to ensure the reproduction rate.

During the gestation period of 56-68 days, the number of black dolphins was 1-6, and most of them were 3-15. The cubs began to feed 3-5 days after birth, weaned at about 15-20 days, and were reared separately.