
Breeding methods and key points of goslings

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In fact, we all know that children's resistance is relatively weak, and they are easy to get sick and infected. In fact, the same is true of goslings. The resistance of goslings is much weaker than that of geese, so the care of goslings is more troublesome than that of geese. It takes more thought.

In fact, we all know that children's resistance is relatively weak, and they are easy to get sick and infected. In fact, the same is true of goslings. The resistance of goslings is much weaker than that of geese, so the care of goslings is more troublesome than that of geese. It takes more thought.

The feeding method of goslings

1, goose taboo greasy, with washed cut fine and fresh green feed mixed with chopped rice for 10-15 days, the proportion of green material should be more.

2. Feed 3murine 4 times during the day and 1 Murray twice in the evening, and provide clean drinking water.

3. After 15 days, you can feed all the green feed, and feed bran, bran and a small amount of cereal flour and other concentrate in the evening.

4. In places with mild climate, goslings can be stocked on nearby pastures 5 days after they come out of their shells, feed on tender grass and reduce feeding, and the goslings can be bathed in water where the sun can be exposed outdoors for more than 10 minutes, and the goslings can be allowed to enter the water freely 20 days later.

5. Cold paddy fields, deep water, stagnant water sewers and mud fields should not be released.

6. 40 days ago, goslings should beware of rain, prevent stacking at night, and frequently change the shack mat grass to keep the stable dry and clean.

7, 60-day-old goslings, mainly to release, generally no longer feed bran and bran. Fine sand pads can be used if it is hot to prevent overheating. If you use nesting goose to raise young, i00 goslings or so, put 3-4 female geese and a male goose. A male goose can defend against enemy attacks.

After the Gosling comes out of its shell, it will be removed from the nest when the fluff is dry. The goslings hatched by the eggs laid by the young goose are fed for about 36 hours, and the goslings hatched by the eggs laid by the adult goose are fed 24 hours. Goose taboo greasy, with washed cut fine and fresh green feed mixed with chopped rice for 10-15 days, the proportion of green material should be more. Feed 3murine 4 times during the day and 1 Murray twice in the evening, and provide clean drinking water. After 15 days, you can feed all the green feed, and feed bran, bran and a small amount of cereal flour and other concentrate in the evening.

In places with mild climate, goslings can be stocked on nearby pastures 5 days after they come out of the shell, feed on tender grass and reduce feeding, and the goslings can be bathed in water where the sun can be exposed outdoors for more than 10 minutes, and the goslings can be allowed to enter the water freely after 15 minutes. Cold paddy fields, deep water, sewers and mud fields should not be released. Goose 40 days ago, to guard against rain, at night to prevent stacking, and frequently change the shack mat grass to keep the stable dry and clean. 60-day-old goslings, mainly to release, generally no longer feed bran and bran. Fine sand pads can be used if it is hot to prevent overheating. If you use nesting goose to raise young, i00 goslings or so, put 3-4 female geese and a male goose. A male goose can defend against enemy attacks.

The main points of raising goslings

First, choose the goslings. The strong goslings are characterized by lively behavior, bright eyes, sensitive response, good yolk contraction, stable standing after dry hair, strong call, and rapid contraction of feet when holding the neck with hands. Weak chicks such as big belly and tilted head should be eliminated.

Second, the temperature is suitable. It was 25-28 ℃ at 1-5 days old, 23-26 ℃ at 6-10 days old, 20-24 ℃ at 11-20 days old, and 17-20 ℃ after 21 days old.

Third, careful feeding. Regular and quantitative feeding should be adopted, and the method of feeding 80% less frequently should be adopted. 24 hours after coming out of the shell, the goslings should be fed with water and then fed with soaked chopped rice and filamentous vegetables. The first two days after feeding 4-5 times, 4-10-day-old feeding times increased to 5-7 times, dietary concentrate accounted for 35%, green vegetables accounted for 65%. At the age of 11-20 days, it was mainly made of green materials. After 21 days of age, it was changed to cereal feed and fed 4-5 times a day.

Fourth, raising chicks separately. Each batch of goslings can be divided into large, medium, small or strong, so they must be divided into groups reasonably to achieve the goal of uniform growth and neat development of the whole group. Brooding should be in small groups, 50-80 in each group, checking group by group during the day and night, and manipulating the goslings 4-5 times by hand to prevent the phenomenon of cold above, heat in the middle and pressure below caused by the stacking of goslings.

Fifth, graze at the right time. After eating, get up every other hour, so as to adjust the temperature and emit water vapor. After 7 days of age, choose to release water in a clean shallow pond in a clear and windless day. The starting time should be short and the road should be short.

Sixth, prevention and treatment of diseases. The disease resistance of goslings is weak, the enclosure should be cleaned frequently, the bedding grass should be changed frequently, and the material trough should be brushed with alkali water once a week, focusing on the prevention and control of Gosling influenza and Gosling plague in the brooding stage.

Heat preservation technology of goslings

The ability of Gosling to regulate body temperature is weak, so temperature and humidity should be strictly controlled in feeding. The length of the incubation period varies with breed, air temperature, day age and the strength of goslings, which generally needs to be kept for 3 weeks. The suitable temperature for brooding is 1-5-day-old 28-℃-27 ℃, 6-10-day-old 26-℃ 25-℃, 11-15-day-old 24-22-℃, 16-20-day 22 ℃, 20-day-old 18 ℃.

Whether the temperature is appropriate can be understood by observing the performance of the goslings. When the goslings are crowded into piles and do not eat, it shows that they are afraid of cold and the temperature is on the low side. At this time, in addition to increasing the temperature, they also use hands to disperse the goslings to make them move and prevent them from being crushed to death. If the goslings open their mouths to breathe, the call is high and short, and the amount of drinking water increases, indicating that the temperature is on the high side, so that drinking water should be increased and the temperature should be cooled appropriately in time. When the goslings stretch their legs, in small groups, lie silent or regularly eat, drink and defecate, exercise once every 15 minutes, which is a specific manifestation of the appropriate temperature.

The humidity of the goose house is also very important to the health and growth of the goslings, and the relative humidity is generally required to be maintained at 60% Murray 65%. If the humidity is too high and the temperature is low, the goslings are easy to suffer from respiratory diseases and diarrhea; when the humidity is too high and the temperature is too high, the goslings are easy to "sweat", reduce their appetite and reduce their disease resistance. Therefore, when Gosling drinks (because the goose is a waterfowl and has the habit of swimming), it is necessary to keep the Gosling out of the sink, do not touch the body, do not sprinkle water on the ground, and keep the goose house dry. The mat grass or sawdust in the goslings house should be replaced once every 3 days.

The reason why the goslings don't eat.

It is possible that the feed you feed is not palatable to the goose. You can feed it some millet mixed with water or cooked. The diet of goslings is mainly green vegetables, and rice or boiled corn dregs can be added. When feeding, sprinkle the clean vegetable leaves on the grass mat or plate and let the goslings eat freely. If you can't pick food, you can send the vegetable leaves to its mouth or sprinkle it on the goose to induce it to feed. The 1-and 4-day-old goslings have weak digestion and can be fed 5 or 6 times a day. After 4 days of age, the food intake and feeding times should be gradually increased, 8 times a day, 7-80% full each time. Overeating can cause digestive disorders.

If you want the goose to eat feed, you can cut up the green vegetables and slowly add some feed to the vegetables to see if the goslings eat. If the goose eats, you can add feed to the green vegetables every time, and the amount of feed should slowly increase, which is equivalent to domesticating the goose.

The above is the relevant information on the feeding of goslings sorted out by Xiaobian, hoping to help those new goose farmers. The vitality of goslings is relatively fragile, so they should be more careful in taking care of goslings, especially for disease prevention and treatment.