
Male and female identification and feeding of young pigeons

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The male and female identification of young pigeons is of little significance in most cases, but for pigeons who want to send a public shed or participate in the Tebby Ring Young Pigeon Competition, it is very beneficial to be able to distinguish between male and female when giving young pigeons a ring. Here are a few methods. Look at pigeon eggs. Average size

The identification of young birds, in most cases, is of little significance, but for pigeon fanciers who want to be sent to the common shed or participate in the young bird competition in the ring, it is very useful to distinguish the young birds from the young birds. Here are some ways to introduce them.

Look at the pigeon eggs. Generally large and round for male; pointed and long for female. After 4 days of incubation, the embryo was examined under light. The male was symmetrical on both sides of the basal axis, showing spider web; the female was asymmetrical, with one side long and one side short and sparse. This method is more troublesome and the accuracy is not high.

Identification of male and female pigeon egg embryos. After five to seven days of incubation, the fertilized carrier pigeon eggs are observed in the light. The embryo with symmetrical blood vessels on both sides of the basal axis and a spider web shape is the male pigeon embryo. If the embryo is asymmetrical on both sides, one side is long and more, and the other side is less and shorter, most of them are female pigeon embryos.

1. Look at the navel. The distance between the navel and the tail end of the young pigeon 1~2 days after hatching. Distant males; closer females.

2. Look at the hair. Pigeon shell 3~5 days later, look at the head and neck of the placenta, yellow color (light, color such as egg yolk) for male, yellow color (deep, such as soil egg yellow) for female. This method has been observed by the author for more than ten years, and the accuracy rate is above 70%.

3. Look at the anus. Young pigeons out of the shell 4~8 days, from the side to see the anus, the upper edge covered with the lower edge, the anal opening at both ends slightly upward, the anal opening slightly hexagonal male; the lower edge covered with the upper edge, the anal opening slightly bent downward, the anal opening slightly five-star shape female. This method has not been observed much by the author.

4. Look at the tail fat gland. Young pigeons hatch 5 - 8 days. The tip of the tail fat gland is forked for males; the tip of the tail fat gland is not forked for females.

5 Look at the hair. The young pigeons are 10~14 days old, and the young pigeons have true hair on their cheeks first; the young pigeons have true hair on their heads first.

6. Look at the chest hair. The young pigeon is 25~30 days old, the young pigeon chest, neck true hair is slightly metallic luster, no wheel edge is male pigeon; the young pigeon chest, neck true hair is not metallic luster, there is wheel edge is female pigeon.

7. Look at the side bar. The young pigeons are 25~30 days old, and the young pigeons with 7~10 sharp ends of the main feathers are male pigeons; the young pigeons with 7~10 round ends of the main feathers are female pigeons.

8 Look at your toes. After the full moon, the 2nd and 4th toes are not the same length as the male pigeon; the 2nd and 4th toes are the same length as the female pigeon.

9) Watch your mouth move. After the full moon, young pigeons hold their mouths with their hands, and those who do not speak after release are male pigeons; those who speak are female pigeons. This method has higher accuracy.

The feeding is mainly from the following links:

I. From shell to hanging ring

During this period, the food of young pigeons is mainly "pigeon milk", which comes from the crop of parent pigeons, like animal milk and different from animal milk. The milk of an animal is a liquid secreted by the mammary glands of the mother and transported through the nipples, and the young get food through the sucking of the nipples. Pigeon milk is a solid substance secreted by the glands on the inner wall of crop after the parent pigeon digests and absorbs food. The parent pigeon will return the pigeon milk to the mouth by vomiting, and the young pigeon will hold the mouth of the parent pigeon. The young pigeon gets food in the mouth of the parent pigeon by swallowing.

Pigeon milk secreted by parent pigeons is conditional. Just like the milk of animals, it is also through the gestation process of the mother that the function of the mammary gland can be stimulated and milk can be produced. Pigeon milk is produced by breeding pigeons through 18 days of incubation time. The difference is that both male and female pigeons produce pigeon milk. The abundance of pigeon milk has a lot to do with the food composition and time you provide.

Regardless of the composition of pigeon milk, careful fanciers will find that, two days before the chicks are about to hatch and one week before the chicks are ringed, carefully observe the foods that the parent pigeons like and dislike, and you will understand what foods produce pigeon milk in abundance, and thus, you will understand what foods promote pigeon milk secretion. When you notice that the crop of your young pigeons is not full, then you have to examine yourself if there is a problem with the food formula you feed your breeding pigeons and the time and amount of food your brood gets. Improving the food and feeding time of breeding pigeons will improve the feeding quality of young pigeons, thus ensuring the growth of young pigeons in the first stage.

There is also little variation in the timing of the male and female cycles during the brood period, but some roosters will exhibit long cuddling periods, giving the hens plenty of time to leave the nest to feed. If the young pigeons in this week, milk food to eat bad, will directly affect the second stage of development.

In the morning, the crop of the young pigeon is not full, indicating that the hen is not eating good food; firstly, your food formula does not have the ingredients that it chooses to secrete pigeon milk; secondly, you feed too early in the morning. The hen is still in the nest box, and when the cock changes it, the food in the trough is already leftovers. If you are working and do not have time to fully care for the brood pigeons, it is recommended that you add food in the morning and put a snack bowl in the brood nest to add certain food for the hens to eat. Even if you can't keep the breeders fed at night, add more, save the cocks for when they change nests, and feed them after work. If it is found at night that the crop food of the young pigeon is not full, it means that the food intake of the male pigeon is not good enough. Refer to the solution above to improve this problem.

Once due to special circumstances, feeding is not timely, resulting in insufficient feeding of breeding pigeons. Pigeon milk must not be emulsified well, check the crop of young pigeons if deflated, you can use a syringe to inject a fresh pigeon egg, this is the best remedy. When there are no pigeon eggs, eggs can be used instead, but pay attention to the amount of injection, do not note too much, so that the young pigeons will be choked by the spilled egg liquid. This method should not be used many times a young pigeon, after all, is a remedial measure, can not replace pigeon milk.

Pay special attention to those young pigeons that grow to the fourth and fifth days, because the young pigeons at this time, the food intake of one is the food intake of two young pigeons in the first two days. So, your young pigeons are fed well, young pigeons in the growth of 2, 3 days found not too big a problem. With the passage of time, the growth rate of young pigeons is very fast, so more attention is paid to the growth of young pigeons to 4 or 5 days old, otherwise the parent pigeons will feed the young pigeons hard food in advance. Because at this time the young pigeons, digestive system is not fully mature, looking at the young pigeons bulging crop, if too much hard food, young pigeons nutrition to provide slow, naturally will affect the development of young pigeons. Those born on the same day of the young pigeons, hanging ring you will find, among them, the size of the young pigeons will have different phenomena, is this reason in the adult.

2. Twelve days after hanging the ring

After 6 or 7 days of hanging, the young pigeons mean that they begin to eat hard food, the digestive system gradually matures, and the feathers begin to grow. Similarly, you will know what food the young birds need at this stage through the choice of food by the parent pigeons. Mr. Gao's article also clearly points out that without corn, barley, rice food, you will find in the choice of food for parent pigeons, they will not eat such food. And you'll find that the parent pigeon's involvement in the health sand has increased. Reason one: trace elements in health sand, phosphorus and calcium to help young pigeons grow; reason two: sand and red soil in health sand, help young pigeons digestion and metabolism. At this time, the young pigeons, bones and feathers of the whole body began to grow, and the appetite began to increase. Umbilical cord treatment can be carried out at 10 days with good results.

At this time, the parent pigeon is still very picky about the choice of food, some beans involved in the amount is not too much, you can put some help bones and feather growth phosphorus calcium mixed into the health sand, mixed once a day. Can also buy their own re-processing of health sand, according to a bag of shell powder plus two generations of health sand than the column, and then add some appropriate amount of calcium phosphate powder. I don't like to catch pigeons stuffed pills every day, this will catch pigeons without a sense of security, certainly have an impact on brooding. Just think, a pair of insecure breeding pigeons, the offspring born can be good? I feel that breeding pigeons will have an impact on the genetic, do not like to take pills one by one every day to the pigeon mouth, or to feed these work to the parent pigeons themselves, as far as possible to disturb the rest of the pigeons, eat full sleep incense will grow healthily. As long as you provide the young pigeons with the nutrients they need, they know what they need during their growth, better than we do, and some young pigeons must have auxin in their nutrition pills. I object to feeding these things to the young pigeons, the young pigeons fed medicine look really good, but it is all superficial things, the substance of things or not changed.

Do not take out a few times a day over and over to see, then the young pigeon meat really pleasing, but for it to become an excellent racing pigeon in the future, advise you not to catch young pigeons. After putting in pigeon food every day, check that the breeding pigeons are actively feeding the young, and the full young pigeons can sleep safely in the nest tray. Need to see is the nest around the plate, young pigeon droppings are normal, for some nest around the plate young pigeon droppings do not form, to check whether the young pigeon crop moisture is too much, if yes, that is the parent pigeon caused by the reason. Grasp the parent pigeon feeding it, check whether the female pigeon or the male pigeon has too much water in the crop, the reason for this parent pigeon water: the first reason is that the parent pigeon has the possibility of trichomonas, the second reason is that the parent pigeon has a history of disease, after feeding the young, the body fluid is out of balance, causing a lot of drinking water to feed the young pigeon too much water, the young pigeon will frequently defecate and cause the feces not to form. Solution: termination of breeding pigeons to feed young pigeons, young pigeons will naturally be good, parents pigeon conditioning and then line pairing.

Three, twelve to eighteen days.

At this stage, the feathers of the young pigeons gradually increased, the main feathers and tail feathers began to grow rapidly, and the breeding pigeons were not willing to cuddle them, and they began to prepare for the second nest. Twelve, three days the size of the young pigeons most not on the eye, looking very ugly. At this time, the young pigeons need a lot of protein, so the parent pigeons have a strong requirement for beans, and the snack bowl hanging in the nest box can be used again. First, the young pigeons at this stage eat equivalent to an adult pigeon to ensure the supply of food; Second, the young pigeons can learn to peck with the parent pigeons. Nest box area is large enough, you can put a nest plate on the other end of the nest box to avoid parent pigeons looking everywhere to do nest site and neglect young pigeons. At the age of sixteen or seven days, special attention should be paid to some young pigeons who can learn to stand or walk and easily fall outside the nest box. There is a single drop to the nest outside the young pigeons, it is easy to be pecked by other parents, especially the head, the general nest box area is relatively small young pigeons easy to occur this phenomenon.

The amount of drinking water at this stage is particularly large, so pay attention to the drinking water in the house to ensure that there is enough clean drinking water every day. Otherwise, water-cut young pigeons are easy to leave a mark on the feathers during growth, commonly known as "watermark". Sometimes it will be found that the small wings of the young pigeons have the phenomenon of eversion, and the hair tubes of the main feathers and tail feathers of the young pigeons are very long and do not break open, like a bamboo stick fork on the wings, which is caused by protein and phosphorus calcium deficiency. Improving the diet of breeding pigeons and ensuring the supply of phosphorus and calcium will avoid this phenomenon.

4, 18 days to 22 days

When the young pigeons grow to seventeen or eight days old, the qualified pigeon fanciers can put all the young pigeons of the same size together with the nest plate on the ground of the loft. First, at this time, the parent pigeons may have given birth to the second nest eggs, providing good incubation space for the parent pigeons. The young pigeons always like to squeeze together with the parent pigeons, which is easy to affect the hatching of the parent pigeons. Secondly, the young pigeons placed on the ground will be fed by all the parent pigeons, especially the male pigeons, who will be responsible for the supply of many young pigeons. In this way, the young pigeons will learn to compete and exercise the consciousness of grabbing food. Those who could not grab them learned to feed in the trough, laying the foundation for independent life in the future. Before the young pigeons leave the nest, they can successfully complete the transition from raising their heads to asking for food from their parents, reducing the stress reaction caused by the complete independence of the young pigeons.

This period of young pigeon food to beans mainly, the proportion can reach 50%, so feed up the young pigeon muscle will be very full solid. Twenty-two days to twenty-four days, young pigeons began to enter a completely independent life stage, independent life of young pigeons, food or beans mostly. At the same time, feed pea-sized nutrient soil pills, put in before feeding, with 5 or 6 per feather as well, to ensure that the young pigeons are still in the growth and development stage of growth needs, but also to help the young pigeons digest. After 30 days of this feeding, look at the young pigeons, each is solid muscle, hard bones, for the future competition career laid a good foundation.