
What do you need to pay attention to in rural chicken farming?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Native chickens should choose natural grasslands, natural mountains, orchards and fields with superior ecological environment, which are suitable for grazing. It is required that there is no large pollution source within 5 kilometers around the farm house, there is abundant forage, and there is a stream, spring water is the best, and the slope of the mountain is not

Native chickens should choose natural grasslands, natural mountains, orchards and fields that are suitable for grazing. It is required that there is no large pollution source within 5 kilometers around the house, there is rich forage, and there are streams and mountain springs are the best, the mountain slope is not more than 25 °, and the leeward to the sun, shady trees, abundant water sources, convenient water collection. Large-scale farming also requires road traffic and power supply to facilitate the transportation and processing of feed and products. According to the design standard of the size of the chicken house and playground, the general chicken house is 0.1 square meters per chicken, and the sports ground is calculated according to 1 square meter per chicken. It is best to surround the playground with bamboo hedges and plastic nets. Breeding season: the breeding of native chickens must choose a suitable brooding season to facilitate the grazing and breeding of ecological chickens. According to the climatic characteristics of the mountainous areas, it is generally best to choose brooding from March to June. Because of this period of temperature from low to high, sufficient light, conducive to the growth and development of chickens, conducive to the improvement of the survival rate of brooding. Need nutrition: in the brooding and breeding stage, according to the nutritional needs of the chicken growth stage, ensure the feed supply and supplement of chicks, adult chickens and adult chickens. Generally, before grazing, it is required to feed 5 Mel 6 times a day, while ensuring adequate clean drinking water. After entering the stocking period and having a strong ability of free predation, artificial feeding can be gradually reduced to 3 times per day, and pay attention to less feeding in the morning and more feeding in the evening. Breeding method: the stocking training of native chicken is a key link in raising, starting from the chicks. After raising the chicks in the house for 4 weeks, the weight reached about 200 grams. At this time, the chicks were scattered in a field with grass and fences, purposefully training the chicken's conditioned reflex. After a certain period of training, the chicks came back to eat and drink when they heard the artificial voice. At this time, we should seize the opportunity to train chickens' ability of foraging and forage hunting. After about 4 Mel training for 6 weeks, the chicks formed conditioned reflex, and their predation ability and self-protection ability were greatly improved. When the weight of a chicken reaches about 500 grams, it already has the basic conditions for stocking. It is possible to spread the chickens to a predetermined grazing ground, start the natural ecological breeding of chickens, and let the chickens display their abilities in the open mountains, freely catching insects, looking for grass, and pecking at the tender grass. The growing period of native chicken is mainly stocking, and it is active in the wild most of the time, and the growing period of ecological chicken is relatively long, which generally takes 5 months, so it is possible to spread various diseases at any time. For this reason, we must do a good job of chicken vaccination. The prevention and control of chicken epidemic disease is "serious" in prevention, and "expensive" is early. Chicken Marek's vaccine should be vaccinated from the first day after hatching. At the same time, under the guidance of veterinarians, vaccination against Newcastle disease, chicken bronchitis, avian influenza, avian cholera, bursa of Fabricius, and fowlpox should be done well. In addition, we should also pay attention to timely prevention, control and treatment of other diseases in order to ensure the healthy growth of ecological chickens. Disease prevention and treatment: Newcastle disease is caused by Newcastle disease virus, which is mainly characterized by dyspnea, diarrhea, green feces, mental depression and neurological symptoms, head and facial swelling, termination of egg production, and so on. The mortality rate of sensitive chickens is as high as 50% and 70%. Preventive measures: from 7 days old to 10 days old, the chicks were given drinking water or nasal drops of tetravalent vaccine, and at the age of 18 days, they were given second immunity, and over 60 days old, they were injected intramuscularly with Newcastle disease line I (Qiwei Kangdu drinking water should be used before and after each vaccination. It can effectively improve the immunity of the vaccine and the disease resistance of the body, and Hengjiekang mixture is usually used to reduce the incidence of Newcastle disease). Fowlpox is caused by fowlpox virus, scab can be seen in all parts of the body of diseased chickens, laryngeal fowlpox can be seen oral and esophageal tracheal mucosa ulcers or yellow-white lesions. Preventive measures: from 14 days to 21 days old, they were inoculated with fowlpox vaccine. Infectious bursitis is caused by infectious bursitis virus. The disease is caused by white or light green dung, mental exhaustion, drooping head, closed eyelids, loose and sagging feathers, and finally extreme exhaustion and dehydration. Preventive measures: drinking water with attenuated bursal disease vaccine from 14 days to 21 days old, adding 2% skimmed milk powder to the water; continuous drinking water with quick-acting cystic disease after vaccine can reduce the stress response of vaccine and control the incidence of bursal disease. Prevention and treatment of bacterial disease colibacillosis is caused by Escherichia coli, chickens show anorexia, loose feathers, do not like to move, and finally die; adult chickens have shrunk crown, pale face, and some diarrhea. Some infections show clinical symptoms, such as arthritis, ophthalmitis and respiratory symptoms. Treatment: antibiotics (such as Kana, Xinxin, chlorine, streptomycin), sulfonamides and furans are all effective. Chicken white dysentery is caused by salmonella. Diseased chickens are characterized by poor flesh, poor appetite, sagging wings, loose feathers, crouching and yellow-white or green feces. Prevention and control measures: drink water with norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin or enrofloxacin. Avian cholera is caused by Pasteurella multocida; the most acute type of diseased chicken suddenly dies; the acute type of diseased chicken feathers loose, does not eat, shortness of breath, nose discharge of foamy mucus, yellow, gray or green thin feces, body temperature rises to 43 ℃ ~ 44 ℃, coma, 1 ~ 3 days death; chronic type shows arthritis, claudication, dyspnea and so on. Prevention and treatment measures: sulfonamides, penicillin, streptomycin and erythromycin are effective (chicks use Fengqiang Hengliyuan / ceftiofur sodium + Victoria drinking water to purify white dysentery and reduce the infection rate of Escherichia coli). Prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases the common parasitic diseases in chickens are taeniasis, ascariasis and coccidiosis. Taeniasis and ascariasis chickens infected with tapeworm and Ascaris lumbricoides showed slow growth, pale crown, anemia, loose feathers, prolapse of wings, enteritis and dysentery. Albendazole 5 mg per kilogram of body weight can dispel these two kinds of parasites. Coccidiosis chicks aged from half a month to 2 months are the most susceptible to coccidiosis, often characterized by anemia, emaciation, dysentery and blood in feces. The drugs to get rid of coccidiosis can choose toptrazuril solution to drink water, and usually use sulfadiazine suspension + Escherichia coli special water to do regular health care and prevention, and can control the intestinal infection of chickens and reduce the occurrence of enterotoxic syndrome.