
Preservation of egg branches of golden cicada in autumn and winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In fact, the golden cicada belongs to the cicada. Before the cicada is feathered, we call it the golden cicada. In some areas of the north, golden cicadas can be made into a delicious dish, but also deeply loved by the local people. This is the breadth and profoundness of Chinese culture, while in the south

In fact, the golden cicada belongs to the cicada. Before the cicada is feathered, we call it the golden cicada. In some areas of the north, golden cicadas can be made into a delicious dish, but also deeply loved by the local people. This is the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, but there are still a few people who like to eat cicadas in the south, and most people still do not dare to try.

What is golden cicada spawning?

Golden cicada solar calendar unearthed in July, feathering into cicada, usually on July 20 can see spawning branches in the forest. Cicada spawning lasts until the end of August, August is the the Beginning of Autumn season, the day is still relatively hot, but also Rain Water more season, this period of egg branches in the tree natural preservation is better! Most of the egg branches I collected in August have not yet completely withered. After pruning, they are tied into bundles of about 100. If it is a continuous dry weather, soak the branches in water and put them vertically in the yard. They are not exposed to the sun and can be moisturized by natural wind, frost, rain and dew. The temperature in autumn is still about 30 degrees. We should pay attention to the continuous high temperature and dry weather and spray water in time to moisturize. Once a week, spray water too frequently will make the egg branches moldy and decayed. If there is mildew in the sun, pay attention to killing ants and spiders, cold and dry in winter, less water loss of egg branches, less spray, or transfer to the room. The ancients said that cicadas grow by eating, drinking and dew. In fact, cicadas eggs are nourished by natural sunshine and rain during the development and incubation period of cicada eggs.

How does the golden cicada choose egg branches

1. White wax golden cicada egg branch

Advantages: it is not easy to rot in a greenhouse for a long time.

Disadvantages: this kind of egg branch is not easy to moisturize because of its hardness and toughness.

2. Fruit tree golden cicada egg branch

Advantages: it is as easy to hatch as poplar egg branches.

Disadvantages: like fruit tree egg strips, there are more wild golden cicadas under fruit trees, so golden cicada eggs are better than other golden cicada egg branches, but cicada mating spawning branches should be artificially released.

3. Poplar golden cicada egg branch

Advantages: easy to hatch, easy to moisturize, no pesticide residues, more suitable for grass moisturizing technology

Disadvantages: perishable

Suggestion: use the golden cicada egg branches of fruit trees (such as apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, etc.) wild golden cicadas unearthed by monkeys, so the survival rate is also very high, but a large number of collection requires artificial release of cicadas to mate. You can get higher fertilized eggs and golden cicada egg branches).

The culture process of egg branches of golden cicada

First, the golden cicada egg branch collection and storage: the golden cicada eggs are harvested in autumn after the golden cicada lays eggs, usually around August. The golden cicada uses a small thorn in its tail to stab into the annual twigs and lay eggs into the branches, mostly white poplar trees, succulent branches, and most of the branches will dry up within two hours after spawning, so most of the green branches at the lower end have cicada eggs. So we observed the development of golden cicada eggs every month through a year's experiment, and summed up a set of latest successful techniques for golden cicada culture.

Postharvest treatment and storage: after collecting the branches with cicada eggs, remove the dry leaves, cut off both ends, bundle 100 into a bundle, and store them in a dark, damp room for hatching in May next year, when golden cicada eggs will not hatch golden cicada larvae. You can collect some wild golden cicada eggs from September to June of the second year and put them under a microscope to observe. In May of the next year, spread a layer of sand on the bottom of the large laundry basin, put the bound branches into the basin upright, keep the temperature at 28 ~ 34 degrees, and keep the humidity moist, that is, spray when dry, and spray the branches thoroughly with a sprayer.

Third, hatching: larvae hatch in about 35 days. At this time, you will see some larvae climbing up and down the branches. At this time, we should pay attention to the number of larvae hatched, generally 4-5 days to spread the sand in the basin and the collected larvae into the forest, the specific method can refer to the technical diagram of golden cicada culture.

Fourth: in the process of golden cicada culture, we must avoid burying seed strips, eggs, and larvae. This is basically a subjective imagination. In the natural state, golden cicada eggs can only grow underground after hatching into larvae. The egg will not move, nor can it enter the ground. Without natural temperature and humidity, cicada eggs would die, not to mention hatching larvae in the soil.

Fifth, harvest: if there are trees, wrap them around with transparent tape at one meter to protect the cicadas from climbing and metamorphosis. The cicada ant becomes an adult 36 months from the date of sowing.

Preservation of golden cicada eggs

The golden cicada egg branches collected in that year were pruned manually and stored naturally in some cool and damp indoor rooms without other tubes. After the beginning of spring in the coming year, the temperature begins to pick up and the weather is dry. Starting from March in the Gregorian calendar, we will start to sprinkle some water on the golden cicada egg branches every week to keep it at a certain tidal temperature. in fact, golden cicada eggs begin to develop slowly after the temperature picks up. In this way, it is easy to hatch cicada ants after hatching in May, and the hatching rate will be greatly improved!

The golden cicada is actually quite common in our lives. In summer, sometimes the cicadas outside the window can be heard before dawn, and sometimes it sounds very annoying! But the cicada is rich in protein, but it is very popular in some places!