
What should be paid attention to in pangolin culture?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pangolin I think many people are not particularly familiar with it, perhaps you have heard its name, but its efficacy and role is not a special understanding, so the pangolin breeding on the market is not very common. What is a pangolin?

Pangolin I think many people are not particularly familiar with it, perhaps you have heard its name, but its efficacy and role is not a special understanding, so the pangolin breeding on the market is not very common.

What is pangolin?

Pangolin (Latin name: Manis), is a general name for the genus pangolin of the pangolin family, a total of 8 species. Terrestrial mammal having a long, narrow body, scaly nails all over the body, thick and short limbs, a flattened and long tail, and a slightly raised back. Pangolins live mostly in subtropical deciduous forests. During the day, he often lives in the cave and clogs it with soil. They often go out at night to find food, sleep during the day and go out at night, and curl up into a ball when they meet the enemy. Pangolins are rare in the wild, and private hunting and consumption are prohibited in China.

What should be paid attention to in pangolin culture?

Pangolin is also known as mud carp and unicorn. It is a rare medicinal animal. Pangolins have high medicinal value. Li Shizhen recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica: "scale can cure acne, madness, dysmenorrhea and milk." Its meat and scales can be used as medicine.

Pangolin belongs to mammal class, Lepidoptera, pangolin family. The body length is generally 40-55 cm, the tail is flat and thick, shorter than the body. The body and tail are covered with imbricate horny scales; the head is small, the tip of the snout, mouth, ears and eyes are small, toothless, slender tongue, can protrude from the mouth to fetch food. The limbs are short and the claws are strong and sharp, used to scratch the ground for food or to dig caves. Staple food such as ants or insects. Wild mainly distributed in Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Hunan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan and other warm and humid provinces in the south, living in hilly and mountainous forests, thickets, grass and other places.

Pangolin is a second-class protected animal in the country, which is strictly forbidden to be hunted and killed. Its nail tablet is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine in China. In recent years, due to the wild pangolin being overcaught, the number of wild pangolins has decreased sharply, and there are few artificial breeders, so the traditional Chinese medicine market is tight, and the price soars with high economic value. But if you want to raise, you need to solve three major problems: first, to obtain the approval of the local forestry department to capture pangolins in the wild; second, to create an ecological environment suitable for pangolins to survive and breed; and third, the problem of feed. Pangolins feed mainly on termites and feed on black ants and ant larvae, and the problem of artificial mixed feed should be solved.

Pangolins that have just been caught will generally refuse to eat. At this time, the method of filling should be used for 2-3 days.

Pangolin can be reproduced in four seasons, 1 male and 4 female, giving birth to at least 2 babies a year, each birth 1 to 2, the newborn baby is scaleless, white and nourished by breast milk. After the weight reaches 250 grams, you can live independently and look for food on your own.

Three problems paid attention to in the process of breeding

1. In the diet, properly add ① vitamins c and e, ② trace elements plus zinc and iron tablets, ③ stimulating hormone, and pay attention to the timely replacement of the diet.

2. In the process of breeding, we should prevent the external noise for a long time, prevent escape, and keep the pool with long running water.

3. A pangolin usually weighs about 500 grams in winter.

The living habits of pangolin

1. Environment: pangolins grow in tropical and subtropical areas, live in moist areas in foothills, hills or plains, especially like muddy land mixed with small stones, dig holes to live, and caves are often built in the soil zone, with a depth of 2-4 meters and nests at the end.

2. Activity: pangolins often hide in holes during the day and come out at night. When walking, the feet of the front feet touch the ground, walk on the back of claws, can climb trees, often use the tail as an accessory organ, vision is weak, when the enemy is frightened, it is rolled into a ball to protect the head and abdomen with armour, so it is very easy to catch.

3. Eating habits: pangolins mainly eat termites, ants, bees and other small insects. When foraging, break part of the nest with the long claws of the forefoot, then insert the ant hole with a kiss and lick the ants with a sticky, retractable tongue.

4. Reproduction: pangolins are usually cohabited by males and females, and generally enter the reproductive stage when their body weight is more than 2 kilograms. generally, pangolins are in estrus from May to July, give birth from November to December, and the pregnancy period is 5-6 months. the male is in estrus all the time and does not show periodicity. The female has 2-5 estrus cycles and 12-25 days of estrus, and the female no longer estrus after conception. Males look for females everywhere when they are in estrus. During estrus, males and females cohabit and separate after mating. A has one child a year. Under the condition of artificial feeding, it can give birth to three births in 2 years.

In the process of pangolin breeding, first of all, we need to understand the living habits of pangolins, pangolins belong to the country's second-class protected animals, can not be killed wantonly. Pangolin not only has high edible value, but also has high medicinal value.