
How to raise and manage the breeding ram of small tail Han sheep

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Small-tailed Han sheep, an animal under the subfamily Bovidae and Sheep subfamily, is a dual-purpose sheep breed for meat fur in China, with rapid growth, precocious maturity, strong fecundity, stable genetic performance and strong adaptability. it is regarded as the national treasure of China and the super of the world.

Small-tailed Han sheep is a kind of animal belonging to Bovidae and Ovine subfamily. It is a kind of sheep with both meat and fur in China. It has the characteristics of fast growth, early maturity, strong reproductive power, stable heredity and strong adaptability. It is regarded as a fine breed of famous livestock by the state and praised as "National Treasure" of China,"Super Sheep" and "High-leg Sheep" in the world.

Rearing of Rams

Feeding of rams in non-breeding period

In addition to supplying sufficient heat energy, the breeding ram should pay attention to the adequate supply of nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals during the non-breeding period. 80~90kg breeding rams without mating tasks generally require about 1.5 kg of feed per day, and about 150g of digestible crude protein. During the non-breeding period, the sheep farm was supplied with 0.4kg concentrate, 2.0~2.6kg hay, 0.5kg root fodder, bone meal and salt all the year round, and kept grazing and sports.

Breeding of breeding rams during breeding period

During breeding period, 1mL ejaculation of breeding ram required nutrients equivalent to 50g digestible crude protein. Therefore, at this time, more than 500g of concentrate must be added every day. The practice proved that the breeding ram got enough protein, the sexual function was vigorous, the sperm density was high, and the conception rate of ewes was high. Therefore, the diet of breeding ram should be gradually increased from non-breeding period to breeding period 1~1.5 months before breeding. 80~90kg of breeding ram need more than 2.0 kg of feed unit and more than 250g of digestible crude protein per day. With the increase of semen collection times per day, the feeding standard and other special needs feed (eggs, skim milk) will be gradually increased. During breeding period, breeding rams were supplied with 0.8~ 1.0 kg concentrate, 0.5~ 1.0 kg milk and 2~4 eggs per day. The average daily amount of bone meal and salt was 10g and 15g respectively. For the ram with low semen concentration, the feed amount of various animal proteins can be increased. For the ram with poor sperm activity, the exercise amount should be increased. The daily grazing exercise should be combined with the fixed time, distance and speed.

The requirements for ram feed are high nutritional value, sufficient protein, vitamins and minerals, easy digestion and good palatability. Good hold grass has clover, clover, green swallowgrass and so on. Succulent feedstuffs include carrots, beets or silage corn. Concentrate has oats, barley, peas, black beans, corn, sorghum, bean cakes, wheat bran and so on. High quality grass and leguminous mixed hay, as the main feed for the ram, throughout the year, should be fed as much as possible. In summer, half of the grass is mowed, and in winter, silage is added. Supplement mixed concentrate for nutritional deficiencies in the diet. Concentrate can not be more than corn or barley, and bran, peas, soybeans or cake residue supplement protein extraction. Excellent rams with heavy breeding tasks can be supplemented with animal feed. In order to complete the breeding task, non-breeding period should strengthen feeding, strengthen exercise, grazing when conditions permit, laying the foundation for breeding period. Before the breeding period, the weight should be 10%-15% higher than that of the breeding season. If this index is not achieved, breeding will be affected. In the non-breeding period, in addition to grazing, in winter, 0.5 kg of concentrate, 3 kg of hay, 0.5 kg of carrots, 5 g-10 g of salt and 5 g of bone meal are generally supplemented daily. In summer, grazing is the main method, and concentrate is supplemented appropriately. Feed 3 - 4 times a day and drink 1 - 2 times a day. The breeding period is divided into two stages: the preparation period (1 month to 1.5 months before breeding) and the breeding period. The feed amount should be increased during the preparation period, 60%-70% of the breeding feed amount should be given, and the concentrate feed amount should be gradually increased to the breeding period. The nerves of the rams in the breeding period are in an excited state, often uneasy, not at ease to feed, the management of this period should be particularly careful, to get up early and go to bed late, less to frequently add, many times feeding. Feed quality is good, when the heart is necessary, some fish meal, eggs, goat milk can be supplemented to supplement a large number of nutrients consumed during the breeding period. Protein deficiency and poor quality during mating will affect ram performance, semen quality and conception rate. The daily feed ration during breeding period is roughly: mixed concentrate 1.2 kg-1.4 kg, alfalfa hay or wild hay 2 kg, carrots 0.5 kg-1.5 kg, salt 15-20 g, bone meal 5 g-10 g, blood meal or fish meal 5 g. Forage was given twice to three times and water was given three times to four times. The daily grazing or exercise time is about 6 hours. With a good concentrate to be evenly scattered in the trough, to often observe the appetite of the ram is good or bad, in order to adjust the feed in time, to determine the health of the ram. The ram must stay away from the ewes, otherwise when the ewes cry, the ram will stand at the door and climb on the wall, looking around to affect the feeding. The ram house should be ventilated, sunny and dry. Each ram needs about 2 square meters. Summer high temperature, humidity, semen quality will have adverse effects, this period should be grazing in cool highlands, in a well-ventilated shade rest. Rams are bred properly. Generally, one ram can bear the breeding task of 30 - 50 ewes. Sperm was collected from 1 month to 1.5 months before mating, and semen quality was checked. Sperm collection begins once a week, then increases to twice a week, and at breeding time, sperm collection is performed once-twice a day. Do not collect sperm continuously. For 1.5-year-old breeding rams, semen collection should not exceed 1 - 2 times a day, and for 2.5-year-old breeding rams, semen collection should be 3 - 4 times a day. For those who collect sperm more frequently, there should be rest time during which rams should not eat too much before collecting sperm.