
Breeding techniques of Rex Rabbit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rex rabbit, originally from France. Is a typical leather rabbit, because its fur is very similar to the precious fur animal otter, so it is called Rex rabbit. Compared with other rabbits, narcoleptic Rex rabbits are more likely to get sleepy or sleep under certain conditions, especially in daily life.

Rex rabbit, originally from France. Is a typical leather rabbit, because its fur is very similar to the precious fur animal otter, so it is called Rex rabbit.

Life habits


Compared with other rabbits, Rex rabbits are easier to enter sleepy or sleep state under certain conditions, especially very quiet during the day, except for a small amount of food and water, most of them are still, close their eyes and even sleep.

Night feeding

Rex rabbit

The Rex rabbit has the habit of moving at night, which is very quiet during the day, while it is active, feeding and drinking frequently at night. According to the determination, the nocturnal feed intake of Rex rabbits accounts for about 60% of the total.


Rex rabbits like to clean and dry living environment. Clean and dry environmental conditions can ensure the health of Rex rabbits, while moist and filthy environments often lead to the spread of infectious diseases and parasitic diseases. The disease resistance of Rex rabbits is poor, and it is generally difficult to treat.

Hair changing rule

The hair changing of Rex rabbits can be divided into two types: age changing and seasonal changing.

1. Age-related hair change. It happens in young rabbits and young rabbits. The age of 30-150 days after birth is the first age sexual hair changing period. According to the author's experience, the skin is the most economical after the first age-related hair change. The second age sexual hair change was mostly between 170 and 240 days old, and the hair change lasted for a long time. If the first age sexual hair change is in spring or autumn, the second age sex hair change will often begin immediately.

two。 Seasonal hair change. It refers to the hair changing of adult rabbits in spring and autumn. The hair change is generally from the beginning of March to the end of April in spring and from the beginning of September to the end of November in autumn. The hair changing time between the south and the north of China is generally about half a month due to the difference of climatic conditions.

Feeding requirement

Rex rabbit feeding is critical, to feed formula feed should be reasonable mix, do not feed a single breed. The nutritional composition of Rex rabbit diet is as follows: 10% of crude protein, 10% of crude fiber, 5% of fat, 2800 calories of digestible energy and 10% of amino acids per kilogram. If feeding formula feed unconditionally, soybeans, bean cakes, wheat bran, corn and other succulent feeds such as carrots should be added appropriately. Especially in winter, the weather is cold, the heat energy consumption is large, the Rex rabbit needs more energy than other seasons, and there is a lack of green fodder, so it is necessary to adjust the Rex rabbit feed formula in winter and increase the feed feed. the digestible energy per kilogram of feed is 100% 200 kcal higher than that of other seasons. in the formula, the proportion of energy feed corn is increased to increase the digestible energy of feed, and the feed amount is 20% and 30% higher than usual. Lack of green feed in winter, Rex rabbits lack of vitamin supply, feed should pay special attention to vitamin supplement, 30% higher than usual. Coarse fodder such as peanut seedling, bean straw and sweet potato seedling were crushed and mixed with corn, peanut cake, wheat bran, bone meal, salt and other raw materials to feed rabbits. What needs to be reminded is that when feeding pellet feed, it is necessary to feed warm water; when feeding powder, mix the material with warm water, feed it less frequently, and take no leftovers in the trough to prevent the leftovers from freezing. In the aspect of forage grass, we can choose some forage varieties with high yield, high quality and strong adaptability, such as hn-mc bitter cabbage, hn-mc chicory, hn-mc ryegrass, hn-mc alfalfa, hn-mc bamboo grass, hn-mc Russian fodder vegetable and so on. In addition, sweet potato vines, carrots, peanut vines, turnips and cauliflower leaves are also good fodder for rabbits and can be planted and utilized comprehensively. Rex rabbits should not be fed too much, adult rabbits should be fed 4 times a day, young rabbits should be fed 4 times a day, 70% to 80% full each time, do not feed too often or too full, in order to prevent rabbit diarrhea and abdominal distension.

Growth and reproduction

Mating time

The sexual maturity age of Rex rabbits is 3.5-4 months old, the first mating age is 6-7 months old for male rabbits and 5-6 months old for female rabbits, and the useful life is 3-4 years. The female rabbit estrus cycle 8-15 days, the Rex rabbit is also an irritant ovulation animal, artificial insemination generally has the highest conception rate within 2-5 hours after stimulating ovulation, natural mating is in the peak estrus, when the vaginal mucosa is flushed and moist, the conception rate is the highest, generally using repeated breeding and double breeding, the male-female ratio is 1:8-10, and the mating frequency of male rabbits is preferably once every 2 days or 3-5 times a week. When mating, the female rabbit should be put into the male rabbit cage. The breeding time is the best in spring and autumn, which is from 8 am to 11:00, early morning and evening in summer, and the rest period of female rabbits is from July 14 to August 20 because of the hot summer weather. In winter, the relatively warm noon was used to improve the conception rate of female rabbits.

Feeding of young rabbits

Generally speaking, a rabbit from birth to weaning is called a baby rabbit. It usually opens its eyes at the age of 13 and begins to feed at the age of 18. It is fed with a small amount of easily digestible and nutritious feed, such as soybean milk, milk or rice soup and chopped tender grass and vegetable leaves. After 20 days of age, oatmeal, wheat bran or bean dregs and a small amount of charcoal powder, minerals, antibiotics, onions, garlic and other anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, stomach medicine can be added to strengthen the physique and reduce disease. Young rabbits are called young rabbits from weaning to 3 months old, and young rabbits from 3 months old to slaughtering their skins.

Seed retention standard

Medium, adult rabbits weigh more than 4.0-5.0 kg, body length 56-68 cm, chest circumference about 40 cm, can reproduce 4-5 babies a year, each giving birth to 6-8 babies. The standard of breeding is that most male and female rabbits are 3.5-4.5kg, which generally requires higher requirements for male rabbits.