
How to carry out epidemic prevention in dairy farms

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There are two main purposes of epidemic prevention: one is to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases, and the other is to extinguish infectious diseases as soon as possible to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Epidemic prevention measures mainly include two aspects, one is the usual preventive measures, and the other is the extinguishing measures when infectious diseases occur.

There are two main purposes of epidemic prevention: one is to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases, and the other is to extinguish infectious diseases as soon as possible to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Epidemic prevention measures mainly include two aspects, one is the usual preventive measures, and the other is the extinguishing measures when infectious diseases occur.

1) precautionary measures in peacetime

① strengthens the feeding and management of cattle and improves the resistance of dairy cows.

② adheres to the principle of self-breeding and self-care, and ensures the introduction of dairy cows. When dairy cows must be introduced, they must be introduced from non-epidemic areas, and quarantine of the place of origin must be done one by one so as to prove that there are no infectious diseases before they can be introduced. Before joining the herd, they should be quarantined for two months and quarantined again if necessary. Only cattle that are proved to be free of infectious diseases can be raised in mixed herds with the original cattle.

③ establishes a barrier and disinfection system for cattle farms to ensure the entry of good cattle farms. The door of the dairy farm cannot be unblocked, barriers must be set up, personnel and vehicles entering the farm must be disinfected, and effective concentration and quantity of disinfectant solution (such as 2% caustic soda or 4% Lysol solution) are always maintained in the disinfection pool. Personnel should wash their hands with 0.2% sodium hypochlorite or 0.1% peracetic acid.

④ established a regular disinfection system to cut off the route of transmission. The dairy farm should be disinfected twice a year in spring and autumn, and the barn, surrounding environment, playground floor, feeding trough and sink should be disinfected with 2% caustic soda solution, 10% lime milk, 5% bleach powder and other disinfectant after careful cleaning and brushing.

⑤ establishes a regular quarantine and immunization system to identify the source of infection and protect healthy cattle. Dairy farms quarantine brucellosis and tuberculosis twice a year in spring and autumn. One vaccination against anthrax and two vaccinations against foot-and-mouth disease are carried out every year.

2) extinguishing measures during the epidemic of infectious diseases

① quickly isolated diseased cattle. Cattle with infectious diseases should be quarantined immediately. Continue to observe and diagnose during isolation and give symptomatic treatment if necessary. Special personnel should be set up for raising and nursing isolated diseased cattle, special feeding equipment should be used, and contact with healthy cattle is prohibited.

② reported the epidemic situation in time. When an infectious disease that should be reported should be reported, the epidemic situation should be promptly reported to the business department at a higher level. report in detail the types of diseased animals, the time and place of onset, the number of cases, the number of deaths, clinical symptoms, pathological changes in autopsy, the names of newly diagnosed diseases and the prevention and control measures taken. If necessary, it should be notified to the neighboring areas in order to jointly prevent and control the spread of the epidemic.

③ was thoroughly disinfected. Strictly disinfect the barn where the sick cattle are located, the places where they have been moved, and the appliances they have come into contact with. The feed contaminated by diseased cattle is destroyed after disinfection, and the feces from diseased cattle should be concentrated in designated places for fermentation and disinfection. At the same time, other cowhouses were urgently sterilized.

Head-by-head clinical examination of ④. Other cattle in the same barn or herd should be examined head by head and serological diagnosis should be carried out if necessary in order to detect diseased cattle as soon as possible.

⑤ emergency vaccination. The false healthy cattle without clinical symptoms and negative serological diagnosis should be vaccinated urgently in order to protect the healthy cattle.

⑥ enforces a blockade as appropriate. When an infectious disease with serious harm occurs, it should be reported to the relevant government departments to designate epidemic areas and epidemic spots, and after approval, a blockade should be carried out within a certain scope to avoid the spread of the epidemic, and the blockade should be carried out decisively and quickly, and the scope of blockade should not be too large. Blockade measures should be strict.

⑦ deals with diseased animals properly. The corpses of dead and sick animals shall be innocuously disposed and destroyed, burned or buried deeply in accordance with the provisions of the epidemic Prevention Law. Seriously diseased animals and diseased animals with no therapeutic value should be eliminated in time in order to eliminate the source of infection as soon as possible.

The site of the new dairy farm should be located in a place with flat terrain, sunny leeward, good drainage, adequate water source, no pollution and no infectious diseases, and a green belt should be set up around the dairy farm. The cattle farm should be divided into management area, production area and manure treatment area. The management area and production area should be located in the upper wind, during which there should be disinfection rooms and disinfection pools. When building a barn, the floor and walls should first choose materials that are convenient for disinfection, in order to facilitate thorough disinfection, and should have a good fecal and urine discharge system. The clean road and sewage channel of the cattle farm should be separated to avoid crossing, and the discharge should follow the principles of reduction, harmless and resource utilization.

General principles of epidemic prevention

1. Dairy farms should carry out the policy of "giving priority to prevention and combining prevention with prevention". The purpose of daily epidemic prevention in dairy farms is to prevent the introduction or occurrence of diseases and to control the spread of infectious and parasitic diseases.

2. epidemic prevention measures dairy farms should establish a registration system for entry and exit, and non-production personnel are not allowed to enter the production area and are not allowed to visit. Workers enter the production area, wear overalls through the disinfection room, wash their hands and disinfect before entering the venue. Dairy staff must have a health check-up once a year. If they suffer from infectious diseases, they should be treated off-site in time before they can take up their posts after recovery. New recruits must undergo a health check to confirm that they are free of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. Dairy workers shall not connect with each other in the workshop, and the production tools of each workshop shall not be used with each other. Dairy farms shall not raise other livestock and poultry. If dogs are needed under special circumstances, management shall be strengthened, epidemic prevention and deworming shall be carried out, and livestock and poultry and their products shall be prohibited from being brought into the farm area.

3. Fixed-point stacking of cow dung and regular spraying of insecticides to prevent mosquitoes and flies from breeding. Dead cattle should be treated innocuously, and the utensils and environment in which the corpses come into contact should be cleaned and disinfected. The elimination and sale of cattle should be quarantined and certified before entering the market. Cattle transport vehicles must be strictly sterilized and then enter the designated area for loading. When suspected infectious diseases occur in dairy cows or severe infectious diseases occur in nearby pastures, isolation blockade and other emergency measures should be taken immediately.

Sanitary disinfection

Sanitary disinfection is an important measure to cut off the spread of epidemic disease. Dairy farms should establish a sanitary disinfection system and try their best to reduce the occurrence of diseases.

1. Disinfectants should choose disinfectants that are safe to people, cows and the environment, have no residual toxicity, do not damage the equipment and do not harm the body surface of cattle and should not produce harmful accumulation in cattle.

2. Disinfection methods: spray disinfection, immersion disinfection, ultraviolet disinfection, spray disinfection, hot water disinfection.

3. Disinfection system to establish a disinfection system to disinfect the environment, barn, utensils, outside purchase of cattle, people coming and going, production (milking, midwifery, mating, injection treatment and any contact operation on dairy cows) of the farm (community).

Immune inoculation

Dairy farms shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the people's Republic of China on Animal epidemic Prevention and its supporting laws and regulations, and combined with the actual local conditions, carry out vaccination against prescribed and selective diseases, and pay attention to the selection of appropriate vaccines, immunization procedures and immunization methods.


Dairy farms shall conduct regular quarantine of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and brucellosis in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and the specific requirements of the local animal husbandry and veterinary departments.

Dairy cow health care

1. Breast health care should always keep the breast clean and pay attention to removing the hidden danger of breast damage. The water and towels used to wash breasts during milking must be cleaned. 0.03% bleach or 3%-4% sodium hypochlorite can be added to the water, and towels should be sterilized. Immediately after milking, each nipple should be bathed with 3%-4% sodium hypochlorite (currently matched). Occult mastitis was monitored 10 days before milk withdrawal. Positive or clinical mastitis must be treated and monitored twice 3 days before milk withdrawal. Milking personnel, milkers and other tools must do a good job of cleaning and disinfection. Squeeze the healthy cow first and then the diseased cow (for appliances). Dairy cows with severe mastitis can be eliminated.

2. Hoof health care barn and sports ground should be kept flat, clean and dry. Keep cow hooves clean, remove dirt between toes, or wash with water (summer). We should persist in regular disinfection. Spray bath hooves with 4% copper sulfate solution, disinfect them once or twice every 5-7 days in summer and autumn, and extend the interval appropriately in winter. Keep a general survey of the legs and hooves of the whole herd of cattle every year, and trim the deformed hooves uniformly in spring and autumn. Timely treatment of hoof disease cattle to promote recovery. Adhere to the supply of balanced diets to prevent the occurrence of hoof leaf inflammation.

3. Nutritional and metabolic disease monitoring high-yield cattle were examined by blood samples at the time of milk withdrawal and about 10 days before delivery, and the relevant physiological indexes were determined. The ketone body should be monitored regularly, one week before delivery, every 1-2 days after delivery, and treatment measures should be taken in time when abnormalities are found. To strengthen the monitoring of parturient cattle, cattle with high yield, weak body and loss of appetite can be properly supplemented with 20% calcium gluconate 1 ~ 3 times a week before delivery to increase resistance. Pay attention to the nursing of high-yield dairy cows. 1.5% sodium bicarbonate (added to concentrate) can be added to the diet at the peak of milk production. 30 ~ 50 high-yield cattle were randomly selected every year for blood calcium and phosphorus monitoring.

Guidelines for the use of veterinary drugs

1. It is prohibited to add varieties of veterinary drugs to feed and feed products that have not been approved by the national veterinary administrative department, especially veterinary drugs such as hormone drugs that affect the reproduction of dairy cows, substances with estrogen-like functions, hypnotic sedatives and adrenergic drugs.

2. Allow the use of traditional Chinese medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines that meet the regulations for the prevention and treatment of dairy cow diseases. Allow the use of prescribed calcium, phosphorus, selenium, potassium and other supplements, acid-base balance drugs, body fluid supplements, electrolyte supplements, blood volume supplements, anti-anemia drugs, vitamins, adsorbents, laxatives, lubricants, acidifiers, local hemostatic drugs, convergent drugs and digestive drugs.

3. The use of antimicrobials, antiparasitics and reproductive hormones approved by the competent department of veterinary drugs shall be allowed, but the prescribed route of administration, dosage, course of treatment and matters needing attention shall be strictly observed. Strictly abide by the provisions of the drug withdrawal period. Varieties with no prescribed drug withdrawal period should abide by the rule that milk should be abandoned for not less than 7 days, and attention should be paid to avoid contaminating milk when antiparasite drugs are used externally.

4. be careful with veterinary drugs and other veterinary drugs that act on the nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system and urinary system.

5. To establish and keep records of immune procedures of dairy cows, and to establish and keep treatment records of diseased dairy cows, including the animal number or other signs, the time of onset and symptoms, the process of treatment, the time of treatment, the course of treatment, the trade name of the drugs used and the active ingredients.