
The method of artificial culture of baby fish

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The breeding method of baby fish: first, choosing a suitable environment for the success of artificial culture of baby fish is very important to the culture environment. 1. The aquaculture water temperature should be suitable. According to years of observation, the most suitable water temperature for the growth of baby fish is 16-22 ℃. The temperature is higher in summer in the low mountains, if the water temperature

Feeding method of baby fish

First, choose a suitable environment

Whether the artificial culture of baby fish can be successful, the culture environment is very important.

1. The aquaculture water temperature should be suitable. According to years of observation, the most suitable water temperature for the growth of baby fish is 16-22 ℃. In the low mountains, the summer temperature is higher, if the water temperature exceeds 26 ℃, the growth of baby fish will be affected, sometimes there will be "summer dormancy" phenomenon, too high temperature will also lead to the death of baby fish; but if the altitude is too high, the ambient temperature and water temperature is too low, the effective growth time of baby fish is short, the growth rate is slow, and culture is not cost-effective. Therefore, for raising baby fish, it is best to choose an area with an altitude of 500 to 800 meters above sea level and where there is no severe cold in winter and no heat in summer.

two。 The water quality of aquaculture is better. Baby fish like to be clean and afraid of dirt, and they have very strict requirements on the water quality of their environment. Wild baby fish generally live in deep mountains, valleys and rivers where natural vegetation is good, the environment is pollution-free, and human beings rarely set foot in. For artificial breeding of baby fish in mountainous areas, it is best to choose small stream ditches and springs with perennial running water, and you can also use the bottom water of large and medium-sized reservoirs with fresh water quality. in short, the water quality should be fresh, fresh, pollution-free, high dissolved oxygen and neutral PH value. Some of the chemicals from mountain farmland, mines and urban tap water may exceed the standard and cannot be used as water for baby fish culture.

3. The breeding environment should be quiet. Baby fish have the habit of being quiet and afraid of fear, and being afraid of chicken in yin, so a quiet environment is very important for raising baby fish. To build doll fish farms in mountainous areas, it is best to choose places surrounded by mountains, luxuriant trees, sparsely populated, relatively independent, quiet and shady environment, and do appropriate cover. Some farmers use natural rock caves, or artificially dig tunnels where there is water, which can not only maintain constant temperature, avoid light, quiet, but also prevent escape and theft, and the breeding effect is very good.

In order to meet the above conditions, it is best to choose a suitable environment to build a farm in the place of origin of baby fish. In addition, the mountain area is prone to sudden floods in summer, so we should also do a good job of preventing erosion and escape when building the site.

II. Scientific and rational construction of ponds

1. Build a pool. After the culture site is determined, the culture pond should be built with shade and light protection, management and convenient access to water. Because the baby fish have the habit of bullying, bullying the small and killing each other when they are short of bait and extreme hunger, breeding baby fish needs to build a large number of small ponds, which are classified and raised separately. Aquaculture ponds generally adopt brick-concrete structure, and the area of each small pond is determined according to the size of the baby fish, 1 square meter per hour, 2 square meters and 4 square meters, but the pond height needs to be more than 1 meter. The bottom of the pool is supported by a slate to form a gap, or a foam board is placed to float on the surface of the water for the baby fish to hide underneath. The inner wall of the pool should be flattened with cement to prevent the baby fish from escaping or scratching. There are walkways between each row of culture ponds to facilitate daily management such as feeding.

two。 In and out of the water system. Each aquaculture pond should be equipped with water inlet and outlet, generally located at both ends of the pond. In order to prevent cross-infection when the doll fish get sick, the inlet of each culture pond should be directly connected to the main inlet pipe and enter the water from the main pipe. In addition, sewage outlets should be set up at the bottom of the culture pond to remove baby fish faeces and metabolites and keep the water quality clean.

3. Seed and seedling release

1. Buy. Farmers had better go to the nearest doll fish artificial breeding center to buy artificially bred healthy and disease-free seedlings. At present, baby fish seedlings are more expensive, in order to ensure the survival rate, new farmers had better buy doll fish fry with a weight of more than 100 grams, which is not only easy to survive, but also grows rapidly.

two。 Drop it. Because baby fish have ferocious and aggressive living habits, especially adult baby fish, when they feel hungry due to lack of food, they often bite and beat them at night, the light ones are injured, and the serious ones even kill the baby fish and swallow them. Therefore, farmed baby fish must be released according to size, strength and weakness. Appropriate sparse breeding. Generally, according to the size of culture ponds and fish fry, each pond put 5-10 doll fry of the same specification, which can be dense when the fish is small and sparse when large. It should be noted that because the bricks, cement and lime used to build the pond are alkaline, the newly built culture pond can not immediately put in the baby fish fry. The pond must be filled with stream water for 2-3 days, wash clean and release the dirty water, and then soak and rinse repeatedly for more than 3 times until the water into the pond is neutral (PH value is about 7) before releasing doll fry. If there is no PH test strip, you can first put the rice field eel and other fish fry in the pond for 2 or 3 days, and then release the doll fry after making sure that there is no problem. If it is raised in the old pond, it is necessary to soak and disinfect with 1PPM bleach and 0.5PPM crystal trichlorfon in advance, and rinse it off repeatedly with clean water before putting in the baby fry.

IV. Feeding and management

1. Throw in. Baby fish have a wide range of recipes, such as fish, shrimp, crab, Loach, eel, frog, earthworm, insect, as well as offal such as pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens and other offal, but the bait must be fresh. In order to solve the problem of long-term feeding, artificial culture in mountainous areas can be accompanied by breeding small miscellaneous fish, or breeding earthworms, yellow powder insects, snails and so on. Baby fish have a strong ability to endure hunger, and they will not starve to death without eating for a long time, but they have the habit of overeating after a long time of hunger, and the same kind of cannibalism will occur when there is a lack of food. therefore, farmed baby fish should pay attention to observe and feed them regularly, quantitatively and evenly according to water temperature, weather and feeding conditions, so as to promote the healthy growth of baby fish.

two。 Administration and Management. First, it is necessary to manage the water well, always keep a slight flow of water in the pond, keep the water fresh, clean, high dissolved oxygen, and maintain an appropriate water level, not only to prevent dry ponds, but also to prevent fish from escaping; second, to control the water temperature, especially in the high temperature season, to strengthen the exchange of water, so that the water temperature should always be kept below 25 ℃; third, we should pay attention to avoid light, and shade should be set up in time when the sun is strong, so as to prevent and cure the direct culture ponds with strong light. Fourth, the pond should be kept clean, and sundries such as baby fish feces and anti-vomiting pieces of bait should be removed in time to prevent water quality corruption from causing various diseases; fifth, it is necessary to prevent escape and theft, especially during the rainstorm season, to prevent baby fish from escaping by opportunity.