
Measures for increasing efficiency in breeding long-haired rabbits

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Angora rabbit, which originated in Asia minor, takes its name from the city of Angola, which is now the capital of Turkey, Ankara. The Angora Rabbit was brought to France by British sailors in 1723 and then spread to the world. Later, the four noes of France, England, Germany and China were formed.

Angora rabbit, which originated in Asia minor, takes its name from the city of Angola, which is now the capital of Turkey, Ankara. The Angora Rabbit was brought to France by British sailors in 1723 and then spread to the world. Later, four different strains of France, Britain, Germany and China were formed. long-haired rabbits have white, black, millet, blue, gray, yellow and other colors. The eyes of white rabbits are red and the eyes of colored rabbits are black. White rabbit hair is favorable for dyeing, so raising white long-haired rabbits is the most common. Next, let's introduce the measures to improve the efficiency of long-haired rabbit breeding.

I. excellent and good varieties

1. The improved breeds of long-haired rabbits in China are mainly Chinese, German and French long-haired rabbits. Since the mid-1980s, the breeding of long-haired rabbits has been carried out in China, and many new strains of long-haired rabbits have been bred. For example, Yimeng long-haired rabbit, which was approved and named by Shandong Livestock and Poultry Variety approval Committee in 1999, is a recognized new strain of long-haired rabbit with high wool yield (1830 grams per year), high coarse wool rate (18.2% of average coarse wool content), high reproduction rate (7.86 offspring), strong adaptability, strong disease resistance, consistent body appearance, stable genetic performance and so on. Attention should be paid to the selection of these fine varieties when introducing.

2. at present, there are many rabbit breeding farms, but the production of rabbit breeding in some rabbit breeding farms is not standard and the quality is difficult to be guaranteed. In order to prevent being cheated and lead to pure improved breeds, it should be introduced from rabbit farms with a long history, strong technical force and a certain production scale, standardized management and "production and operation license" and "livestock and poultry qualification certificate" issued by the local animal husbandry department at or above the municipal level.

3. The selection of excellent individuals, no matter the introduction or the long-haired rabbits reserved for breeding in their own rabbit farm, must have typical breed characteristics. After careful selection, carefully observe the external morphological characteristics of long-haired rabbits, such as body shape, physique, coat density (especially abdominal hair, leg hair density). Those that do not conform to the appearance characteristics of this variety must not be selected for seed use, and those with physiological defects or deformities, whether congenital or acquired, can not be selected for seed use either.

4. Strictly select and breed rabbits must control certain blood relationship and put an end to inbreeding. In order to prevent the occurrence of inbreeding decline, in order to maintain a certain number of basic groups, there should be at least 10 breeding male rabbits with more than 6 lineages and distant blood relationship in a rabbit farm of general scale, and breeding male rabbits can be introduced from other places for consanguinity renewal if necessary. in order to slow down the rise of inbreeding coefficient and obtain high-quality offspring.

II. Scientific management

The main results are as follows: 1. Farmers can adopt the outdoor rabbit house structure of the integration of cage and cage. The rabbit cage faces south, with a single-slope roof, high in front and low in back, and the eaves are long in front and short in back. The roof adopts cement precast board or asbestos tile, the rabbit cage is assembled with concrete precast parts, the size is 70 cm long, 60 cm wide and 45 cm high. The cage door can be made of eye iron, thick iron wire or barbed wire, and the bottom of the cage is made of bamboo, the sliding surface is facing up, the distance is 1 cm, the width of the piece is 2 cm, the direction of the bamboo piece is parallel to the cage door, and the dung-bearing board at the bottom of the cage should also be made of cement board, which can not leak feces and urine. In order to facilitate management, it is generally appropriate to use 3 layers. It is best to plant trees to shade the sun before and after the rabbit house, and keep warm with plastic sheeting before and after winter. Such a rabbit house has the advantages of low cost, cleanliness, good ventilation and sufficient light.

Other rabbit houses have indoor single-row type, indoor double-row type, outdoor double-row type, indoor multi-row type and so on, depending on the breeding scale and family conditions.

2. Breeding rabbits should be fed regularly and quantitatively in order to better control the body condition of breeding rabbits and keep proper fat condition of breeding rabbits. In order to breed at the right time, although rabbits are animals that stimulate ovulation, in the peak period of estrus, that is, when the labial mucosa is red and congested and swollen, the conception rate and birth rate are higher. It is necessary to touch the fetus on time and replenish it in time. The best time to touch the fetus is 9-11 days for female rabbits. Timely replenishment for those who are not pregnant can reduce the number of empty pregnant female rabbits and improve the reproduction rate of breeding rabbits. The feeding method of female rabbits is the same as that of empty pregnant rabbits in the first trimester (1-18 days), and the supply of protein, minerals and vitamins should be paid attention to in the third trimester of pregnancy (19-31 days). If the body is in good condition, it is not necessary to increase the amount of concentrate feeding before delivery, so as not to cause mastitis due to excessive postpartum milk; if the female rabbit is in poor physical condition, especially after blood matching, the amount of concentrate supplement during the whole pregnancy should be increased by 75g / 100g. The litter box should be put in 3 days in advance, the litter box should be smooth and clean, and the bedding grass should be dry and hygienic. The number of young rabbits should be counted in time after giving birth, but attention should be paid after the mother rabbits are fed colostrum and jump out of the box after giving birth. It is appropriate for each female rabbit to have 6-8 cubs. If there are too many babies, you can arrange for foster care. If there is no suitable female rabbit, the weak baby rabbits should be eliminated. It is necessary to provide adequate nutrition to lactating female rabbits to ensure their healthy physique and adequate milk. Under the feeding mode of green feed as the basic feed supplemented with concentrate supplement, the protein content of concentrate supplement should be more than 20%, the daily concentrate supplement feeding amount of each female rabbit is 125 to 200 grams, and the feeding amount of green succulent feed is more than 1000 grams.

3. Raising young rabbits is extremely sensitive to feeding conditions after birth, and must be raised carefully, otherwise it will cause disease, growth stagnation, and even death. In order to ensure the survival rate of young rabbits, we should pay attention to the following points: first, prevent frost injury in winter and prevent steaming nests in summer to create a suitable environment for young rabbits. The second is to grasp the replenishment pass, generally 19 days after delivery began to feed, feed first with high-quality fresh grass, and then add concentrate, water supply should be adequate. Third, timely weaning. The young rabbits can be weaned when they are 28-42 days old and their body weight reaches 500-750 grams. Weaning too early will have a certain impact on the growth and development of young rabbits, but too late weaning is not conducive to the regrowth of female rabbits and affect the next reproductive cycle of female rabbits. Weaned rabbits should be fed 4-6 times a day, regularly and regularly, so as to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. Fourth, raising in separate cages. According to the purpose of production, body weight, physical strength, sex, age of different groups, generally 3-4 per cage is better.

4. to ensure the supply of nutrition and increase the wool yield of high-yield long-haired rabbits have high requirements for the quantity of feed, especially protein. According to the determination, the protein content of 1 kg rabbit hair is equivalent to 4.5 kg carcass or 6-7 kg body weight. In the large-scale long-haired rabbit farm, the corresponding full-price diet should be prepared according to many factors affecting wool yield, such as season, physiological state, wool yield level and so on. it is best to use full-price pellet feed, free feeding and automatic drinking water. The ideal diet for high-yield long-haired rabbits is 16%-18% crude protein, 07%-0.8% sulfur amino acids, and special additives for wool production, growth and reproduction. In scattered breeders, green succulent feed can be used to feed freely and replenish concentrate properly, supplying 80 grams of concentrate supplement every day, and do not feed green roughage alone.

5. With the extension of the shearing time, the growth rate of rabbit hair slows down gradually (see Table 2). Shortening the interval of wool collection can obviously increase the annual wool yield. In summer, in order to reduce the adverse effects of high temperature on wool production, the shearing interval should be shortened appropriately. At present, with the increasing demand for medium and low-grade wool in the international market, the traditional 91-day wool raising period can be shortened to 73 days (which can be shorter in summer) to increase annual wool production.

III. Procedure of epidemic prevention

1. Adhere to self-breeding and isolation observation of newly purchased rabbits in order to prevent the invasion of infectious diseases, it is best to self-propagate and raise themselves. when it is really necessary to introduce species, they should be purchased from non-epidemic areas. Quarantined for more than 2 weeks after purchase, and confirmed to be disease-free before feeding in the rabbit farm.

2. Doing a good job of sanitary disinfection is an important part of disease prevention, through disinfection to reduce and eliminate pathogens in the environment and cut off the route of transmission. Breeders are required to enter the rabbit house after changing clothes, changing shoes and washing hands, and a disinfection pool should be set up at the gate of the field area. Foreign tools and articles should be disinfected before use, and commonly used tools should be cleaned, disinfected and exposed in time. Rabbit houses and cages should be cleaned once a day and sterilized once a week.

3. Doing a good job of immunity is an important means to control the occurrence of infectious diseases. As the epidemic situation of the epidemic in each region and each rabbit farm is different, it is impossible to have a unified immunization procedure for each place, which requires each rabbit farm to sum up experience in practice and formulate the best immunization procedure in line with the specific situation. Here are several immunization methods for common diseases:

Rabbit plague. At the age of 40-45 days, the young rabbits were subcutaneously injected with 1 ml of rabbit plague propolis vaccine or 2 ml of rabbit plague-Pasteurella multocida vaccine. The rabbits were immunized once again at the age of 60 days, and then every 6 months. If the disease is prevalent, double dose vaccination is needed in the endemic area.

Rabbit pasteurellosis. After weaning, each rabbit was injected with 1 ml of rabbit Pasteurella multocida vaccine or 2 ml of rabbit plague-Pasteurella multocida vaccine, and then injected every 4 months.

Clostridium welchii. Clostridium welchii vaccine was injected subcutaneously into weaned rabbits, and then immunized every 5 to 6 months.

Colibacillosis The young rabbits were injected with Escherichia coli polyvalent bacteria at the age of 20 days, 1 ml subcutaneously each time, and 2 ml subcutaneously after weaning, and then once every 4 months.

Brucellosis. The young rabbits were subcutaneously injected with 1 ml of Bordetella vaccine at the age of 18 days. One week later, 2 ml was injected subcutaneously, and then once every 4 months.

Staphylococcosis. 2 ml staphylococcal vaccine was injected subcutaneously before mating in female rabbits, and the protection period was 4 months.